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Comprehensive Advocacy & Communication Program by HANDS ICR&A

HANDS ICR&A conducted successful advocacy campaigns on various social issues, designed BCC strategies, produced documentaries, published materials, and developed a knowledge management system. They also conducted seminars, rallies, and press conferences, reaching over 25,000 people.

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Comprehensive Advocacy & Communication Program by HANDS ICR&A

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  1. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program 1. HANDS Advocacy model:This year HANDS ICR has successfully run advocacy campaign on breast feeding, adolescent health, consumer rights and early age marriages. During 2011-2012, ICR&A has successfully designed and implemented advocacy campaigns on 06 issues including health, education and consumer right issues. The program facilitated celebration of national days on adolescent health, health consumer rights, early age marriage, breast feeding, corporal punishment and early childhood development. The program also conducted 34 seminars, 08 rallies and 12 press conferences on different subjects of national interest. More than 25000 people were reached through these activities.

  2. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program

  3. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program 2. Development of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) strategy: HANDS ICR has designed 15 BCC strategies of different project during 2011-2012.

  4. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program

  5. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program

  6. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program 3. Video / Audio Documentary Production: So far HANDS ICR has developed 10 video documentaries.

  7. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program 4. Designing, Composing and Publication: So far HANDS ICR & A Program printed 7833 banners, 138000 Leaflets, 51366 Posters, 32900 Pumphlets, 78981 Brouchures. HANDS has also published more than 645 project reports, Summary Reports of projects, HANDS has designed and published more than 65 Khabarnama, News Bulletin and News letter, Brochure, Leaflet, Poster, Flip Chart, Invitation cards & Panaflex Mount.

  8. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program HANDS ICR developed following video/documentaries: • Where there is no LHW-MARVI documentary • HANDS TAMEER Wild Water documentary • Disability Day Rally video • Young Generation Leadership Training documentary • Gender Base Violence (GBV) documentary • HANDS UNDP partnership video • Flood updated video • FALAH closing ceremony video • Ten days Training of Trainers program on psychosocial care for communities effected by disaster. • HANDS song updated video

  9. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program

  10. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program 5. Development of Knowledge Management System:During the period of 2011-2012 total 12360 reading material (included Books, Report, Journal etc) are available on the network

  11. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program BCC Training Duration one day, during last year 03 BCC trainings were conducted and overall 31 trainings were conducted in previous years.

  12. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program News Clipping

  13. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program Publication

  14. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program

  15. Information Communication Resource and Advocacy (ICR & A) Program

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