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Understand the HK Diploma of Education curriculum, elective subjects, learning requirements, and examination structure. Prepares students for the changing job market through language abilities, skills, and life experiences. Emphasizes attitude, values, and learning strategies. Learn about university entry opportunities and strengthen your foundation for a successful future.
Talk on 3+3+4 for S.3 Students2.10.2008 What? Why? How? When? Where? Who?
What are these? 4+2/3X NSS HKDE LS SBA 3+3+4 ApL SRR OLE IES SLP
What do you need to know? Curriculum:HK Diploma of Education (HKDE香港中學文憑課程 ) 4 core subjects + 2/3 elective subjects + other learning experiences (OLE) Subjects: 24 subjects + Applied Learning (ApL) LearningRequirement: Curriculum contents Independent Enquiry Studies (IES)獨立專題探究 Student Learning Profile (SLP)學生個人學習檔案/概覽
Our school will offer 10 Elective Subjects(Students may take 3 electives) • Chinese Literature 中國文學 • Chinese History 中國歷史 • Economics 經濟 • Geography 地理 • History 歷史 • Biology 生物 • Physics 物理 • Chemistry 化學 • BAFS 企業、會計與財務概論 (Business, Accounting & Financial Studies) • ICT 資訊及通訊科技 (Information and Communication Technology)
4A 4B 4C 4D 4E English English English English English Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Maths Maths Maths Maths (+ Ext Module 1) Maths (+ Ext Module 2) L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. X X X X X X X X X X Y1 / Y2 / Y3 / Y4 /Y5 / CIT / BAFS S.4 Curriculum in 2009/2010 OLE : PE / Arts / Music / Morning & Hall Assemblies / F.P. / ECA / Visits / etc.
What do you need to know? Examination: HKDEE Written Examinations + SBA(校本評核 ) - performance in school is counted - performance of homework/performance in class Standard Referenced Reporting (SRR) 水平參照模式匯報評核結果 - describe candidate’s performance standards - Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 ( 5 , 5* , 5**)
Why? Educational Reform ? Curriculum Reform ? Change 變
Quoted from a report prepared by HKCSS (香港社會服務聯會) http://www.hkcss.org.hk/cy/2B-1.pdf • 世界貿易迅速發展 ; 全球經貿一體化 • 資訊科技突飛猛進 、 日益普及化 • 令到工作世界產生巨大變化 20世紀的舊工作世界 21 世紀的新工作世界
舊工作世界(20世紀) 新工作世界(21世紀) 企業運作模式 僱員人數隨經濟發展而日益增加 ,營造人材濟濟的大機構形象 企業的業務周期 ( Business Cycle ) 縮短,不斷精簡架構(Right-sizing),削減不必要人手,期望員工自我增值去應付需求不斷改變的顧客
舊工作世界(20世紀) 新工作世界(21世紀) 就業結構 勞動型:人力主導 製造業和建造業等依賴員工體力勞動 (人力資源) 而主導生產過程的行業及職位仍然流行 知識型:資本 / 科技主導 香港經濟正在繼續向高技術 、高增值的服務業轉型 ,製造行業和低技術 、低學歷的基層職位大幅減少
NSS prepares students for the new job market Know the change Able to change Open to Change (知變、能變、心變)
How? Good language abilities(Bi-literate and Tri-lingual ) & numeracy skills Life long learning skills(Study skills / Reading habits / awareness of the external world ) Generic skills -- collaboration / communication / creativity / I.T. / problem solving / critical thinking / self management) ( Project learning / IES) -- abilities to plan , implement, reflect and evaluate (SLP)
How? Life experiences : OLE / ECA / Community Services organising skills / perseverance / decision making / wider perspectives of life Attitude & Values : Responsibility –punctuality Excellence – to enhance competitive power Respect – rights / honesty / open-minded / multi-culture Care – you will do your best if you care Oneness –collaboration / team work / seeing the big picture
When and Where? Building up good learning strategies and attitude as early as possible Strengthen basic knowledge as early as possible Learning in school (in and out of classrooms), at home, in community, overseas …… Learning from textbooks, other reading materials, newspaper, TV, inter-net, ECA, OLE, community services ……
Who should learn? Students Parents Teachers / Principals Community
Opportunities? 18% of students in H.K. can enter universities 200 KYD students 150 – 170 students studying S.6 university entry own school S.7 ~ 50 – 55 other schools ~ 10 – 30 ( ~ 30 – 40%)
University Entry HKCEE HKDEE Admitted to S.6 S.5 Repeaters 2011-12 Z4 S.6 (200) 2010-11 Z3 S.5 (200) 2009-10 Z2 X2 ? S.4 (200) 2008-09 Z1 X1 Y1 S.3 (200) 2007-08 56 + ? 149 (74.5%) 22 (11%) 2006-07 53 + ? 142 (72.1%) 25 (12.7%) 2005-06 50 + ? 154 (78.2%) 8 (4.1%) 2004-05 53 + ? 153 (76.5%) 23 (11.5%) 2003-04 54 + ? 157 (76.2%) 18 (8.7%) 2002-03 56 + ? 143 (69.1%) 44 (21.3%)
Strengthen you foundationKnow you directionBe prepared for changes You are the master of your future !