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NEO 2: The Basics. Getting Started. Hardware. NEO 2 – You will have a classroom set (30) of these. full-size keyboard, runs on batteries, durable yet lightweight . can print, send, and receive information wirelessly has ports for connecting to a computer or printer.
NEO 2: The Basics Getting Started
Hardware • NEO 2 – You will have a classroom set (30) of these. • full-size keyboard, runs on batteries, durable yet lightweight. • can print, send, and receive information wirelessly • has ports for connecting to a computer or printer. • screen displays between two and six lines of text, depending on font size.
Software • NEO Share • allows you to wirelessly send assignments from your computer to your students’ NEO 2s and to retrieve their work • use to support writing, editing, and revision • students engage in individualized and collaborative writing tasks • you can create assignments and in-class activities • access built-in writing lessons and sample rubrics
Software (cont.) • 2Know! Toolbar • a software program that facilitates formative assessment and classroom engagement by allowing for immediate, anonymous classroom response • helps increase instructional interactivity by allowing you to gather data from your students and view or display their responses while you are in the middle of a lesson
SmartApplets • Accelerated Reader- students can use this applet to take Accelerated Reader quizzes with NEO 2 • AlphaWord Plus - used for word processing - students can use it to do everything from taking notes to writing compositions. • Calculator - used for basic calculator functionality • Control Panel - use this applet to configure settings on a single NEO 2 • KeyWords - used to develop keyboarding proficiency • MathFactsin a Flash (offline) - used for practice of math fact fluency when an Internet connection is not available • MathFactsin a Flash RP – with our subscription to MathFacts in a Flash Renaissance Place, this applet is used to practice and test for automaticity with math facts • Responder - This applet is used with the 2Know! Toolbar, AccelTest, and other third-party technology and software - also used to score Accelerated Math assignments with our subscription to Accelerated Math Renaissance Place • Beamer. The beaming function allows students to wirelessly send text from one NEO 2 to another using infrared technology.
Built-in instructional content • Write On! Lessons - a collection of writing lessons, literacy skills activities, and vocabulary strategies for use in grades 3 -12 (access, edit, and send Write On! lessons using NEO Share comes with an accompanying teacher guide) • Sample Linked Files - written documents giving project guidelines, instructions, or rubrics to follow accessible to your students as read-only documents that are attached, or hyperlinked, to the active files in which they are working (22 sample linked files built into NEO Share and/or can create your own linked files) • Keyboarding Resources - a host of keyboarding resources including visual posters showing finger zones, posture and wrist placement, and additional practice activities
Activity • Using your NEO 2, search and experiment with the built-in software and SmartApplets. • Share with your neighbor something that you have found that would be useful in your class.