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ESP: Program Verification Of Millions of Lines of Code

ESP: Program Verification Of Millions of Lines of Code. Manuvir Das Researcher PPRC Reliability Team Microsoft Research. No Buffer Overruns !. No Resource Leaks !. No Privilege Misuse !. Motivation. Approach. Redundency is good Redundancy exposes inconsistency

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ESP: Program Verification Of Millions of Lines of Code

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  1. ESP: Program Verification Of Millions of Lines of Code Manuvir Das Researcher PPRC Reliability Team Microsoft Research

  2. No Buffer Overruns! No Resource Leaks! No Privilege Misuse! Motivation

  3. Approach • Redundency is good • Redundancy exposes inconsistency • Inconsistency points to errors • Compare • what programmer should do • what her code actually does

  4. Lightweight specifications • Rules • Describe correct behavior • Readable/writable by programmers • Specify limited properties • not total correctness/verification • Compare rules against code

  5. Types are rules • Programmers use types to • document interface syntax • represent program abstractions • Types are written, read and checked • routine part of development process • Why are types successful? • types are lightweight specifications • type checking is fast & routine • errors are found early, at compile-time

  6. Can we extend this approach? • Specify and check other properties • languages to express rules • tools to check that code obeys rules • Goal is partial correctness • detect and report important classes of errors • no guarantee of program correctness • Systematic tools of various flavors • compile-time verifiers and bug-finders • run-time monitors and fault injectors • document generators

  7. Defects 100% path coverage Rule-basedprogramming Rules Development Testing Static Verification Tool Read for understanding Drive testing tools Precise Rules New API rules Program Analysis Engine Source Code

  8. Defects 100% path coverage ESP Rules ESP OPAL Rules Path-sensitive Dataflow Analysis C/C++ Code

  9. Requirements • Scalability • Complete coverage • Millions of lines of code • All features of C/C++ • Usability • Low number of false positives • Simple rule description language • Informative error reports

  10. The bottom line • Can ESP verify a million lines of code? • We’re not sure …. yet • We’ve done 150 KLOC in 70s and 50MB • So, we’re cautiously optimistic

  11. Are we running into a wall? • Verification demands precision • Need to minimize false error reports • Must analyze each execution path • Big programs demand scalability • Exponentially/infinitely many paths • Cannot analyze each execution path • Must use approximate analysis

  12. Research problem • Can we invent a verification method that • is always conservative, • is always scalable, • is almost always precise, and • matches our intuition? • Yes, for a certain class of rules • Finite state, temporal safety properties

  13. Finite state safety properties • Property is described by an FSA • As the program executes, a monitor • tracks the current state of the FSA • updates the current state • signals an error when the FSA transitions into special error states • Goal of verification: • Is there some execution path that would cause the monitor to signal an error?

  14. Closed Print/Close * Error Open Close Open Opened Print Example: stdio usage in gcc void main () { if (dump) Open; if (p) x = 0; else x = 1; if (dump) Close; } void main () { if (dump) fil = fopen(dumpFile,”w”); if (p) x = 0; else x = 1; if (dump) fclose(fil); }

  15. Path-sensitive property analysis • Symbolically evaluate the program • Track FSA state and execution state • At branch points: • Execution state implies branch direction? • Yes: process appropriate branch • No: split state and process both branches

  16. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T F Close exit Example [Closed] [Closed|dump=T] [Opened|dump=T] [Opened|dump=T,p=T] [Opened|dump=T,p=F] [Opened|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [Opened|dump=T,p=F,x=1] [Opened|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [Opened|dump=T,p=F,x=1] [Closed|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [Closed|dump=T,p=F,x=1]

  17. Dataflow property analysis • Track only FSA state • Ignore non-state-changing code • At control flow join points: • Accumulate FSA states

  18. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T F Close exit Example {Closed} {Closed,Opened} {Closed,Opened} {Error,Closed,Opened}

  19. Closed Print/Close * Error Open Close Open Opened Print Why is this code correct? void main () { if (dump) Open; if (p) x = 0; else x = 1; if (dump) Close; }

  20. When is a branch relevant? • Precise answer • When the value of the branch condition determines the property FSA state • Heuristic answer • When the property FSA is driven to different states along the arms of the branch statement

  21. Property simulation • Modification of path-sensitive analysis • At control flow join points: • States agree on property FSA state? • Yes: merge states • No: process states separately

  22. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T [Opened|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [Opened|dump=T,p=F,x=1] F Close exit Example [Closed] [Opened|dump=T] [Closed|dump=F] [Opened|dump=T] [Closed|dump=F] [Closed|dump=T][Closed|dump=F] [Closed|dump=T] [Closed]

  23. Loop example entry [Closed] new = old [Closed|new=old+1] Open [Opened|new=old] * T T Close F new++ new != old [Opened|new=old] [Closed|new=old+1] F Close exit [Closed|new=old]

  24. Making property simulation work • Real programs are complex • Multiple FSAs • Aliasing • Real code bases are very large • Well beyond a million lines • ESP = Property Simulation + Multiple FSAs + Aliasing + Component-wise Analysis

  25. void main () { if (dump1) fil1 = fopen(dumpFile1,”w”); if (dump2) fil2 = fopen(dumpFile2,”w”); if (dump1) fclose(fil1); if (dump2) fclose(fil2); } void main () { if (dump1) Open(fil1); if (dump2) Open(fil2); if (dump1) Close(fil1); if (dump2) Close(fil2); } Closed Print/Close * Error Source code pattern Sourcecodepattern Transition Transition Open Close Open e = fopen(_) e = fopen(_) Open Open Opened Print fclose(e) fclose(e) Close Close Problem: Multiple FSAs void main () { if (dump1) fil1 = fopen(dumpFile1,”w”); if (dump2) fil2 = fopen(dumpFile2,”w”); if (dump1) fclose(fil1); if (dump2) fclose(fil2); }

  26. Property simulation, bit by bit • Problem: property state can be exponential • Solution: track one FSA at a time void main () { if (dump1) Open; if (dump2) ID; if (dump1) Close; if (dump2) ID; } void main () { if (dump1) ID; if (dump2) Open; if (dump1) ID; if (dump2) Close; }

  27. Property simulation, bit by bit • One FSA at a time + Avoids exponential property state + Fewer branches are relevant + Lifetimes are often short + Smaller memory footprint + Embarassingly parallel − Cannot correlate FSAs

  28. Problem: Aliasing void main () { if (dump1) fil1 = fopen(dumpFile1,”w”); if (dump2) fil2 = fopen(dumpFile2,”w”); fil3 = fil1; if (dump1) fclose( fil3 ); if (dump2) fclose( fil2 ); }

  29. ESP Model: Values Have State • During execution, the program • creates stateful values • changes the state of stateful values • The programmer defines • how values are created (syntactic patterns) • how values change state (syntactic patterns) • Syntactic expressions are aliases for values

  30. OPAL Rule Descriptions • Object Property Automata Language State Closed State Opened State Error Initial Event Open { _object_ ASTFUNCTIONCALL { ASTSYMBOL “fopen” } { _anyargs_ } } Event Close { ASTFUNCTIONCALL { ASTSYMBOL “fclose” } { _object_ } } Transition _ -> Opened on Open Transition Opened -> Closed on Close Transition Closed -> Error on Close “File already closed”

  31. Parameterized transitions void main () { if (dump1) fil1 = fopen(dumpFile1,”w”); if (dump2) fil2 = fopen(dumpFile2,”w”); fil3 = fil1; if (dump1) fclose( fil3 ); if (dump2) fclose( fil2 ); }

  32. Parameterized transitions void main () { if (dump1) { t1 = fopen(dumpFile1,”w”); Open(t1); fil1 = t1; } if (dump2) { t2 = fopen(dumpFile2,”w”); Open(t2); fil2 = t2; } fil3 = fil1; if (dump1) { fclose( fil3 ); Close(fil3); } if (dump2) { fclose( fil2 ); Close(fil2); } }

  33. Expressions are value aliases void main () { if (dump1) { t1 = fopen(dumpFile1,”w”); Open(t1); fil1 = t1; } if (dump2) { t2 = fopen(dumpFile2,”w”); Open(t2); fil2 = t2; } fil3 = fil1; if (dump1) { fclose( fil3 ); Close(fil3); } if (dump2) { fclose( fil2 ); Close(fil2); } }

  34. Value-alias analysis • Is expression e an alias for value v? • ESP uses GOLF to answer this query • Generalized One Level Flow • Context-sensitive • Largely flow-insensitive • Millions of lines of code, in seconds

  35. Putting it all together • Property simulation • Identify and track relevant execution state • Syntactic patterns + value-alias analysis • Identify and isolate individual FSAs • One FSA at a time • Bit vector analysis for safety properties

  36. Case study: stdio usage in gcc • cc1 from gcc version 2.5.3 (Spec95) • Does cc1 always print to opened files? • cc1 is a complex program: • 140K non-blank, non-comment lines of C • 2149 functions, 66 files, 1086 globals • Call graph includes one 450 function SCC

  37. Skeleton of cc1 source FILE *f1, … , *f15; int p1, … , p15; void compileFile() { if (p1) f1 = fopen(…); … if (p15) f15 = fopen(…); restOfComp(); if (p1) fclose(f1); … if (p15) fclose(f15); } void restOfComp() { if (p1) printRtl(f1); … if (p15) printRtl(f15); restOfComp(); } void printRtl(FILE *f) { fprintf(f); }

  38. OPAL rules for stdio usage State Uninit State Closed State Opened State Error Initial Event Decl {ASTDECLARATION {_object_ ASTSYMBOL _any_}} Initial Event Open {_object_ ASTFUNCTIONCALL {ASTSYMBOL “fopen”} {_anyargs_}} Event Print {ASTFUNCTIONCALL {ASTSYMBOL “fprintf”} {_object_,_anyargs_}} Event Close {ASTFUNCTIONCALL {ASTSYMBOL “fclose”} {_object_}} Transition _ -> Uninit on Decl Transition _ -> Opened on Open Transition Uninit -> Error on Print “File not opened” Transition Opened -> Opened on Print Transition Closed -> Error on Print “Printing to closed file” Transition Opened -> Closed on Close Transition Closed -> Error on Close “File already closed”

  39. Experimental results • Precision • Verification succeeds for every file handle • No transitions to Error; no false errors • Scalability • Ave. per handle: 72.9 seconds, 49.7 MB • Single 1GHz PIII laptop with 512 MB RAM • We have proved that: • Each of the 646 calls to fprintf in the source code prints to a valid, open file

  40. Ongoing research • Path-sensitive value-alias analysis • Value-alias sets • Expressions that hold tracked value • Track value-alias sets during simulation • Add value-alias sets to property state • When things get complicated, use GOLF • Component-wise analysis • Identify and analyze components • Link using less precise analysis

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