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Analytical Approach to Generation of Operational Limit Curves with NDE Based Crack Postulation

This presentation outlines the analytical approach to generating operational limit curves using non-destructive examination (NDE) based crack postulation. It includes topics such as the generation of limit curves, verification of cool-down limitations, and the application of the approach to PTS events for VVER NPPs.

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Analytical Approach to Generation of Operational Limit Curves with NDE Based Crack Postulation

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  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of UkraineDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Developments in Nuclear Field for Education, Industry and Medicine at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Prof. Dr. Igor KADENKO Director, International Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine, Head, Department of Nuclear Physics and Engineering,Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

  2. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of UkraineDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering OUTLINE of Presentation • An analytical approach to the generation of the operational limit curves with NDE based crack postulation. • Application of CATHARE code to the investigation of PTS events for VVER NPPs. • New system “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 reactor pressure vessel visual survey from outer surface. • Development of medical image processing algorithms optimized for execution on GPU. • Three-dimensional polymer dosimetry. • Medical physics calculations for Ukrainian hospitals. • Conclusions.

  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • The main tasks of the p-T curves generation: • Generation of LIMIT A curves; • Verification of cool-down limitations and determination of the appropriate soak times following a PTS event. • The approach has been developed in accordance with Westinghouse methodology.

  4. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • LIMIT A Generation • LIMIT А is the curve on T-p plane, generated in such a way: • the values of pand Tfrom the right of LIMIT A do ensure the RPV integrity from the brittle fracture criterion point of view. • LIMIT A is an envelope of the two curves: • «Step Cooldown Crack Initiation Limit»; • «Isothermal Wall Crack Initiation Limit».

  5. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Example of LIMITА

  6. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Model transient scenario

  7. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Thermoelasticity problem: heat conduction Equation (1) Initial condition: (2) (3) Boundary conditions: (4)

  8. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Thermoelasticity problem: stresses Boundary conditions: (5) (6)

  9. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • SIF calculation algorithm • The SIF calculation has been carried out with the help of weight function method. • The stresses were approximated by the following expression: .

  10. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Comparison of LIMITА for crack with a=h/4

  11. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Comparison of limit p-T curves for soak time determination

  12. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Forming of the temperature loading

  13. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Parameters setting

  14. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • p-T Curves Data Displaying

  15. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Stresses Data Displaying

  16. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Conclusions -1 • Pressure-temperature (p-T) Operational Limit Curves are used: • to support NPP control room operator actions in response to pressurized thermal shock (PTS) accidents and • to control the cool-down process after the PTS. • The limits defined by p-T curves are determined by the conditions of initiation of through-wall propagation of the crack postulated in the wall of RPV. • The generally accepted procedure of p-T curves development is generated by Westinghouse and is based on Finite-Element (FE) fracture mechanics analysis.

  17. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Conclusions-1 (cont`d) • In collaboration with Westinghouse Electric (Belgium) we applied their approach for the development of the p-T curves for all Ukrainian VVER units. • Using experience we develop the simplification of WOG procedure which is based on the analytical algorithm. • The validity of the analytically constructed p-T curves is proved by the comparison with the results of FE calculations.

  18. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine An Analytical Approach to the Generation of the Operational Limit Curveswith NDE Based Crack Postulation • Conclusions-1 (cont`d) • The original computer program has been developed. • The program makes it possible to develop p-T curves for the VVER-1000 RPV with the options of variation of crack size and orientation, neutron fluence value, critical temperature of brittleness value and critical fracture toughness expression.

  19. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • CATHARE code was granted by AREVA, EdF, IRSN to International Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for the application in the education/research and using for analytical (not commercial) tasks • We study: • Field of Code application; • Code structure; • Code elements and appropriate mathematical models; • Numerical algorithms; • The simplest model tasks of calculation of the temperature and pressure fields in piping and elements.

  20. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • An example of CATHARE application

  21. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • The rupture of hot leg (out-leg GZT) and the injection of the cold water to one of the cold legs: using THREED element

  22. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • Temperature field in the THREED element

  23. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • Flow choking in the RUPTIRE element: dependence of gas fraction on time

  24. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • RPV coolant temperature for different downcomer points • The highest curve corresponds to the point under cold leg without ECC water injection, three lower curves correspond to the points with different heights under the leg with ECC water injection.

  25. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Application of CATHARE Code to the Investigation of PTS Events for VVER NPPS • Conclusions -2 • CATHARE code is available for University of Kyiv students studying Nuclear Engineering; • Even without training received we are capable to learn and apply this code to motivate and educate students; • Plans are to further make CATHARE available to study complex processes in reactor primary circuit.

  26. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine New System “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 Reactor Pressure Vessel Visual Survey from Outer Surface • General Description • To meet current safety requirements for carrying out WWER-1000 RPV visual survey from outer surface  the system SOKRAT was designed and manufactured based on modern components and engineering solutions. • System "SOKRAT”: to perform visual survey from the outer surface of the cylindrical part of the VVER-1000/V-320 RPV between weld joints Nos. 2 – 4 and bottom. • System “SOKRAT” - up-to-date manipulator with elements of robotic-technology.

  27. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine New System “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 Reactor Pressure Vessel Visual Survey from Outer Surface • General Description (cont`d) • VS system “SOKRAT” consists of the following components: • mechanical equipment of manipulator; • control equipment subsystem; • coordinate subsystem with absolute and relative encoders; • laser positioning subsystem; • VT equipment subsystem. • Delivery of manipulator to working location beneath RPV is performed with rail wheels.

  28. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine New System “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 Reactor Pressure Vessel Visual Survey from Outer Surface • Specific Components • The design of system “SOKRAT” is similar to system SK-187 to some extent, but utilization of up-to-date light alloy materials allowed reducing a total weight from 5,700kg (SK-187) up to 400kg (SOKRAT).

  29. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine New System “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 Reactor Pressure Vessel Visual Survey from Outer Surface • Specific Components (cont`d)

  30. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine New System “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 Reactor Pressure Vessel Visual Survey from Outer Surface • Conclusions-3 • The system “SOKRAT” for WWER-1000 RPV visual survey from outer surface is designed, developed and manufactured. • Intensive factory acceptance testing and functional testing showed: • the system “SOKRAT” is very reliable and user friendly; • can ensure essential reducing radiation doses of NPP personnel; • system “SOKRAT” allows necessary values of positioning uncertainty and repeatability; • UT system for WWER-1000 RPV can be developed at the base of system “SOKRAT”.

  31. International Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraineof the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Development of Medical Image Processing Algorithms Optimized for Execution on GPU • Library of the algorithms for medical images (tomography, MRT), which is optimized for performance on the GPU using CUDA technology • The result of the Ray casting algorithm using GPU

  32. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Development of Medical Image Processing Algorithms Optimized for Execution on GPU • Software Library of Marching Cubes Algorithm • A full-featured implementation of the algorithm was created, based on histopiramid algorithm (similar to the octree) and parallel processing of the algorithm. • Improvements were included: culling, clipping. • The ability to work with 8 and 16-bit data was added. • The control memory usage video card was realized. • Optimization algorithm performance was made.

  33. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Development of Medical Image Processing Algorithms Optimized for Execution on GPU • Software Library of Marching Cubes Algorithm (cont`d) • The function of reducing the number of triangles (mesh reduction) was realized. • Optimization of the amount of memory used for auxiliary arrays was made. • Function of surface smoothing (mesh smoothing) was realized.

  34. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Development of Medical Image Processing Algorithms Optimized for Execution on GPU • Software Library of Marching Cubes Algorithm (cont`d) • Result of algorithm Marching Cubes optimized for NVIDIA GPU (creation of medical volume surface with DICOM of files – tomography results)

  35. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Development of Medical Image Processing Algorithms Optimized for Execution on GPU • Library of the algorithms for medical images (tomography, MRT), which is optimized for performance on the GPU using CUDA technology • The result of the Marching Cubes algorithm using GPU (building curved surface)

  36. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine Development of Medical Image Processing Algorithms Optimized for Execution on GPU • Conclusion-4 • For Ray casting algorithm performed on the GPU a speed enhancement was achieved in ~ 60 times compared to its implementation on the CPU. Time of construction of the image - <0.1 sec. • For Marching Cubes algorithm performed on the GPU a speed enhancement was achieved in ~ 40 times compared to its implementation on the CPU. Time of construction of the image - <0.5 sec. • The achieved speed enhancement of the algorithms allows to apply them for on-line analysis of the medical images (i.e. doctor almost doesn't need to wait for rebuilding of the image while parameters are changing (angle of rotation, scale, etc.).

  37. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Three-dimensional Polymer Dosimetry 3-D Dosimeters The dose distribution in the polyurethane phantom Fricke dosimeter Polymer gels Polyurethane radiochromic dosimeter Polymer gels Ion Beam Cancer Therapy Photon Cancer Radiotherapy

  38. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Ukrainian Hospitals • Shielding calculation for medical linear accelerators, cyclotrons for PET technology, brachytherapy systems, PET scanners and lab rooms. • Issues of radiation protection in the radiotherapy and PET divisions. • Special sewerage for PET department. • Argon-41 generation by medical cyclotrons (production of F-18). • Quality Assurance for radiotherapy (electron linear accelerators) and PET. • Activation of air and constructive materials in the vault of medical liner accelerator. • Potential Contaminated Emissions due to PET Technologies Operation.

  39. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Shielding calculation for medical facilities

  40. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Special sewerage for PET department • Total activity of urine, removed in special sewerage during a day (linear and log scale).

  41. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Activation of air and constructive materials in the vault of medical liner accelerator

  42. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Argon-41 generation by medical cyclotrons (production of F-18)

  43. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Argon-41 generation by medical cyclotrons (production of F-18)(cont`d)

  44. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Potential Contaminated Emissions due to PET Technologies Operation • Harmful Effluents

  45. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Medical Physics Calculations for Central Ukrainian Hospitals • Conclusion-5 • We serve as technical team to assist designing medical facilities in Ukraine to meet national and international requirements. • Operational support is provided with staff education and study of dangerous factors affecting patients and medical staff. • Harmful effluents and radiation protection issues are studied to control and decrease releases into the environment.

  46. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of UkraineDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering CONCLUSIONS • Our approach is based on many years experience and young vision. • Students are actively involved into solving new and difficult problems. • Multifunctional expertise is targeted to address complex and interesting tasks. • We would be pleased to apply our skills for joint projects and programs.

  47. Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivInternational Nuclear Safety Center of UkraineDepartment of Nuclear Physics and Engineering Thank you for attention!

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