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This project aims to produce a comprehensive manual for statistics on energy consumption in households. It includes launching a network, communication with NSis, subcontracting, external contributions, and more.
PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS MASTERHOUSE Kick-Off Meeting Administrative Matters Jesús P. García Montes IDAE – General Secretary – Planning and Studies Department Luxembourg, 26th January 2012 1
Contents Launching network and Plan of communication with NSis. Web site. Subcontracting. External contributions. Workshop meetings: dates and places. 2 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS
Launching network and Plan of Communication with NSis. • Two letters of Eurostat to the NSi and organizations out of the project • Letter 1: to Germany, Poland, Greece and Cyprus. • Letter 2: to rest of EU NSi, other countries and international organizations • Contents of letters: • Letter 1: to inform them about the beginning of the project, of the countries that will make it and to communicate them that they contact the coordinator of the project if they want to make any contributions to the project. • Letter 2: to inform them about the beginning of the project, of the countries that will make it and to ask them for their collaboration with the project. • Next week, IDAE will prepare and send to EUROSTAT the letter proposals. 3 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS
Web site. • Project will have a Web page located in the Web site of Eurostat. • Information to incorporate in the Web will be agreed between all the partners and Eurostat. • Proposal of contents of the Web page: • Projects Summary • Partners presentation • Newsletters • Deliverables: final reports • Working meeting papers • Logos of Eurostat and project partners. 4 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS
Subcontracting. • Annex I Guide for Applicants Estimated Budget for an Action, Article 2.5 • “Entities which are NSis or other national authorities according to Article 5 of regulation 223/2009 cannot be proposed as subcontractors pre-identified in the application. If necessary, the participation of such entities could be envisaged as co-beneficiaries of the action.” • Technical assistance to the project: Control: IDAE. Cost: 40.000 € • Systematization of the different realities in energy statistics in the EU residential sector , • To contribute to solutions for the treatment and grouping of the different national situations in homogenous groups, • To suggest solutions common for each group of the countries. • Of 1 to 5 contributions of other experts or external organisms to the project: Control: IDAE. Cost: 40.000 € • Institute "Jožef Stefan": Control SORS. Cost 3.000 €. • To elaborate a chapter dedicated to the modelling. Cost 3.000 €. Control: SORS 5 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS
Subcontracting: Technical assistance to the project • To organize and to systematize the situation of the detailed energy statistics of the households sector in the EU MMSS. • To define homogenous groups of countries with similar statistical situations and analyses of the state of art of the correspondent techniques/methods. • Cost/Benefit analyses of the different statistical techniques to use: administrative documentation, surveys, modelling, integration of information, etc. • To design methodologies standardized applied to the best practices based on homogenous groups of situation. • Suggestions and recommendations on the best practices to use in each case. • To elaborate a draft document with the definitions of an operative list of variables/concepts based on task-force 2008. • To equalize styles of writing and presentation of draft manual. 6 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS
External contributions (Part 1) • Germany: • Anticipated that contributes to the Manual with his experience. • Without associated economic cost. • The coordination of this contribution can be made by any partner and we will agree on it when treating the Geographic Cover. • Poland: we propose a subcontract of technical assistance for the elaboration of the chapters of the Manual: • Chapter 5.a Top-down approach: information from suppliers. • Chapter 5.b. Bottom-up approach: surveys and measures. • Chapter 6. Survey techniques: type, sample sizing, organization, evaluation, estimating measurement errors. • The contribution will have economic cost and will be controlled by the coordinator. • A technical and economic tender will be requested to Poland. 7 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS
External contributions (Part 2) • Greece: • We propose a subcontract of technical assistance to complete the geographic cover of the East and South-eastern of the UE non-covered by the partners. • Countries to cover will be determined based on the geographic coverage that we will agree when treating the Geographic Coverage. • The contribution will have economic cost and will be controlled by the coordinator. • A technical and economic tender will be requested to Greece. • Cyprus: • We propose a subcontract of technical assistance to complete the geographic cover of the Mediterranean Sea of the UE non-covered by the partners: Cyprus and Malta. • The contribution will have economic cost and will be controlled by the coordinator. • A technical and economic tender will be requested to Cyprus. 8 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS