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Interoperability plans and tests between GEODAB and the GEONETCast S. Nativi 1 , F. Papeschi 1 , M. Craglia 2 , Y. Gevorgyan 3 , K. Renner 4. 1 CNR-IIA 2 EC-JRC. 3 NOAA 4 EUMETSAT. Community Portals. GCI. Semantic assets. OneGeology. INPE. EEA-SDI. SAEOS. IODE.

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  1. Interoperability plans and tests between GEODAB and the GEONETCastS. Nativi1, F. Papeschi1, M. Craglia2, Y. Gevorgyan3, K. Renner4 1 CNR-IIA 2 EC-JRC 3 NOAA 4 EUMETSAT


  3. About20 brokerablecapacities/systems/Communities • More than14 Millionresources • More than1.2 millionare GEOSS Data Core • About 400,000 requests per year

  4. WEB-based GEO Web Portal Semantic assets Community Portals GCI GEODAB . .. . .. Millions of resources EO Systems, Capacities, and Infrastructures: e.g. Geo CHC, CWIC, GENESI-DEC, GBIF, GCMD, SeaDataNet, OneGeology, ..

  5. Many regions targeted by GEOSS still have limited access to Internet The GCI is a Web framework How to access the GCI in regions having limited Internet connection ?

  6. GEONETCast .. a near real time, global network of satellite-based data dissemination systems providing environmental data to a world-wide user community http://www.eumetsat.int/Home/Main/DataAccess/EUMETCast/SP_20100519114624675?l=en

  7. GEONETCast Infrastructure • Satellite-based regional dissemination system — based upon Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) technology • GEONETCast Broadcast Streams • EUMETCast • Europe, Africa and the Americas • Established in 2004 • More than 2,000 registered reception stations • More than 1,600 users • CMACast (China Meteorological Administration’s contribution) • Utilises the AsiaSat 4 satellite beam to broadcast data and products to a user community in the Asia Pacific region. • GEONETCast-Americas • Broadcast covering the Americas, managed by NOAA GEONETCastis a milestone in GEOSS

  8. GEONETCast interconnection to GEO-DAB/GCI • Entry point Transfer Protocol

  9. Harvesting OAI-PMH Local storing XDB Broadcasting DVB Local discovery GI-NETCast GEONETCastdownlink Internet GEODAB file system User Data Server GI-NETCast GEONETCast Data Server XDB

  10. General Approach OAI-PMH • EUMETSAT Data Server uses the GEO-DAB harvestinginterface to download all the available GCI (metadata) records • GEONETCastsatellitesbroadcasts the harvested GCI to GEONETCastusers • Users Data Server updatesthe local DB withthe received (broadcasted) content • Users discovers and evaluates the local DB content using an adapted (offline desktop) version of the EuroGEOSSGEO-DAB client DVB XDB GI-NETCast

  11. Harvesting and broadcasting requirements GCI records are not static, GEONETCast user DBs MUST be updated (near real time) Satellite traffic MUST be reduced as much as possible, GCI provides millions of entries Satellite throughput is limited, large files MUST be avoided «selective harvesting» : to harvest only the portion of records most recently updated GEO-DAB alreadysupportsthistechnology(i.e. OAIPMH 2.0 standard) Harvested records are stored in a structured file system that can be transmitted via satellite (no large files)

  12. GI-NETCast requirements Good performances on lowcostPCs A specificindexing mechanism guarantees good query performance saving hardware resources Portability on differentoperating systems and hardware Use of Java Virtual Machine as a cross-platform computing environment Provide (atleast) the basic discovery features (i.e. search by keywords, area and temporal period) via a user friendly GUI Build on the GEODAB core technology, providing accurated discovery features accessible through a usable, user friendly GUI

  13. GI-NETCast: query

  14. GI-NETCast: query results

  15. GI-NETCast:browsing

  16. Future work • Interoperability test is the basis for one of the Showcases that will be proposed for the Ministerial • providing the basis for access and use of GEO data and serves in countries with limited internet access • Interoperability test with the 52N GEONETCast Toolbox Software.

  17. Thank you ! Questions? nativi@iia.cnr.it

  18. GEO Web Portal Semantic assets GCI GEODAB . .. . .. EO Systems, Capacities, and Infrastructures: e.g. CWIC, GENESI-DEC, GBIF, GCMD, SeaDataNet, OneGeology, ..

  19. GEONETCast • GEONETCast is a milestone in GEOSS • Products and services are being made available to the GEONETCast user community: • Meteosat image data • GOES East and West image data • FY-2 image data • Land and Ocean Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (SAF) products • EUMETSAT meteorological products • NOAA-NESDISmeteorological products • NOAA-NESDIS Ocean colour and sea surface temperature products • VEGETATION products from VITO • MODIS Ocean colour products • In-situ and observational data

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