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Mechatronics in the education Challenges of the modern developments in education and industry. Lubomir DIMITROV , Prof., PhD Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Sofia Bulgaria. Technical university - Sofia. Mechatronics Brief history
Mechatronics in the educationChallenges of the modern developments in education and industry Lubomir DIMITROV, Prof., PhD Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Sofia Bulgaria Technical university - Sofia
Mechatronics Brief history How do we understand it Demand of Mechatronics engineers in modern industry Trends in education How to respond to the new trends in industry Mechatronics in the educationChallenges of the modern developments in education and industry Technical university - Sofia
Brief history The term “mechatronics” was first introduced in Japan in 1969 to describe the integration ofmechanics and electronics. Technical university - Sofia
Kevin Craig Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA • Balance between modeling/analysis skills and hardware implementation skills • Mechanical engineers to be proficient in control design • Use of Mathematics • Lab exercises, team work to develop and present a mechatronic system "Mechatronics does not changethe design process. It gives the engineer greater knowledge, so the concepts that are developedare better, and communication with other engineering disciplines is improved. The result is ahighly balanced design." Technical university - Sofia
Andrew B. Wright Department of Applied Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA • Teach mechanical design to the system-engineering students • Free-form design project resulting with a prototype concerning its budgeting Technical university - Sofia
Jan Wikander Mechatronics Lab, Department of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden • Shift from mechanical hardware to computer software • Greater integration than the older subsystem-based approach of designing • Interdisciplinary courses integrated in an existing program of mechanical engineering • Design process, problem-basedlearning, team organization Technical university - Sofia
Roland Siegwart Institut de Systémes Robotiques, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland • ”Smart Product Design” • Bonding the interdisciplinary knowledge • Team projects for mobile robots participating in a contest in the end Technical university - Sofia
Masayoshi Tomizuka Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA • Integration • Teamwork • IT tools incorporated in education “Mechatronicsmay be interpreted as the best practice for the synthesis of engineering systems” Technical university - Sofia
Victor Giurgiutiu Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA • Intertwined blend of mechanisms, sensors, actuators, electronics, and information technology • The ideal graduate should be able to hit the ground running in all these areas concurrently in order to achieve maximum performance with minimum training/adaptation time Technical university - Sofia
Van Brussel A famous robotic researcher, supporter of interdisciplinary mechatronic education "In the past, machine andproduct design has, almost exclusively, been the preoccupation of mechanical engineers.Solutions to control and programming problems were added by control and software engineers,after the machine had been designed by mechanical engineers. This sequential-engineeringapproach usually resulted in suboptimal designs. Recently, machine design has beenprofoundly influenced by the evolution of microelectronics, control engineering, and computerscience. What is needed, as a solid basis for designing high-performance machines, is asynergistic cross-fertilization between the different engineering disciplines. This is exactlywhat mechatronics is aiming at: it is a concurrent-engineering view of machine design" Technical university - Sofia
How do we understand the term “Mechatronics” Technical university - Sofia
How do we understand the term “Mechatronics” Information Technologies Technical university - Sofia
How do we understand the term “Mechatronics” Design – CAD/CAM/CAE Information Technologies Production – ERP (CAM,PDM,CIM…) Planning – PLM …………. Technical university - Sofia
Virtual factory The vision of Virtual Manufacturing is to provide a capability to "Manufacture in the Computer". In essence, VM ultimately provides a modeling and simulation environment so powerful that the fabrication/assembly of any product, including the associated manufacturing processes, can be simulated in the computer. This powerful capability would take into account all of the variables in the production environment from shop floor processes to enterprise transactions. In other words, VM will accommodate the visualization of interacting production processes, process planning, scheduling, assembly planning, logistics from the line to the enterprise, and related impacting processes such as accounting, purchasing and management. Technical university - Sofia
Summary of demands for the specialist in Mechatronics Main Demands • Complex knowledge and skills in the area of information technologies, electronics, control systems, computer systems and mechanical engineering • Deep Integrated approach during all stages of design, development, production and repair, support of the products and processes (PLM) • Interdisciplinary engineering education Knowledge and skills • Design • Production • Repair and support Interdisciplinary materials • System design • Microprocessors technology • Digital communications and electronics; knowledge of different interfaces • Software design • Control systems – PLC, Networking and Automation protocols Technical university - Sofia
Mechatronics Engineering:The Need in Industry The USA National Science Board (NSB) publishes Science and Engineering Indicators for the U.S.every two years. The NSB observed alarming trends in the data published in Indicators 2010: “we have observed a troubling decline in the number of U.S. citizens who are training tobecome scientists and engineers, whereas the number of jobs requiring science and engineering(S&E) training continues to grow.” National Science Board, “An Emerging and Critical Problem of the Science andEngineering Labor Force”, A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators 2010,January 2010. Technical university - Sofia
Mechatronics Engineering:The Need in Industry The USA National Science Board (NSB) publishes Science and Engineering Indicators for the U.S.every two years. The NSB observed alarming trends in the data published in Indicators 2010: “we have observed a troubling decline in the number of U.S. citizens who are training tobecome scientists and engineers, whereas the number of jobs requiring science and engineering(S&E) training continues to grow.” • Industry needs more Mechatronics engineers. The NSB report estimates thenumber of U.S. jobs requiring S&E skills is growing about 5% per year, compared to a 1%growth for the rest of the labor force. • Industry needs good Mechatronics engineers. Not the best high school students go to Science and Engineering Universities!!!! National Science Board, “An Emerging and Critical Problem of the Science andEngineering Labor Force”, A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators 2010,January 2010. Technical university - Sofia
Trends in education Degree levels • Bachelor degree • Master degree • Philosophy doctor • Post-doctoral study Technical university - Sofia
Trends in education Degree levels • Bachelor degree • Master degree • Philosophy doctor • Post-doctoral study Science – Applied Science Technical university - Sofia
Curriculum Design Model Accreditation criteria Goals, objectives, Learning Experiences, Evaluation Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum Design concepts VDI-2206 Guideline for Mechatronic system Technical university - Sofia
Curriculum Design Model • Basic Science module – approx. 20% • 2. Mechanical and Measurement Engineering module – approx. 20% • 3. Electrical and Electronical Engineering module – approx. 20% • 4. Information Technology and Computer Science module – approx. 25% (more that 50%) • 5. Control Engineering module – approx. 10% • 6. Humanities and Management module – approx. 5% Technical university - Sofia
Specific Topics • modeling and design • motion control • system integration • vibration and noise control • actuators and sensors • micro devices and optoelectronicsystems • intelligent control • automotive systems • robotics • manufacturing Technical university - Sofia
What to do togetherindustry and education? • In education – it follows the industry demands: • Project-oriented new courses and programs with: • more practical work in class and in enterprises. • emphasis on team working • competitive approach in pursuing project tasks • Design of new laboratories equipped by industry and according to their needs. • Industry in help of education • Offer more training • Organize design workshops and factories. • Organize competitions • Offer scholarships and grants for prosperous students • Offer better payment for young specialists • Joint research projects with universities Technical university - Sofia
Conclusions • Mechatronics with its complexities and rapid development, is one of the most challenging course in university education. With appropriate strategy, excellent result could be achieved, but not with the traditional way of education. • One of the most difficult tasks is to stimulate university bodies to overcome existing organizational barriers and to begin development of co – operative teams from specialist in different field, for education in Mechatronic. This could be achieved by participating in projects with close connection to the industry. • Number of universities and programs for education in Mechatronics is growing very fast. One of the best way to have a competitive education is the integration. Universities have to offer double degree programs which will attract more students all over the world. We all need international cooperation! Technical university - Sofia
Going on international projects in Mechatronics at the TU-Sofia Tempus IV 158644-JPCR Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Studies (DRIMS) (Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo) -2010-2012. CEEPUS Network CIII-HU-0000-00-1213. Development of Mechatronical Engineering as an Essential Base for Progress in the Area of Companies – Research, Preparation, and Implementation of Joint Programs of Study -2012-2015. TEMPUS IV Project: 517138. Double Degree Master Program in Automation/Mechatronics – MPAM. Technical university - Sofia
Thank you for your attention!!! Technical university - Sofia