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Introduction. The Codified Rules of Ethics and Responsibility in Information and Communication Technology EraScientific Groundings of This Presentation and StudyCodifying Organizations and Associations International and Finnish-Origin OnesMajor Codified RulesEnterprises Own Principles Some P
1. Codified Rules of Ethics and How They Guide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Enterprises Public Discourse-Based Approach Nordplus Neighbour Seminar on "Contextual Approaches to Responsibility in Business Management and Leadership"
Presentation Slides, Spring 2006
Ms Mirja Airos,
Mirja.Airos@econ.jyu.fi,+358 400 672 475
2. Introduction The Codified Rules of Ethics and Responsibility in Information and Communication Technology Era
Scientific Groundings of This Presentation and Study
Codifying Organizations and Associations International and Finnish-Origin Ones
Major Codified Rules
Enterprises Own Principles Some Practical Examples
3. Many businesses today have developed a code of conduct, ethics or something like that and are willing to act in a responsible way Enterprises operating in ICT era are not exceptions
In my study I consider codified rules as discursive statements of the shared commitments, as agreements upon values and concerns and as sentisizing methods for related actors.
In this study the discourses in focus are then ethics and responsibility and how these are constructed in ICT era Codified Rules of Ethics and Responsibility in ICT Era
5. Scientific Groundings Methodological Framework This study belongs to qualitative research tradition
In this study the focus is in discursive structures as communicational elements
This research focuses on the construction of codifying rules of ethics and responsibility discourse
Aim of this study is finding out public representational discourses, which derive from oncoming ethical quandaries
Rules of ethics are presented in a descriptive manner with some signs of analytical viewpoints
This study has both theoretical and empirical/practical dimensions
6. International Codifying Organizations Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) http://www.aitp.org/organization/about/ethics/ethics.jsp
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) http://www.acm.org/constitution/code.html
Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerings (IEEE-CS) http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/about/whatis/code.html
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE, USA) http://www.nspe.org/ethics/
British Computer Society (BCS) http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=nav.6029
Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) http://www.ipsj.or.jp/english/somu/ipsjcode/ipsjcode_e.html
7. Finnish Codifying Organizations Finnish Federation for Communications and Teleinformatics (FiCom) http://www.ficom.fi/en/lyhyesti.html
The Finnish Information Processing Association (FIPA) http://www.ttlry.fi/osaamisyhteisot/etiikan_tyoryhma/
Federation of The Finnish Information Industries http://www.tietoalat.fi/tietoalojen_liitto/english/index.php
The Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers (TEK) http://www.tek.fi/teknologia/etiikka/index.html
The Employers` Association (TIKLI) http://www.tikli.fi/english/
8. Other Codifying Organizations European Commissions Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/csr/index_en.htm
Global Reporting Initiative http://www.globalreporting.org/
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes http://www.sustainability-index.com/
The Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange Company (FTSE) http://www.ftse.com/index.jsp
The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK)
Finnish Business & Society Network (FiBS) http://www.businessandsociety.net/index_en.html
9. Other Codifying Organizations Legal Aspects Codifying rules of ethics have some legal implications as well
Most familiar ones are collective labour agreements and agreements on terms of employment
For Instance Collective Agreement for Information Technology Service Sector http://www.tietoalat.fi/tietoalojen_liitto/suomi/tes/collective_agreement/index.php
Other remarkable ones are statutes on telecommunications, mass media, postal operations and e-commerce enacted by governmental organizations http://www.liikenneministerio.fi/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=lvm/cm/pub/showdoc.p?docid=2200&menuid=235
10. Codified Rules Societal Level (1) In recognition of my obligation to society I shall
*Support, respect, and abide by the appropriate local, state, provincial, and federal laws
(AITP Standards of Conduct)
1. General Moral Imperatives. As an ACM member I will
Contribute to society and human well-being
Honor confidentiality (ACM Code of Ethics)
We, the members of the IEEE
do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree
to reject bribery in all its forms
(IEEE Code of Ethics)
11. Codified Rules Societal Level (2) The Public Interest
You shall ensure that within your professional field/s you have knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation, regulations and standards, and that you comply with such requirements. (BCS Code of Conduct)
Ethical Growth: Computer professionals shall encourage ethically sustainable ways of working to become more common in the field of computing
(FIBA Ethical Codes version 3)
12. Codified Rules Societal Level (3) Living conditions and development status of societies have huge differences globally. Wider utilizing of technic is major way to solve the problems caused by these differences (TEK Honorarycode)
The prohibiting of the processing of location data and the service-specific consent referred to in this Chapter are decided in the case of minors under the age of 15 by their guardian under section 4 of the Child Custody and Right of Access Act (361/1983), and in the case of legally incompetent persons other than minors by their guardian under the Guardianship (FINLEX Act on the Protection of Privacy in El. Comm. [516/2004])
13. Codified Rules Business Level (1) That I have an obligation to my employer
I shall endeavor to discharge this obligation to the best of my ability, to guard my employers interests, and to advise him or her wisely and honestly. (AITP Code of Ethics)
As an ACM member and an organizational leader I will
Articulate social responsibilities of members of an organizational unit and encourage full acceptance of those responsibilities. (ACM Code of Ethics)
We, the members of the IEEE
to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations; (IEEE Code of Ethics)
14. Codified Rules Business Level (2) Communication: Professional shall attempt to communicate with clearly stated language and when needed also to define concepts he is using. Aim of the communication shall be shared vision and understanding thus creating the basis of collective action. (FIPA Ethical Codes version 3)
Responsible business means that enterprises are carrying out sustainable development principles. Sustainable development is based on economical, environmental and social part. All of these three should be in harmony. (EK, also used in TIKLI and Federation of The Finnish Information Industries)
15. Codified Rules Business Level (3) Processing for marketing purposes
A telecommunications operator may, for the purpose of marketing communications services or value added services, process identification data to such an extent and for such a period of time as the marketing requires if the subscriber or user to whom the data applies has given his or her consent thereto. (FINLEX Act on the Protection of Privacy in Electronic Communications [516/2004])
16. Codified Rules Professional Level (1) In recognition of my obligation to my fellow members and the profession I shall: *Be honest in all my professional relationships
Not take advantage of the lack of knowledge or inexperience on the part of others for personal gain. (AITP Standards of Conduct)
More Specific Professional Responsibilities
Strive to achieve the highest quality in both the process and products of professional work. (ACM Code of Ethics)
We, the members of the IEEE
to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics (IEEE Code of Ethics)
17. Codified Rules Professional Level (2) Attitude: Professional is not acting only for himself but also for others. He is taking into account the viewpoints of other parties in focus. He is not giving opportunities for greediness and disregard. He also understands that his work has some meaning only through other people. (FIPA Ethical Codes version 3)
Employer is responsible for that remoteworkers be not displaced or isolated, employer shall give them opportunities, to meet other employees regularly and to gain information produced by enterprise. Remoteworker himself shall nurture communication with enterprise and other workers. (TIKLI Guide for Remote Work in the Field of ICT)
18. Codified Rules Professional Level (3) Current and former employees of a telecommunications operator, value added service provider, corporate or association subscriber or telecommunications contractor referred to in section 137 of the Communications Market Act must not disclose knowledge obtained through their employment about messages, identification data and location data without the consent of a party to the communication or the party to whom the location data applies, unless otherwise provided by law. (FINLEX Act on the Protection of Privacy in Electronic Communications [516/2004])
19. Codified Rules Personal Level (1) In recognition of my obligation to management I shall: *Keep my personal knowledge up-to-date and insure that proper expertise is available when needed. (AITP Standards of Conduct)
As an ACM computing professional I will
honor contracts, agreements, and assigned responsibilities. (ACM Code of Ethics)
We, the members of the IEEE
to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin;9. to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action; (IEEE Code of Ethics)
20. Codified Rules Personal Level (2) Knowledge and Experience: Professional shall be aware of his limitations: he shall know, what he is capable of doing and what he is not. In developing field of industry he shall keep his knowledge up-to-date. He shall know the legislation which concerns his work, for example privacy protections laws. Professional shall not withhold information but shall try to increase the knowledge of his own and other parties involved. He shall share his experiences with others. Professional shall protect the privacy and confidentiality of customers own information and all information entrusted to him. (FIPA Ethical Codes 3)
21. Codified Rules Personal Level (3) Honesty and Responsibility: In my duties I shall be incorruptible and honest. I shall always be responsible for my own actions. My personal responsibility shall not be deducted in cases where I act as a representative of my wider profession. (TEK Honorarycode)
Whoever receives or obtains in any other way knowledge of a confidential message or identification data not intended for him or her must not disclose or make use of the content or identification data of such a message, or the knowledge of its existence, without the consent of a party to the communication, unless otherwise provided by law. (FINLEX Act on the Prot. of Privacy in Electronic Communications [516/2004])
22. Enterprises Own Principles Some Practical Examples TeliaSonera Corporate Social Responsibility:
Nokia Corporate Responsibility:
Tietoenator Corporate Responsibility:
SysOpen Digia:
23. Conclusions According to this short presentation and study codified rules of ethics and responsibility discourse as a whole could be seen as multidimensional issue
Codified rules comply with the normative business and ICT ethics and responsibility discourses as well as with the traditional philosophical discourses
This means that stockholders stakeholders and social contracts are represented, same goes to more philosophical universal thoughts of human rights, trust, honesty, fair etc.
24. Thank You for Seminar Participants! Any Questions? Specifications needed? Counter-arguments?
If You wish to get some additional information or You wish to share Your ideas with me later on, do not hesitate to contact me.
Please, send me e-mail or give me a ring:Mirja.Airos@econ.jyu.fi, +358 400 672 475