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The Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics

The Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics. Helping to Improve Statistical Capacity in Africa Neil Fantom Development Data Group The World Bank. Statistical capacity is improving…. Change in Statistical Capacity Score (World Bank) 1999-2004.

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The Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics

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  1. The Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics Helping to Improve Statistical Capacity in Africa Neil Fantom Development Data Group The World Bank

  2. Statistical capacity is improving… Change in Statistical Capacity Score (World Bank) 1999-2004

  3. But measuring development progress is still difficult…

  4. Because statistical capacity is still low in many countries Statistical Capacity Score (World Bank)

  5. MAPS is a plan to improve development statistics • Agreed at the Second International Roundtable for Managing for Development Results in February 2004 • In response to data demand: a core component of the results agenda • The key aim is to meet the data challenge ofthe MDGs by 2010 & 2015 • By improving statistical capacity

  6. MAPS has six actions • Something for everyone: actions at both national and international levels • Costed (RRSF estimate: $75m per year for Africa) • Time-bound: key dates 2010 and 2015

  7. MAPS relies on partnership • For implementation and financing • Constituencies represented on the Advisory Board are: • Developing countries • Data users • International statistical community • Development banks & UN agencies • Donors • Partnership is supported by the Development Grant Facility of World Bank ($7.5m per year)

  8. 1. Mainstream strategic planning for statistical development NATIONAL LEVEL • Objectives • All low-income countries should have a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) by the end of 2006 • And these should be part of national development processes • Good progress • In Africa, many countries adopting this approach • PARIS21: key partner for advocacy and advice • Finance available from e.g. African Development Bank, Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building (TFSCB) of World Bank How can MAPS help to mainstream NSDSs within development processes, e.g. PRSPs?

  9. 2. Prepare for the 2010 census round NATIONAL LEVEL • Objectives • Provide assistance to countries • Improve participation in 2010 census round • Good progress • UN Statistics Division leading 2010 “World Program” to help countries prepare countries and advocate for the census • 2006 Symposium in Cape Town last week The big problem remains: how to make sure census-taking operations are funded?

  10. 3. Increase financing for statistical development NATIONAL LEVEL • Objectives • Increase investment to develop statistical capacity • Good progress • Lending (STATCAP): Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Kenya • Donors increasing resources e.g. AfDB, TFSCB, Development Grant Facility of World Bank • Sector-wide approaches and co-financing arrangements But much more is needed here also, particularly to ensure long-term financing

  11. 4. International Household Survey Network (IHSN) INTERNATIONAL LEVEL • Key objectives • Set up Household Survey Network • Coordination for better planning of internationally-sponsored surveys • Harmonization of concepts, methods • Good progress • Set up in September 2004 by World Bank, all major survey sponsors are members • Central survey repository (around 630 from Africa) • Data dissemination toolkit: help countries document surveys Challenge is to improve coordination and harmonization

  12. 5. Make key improvements for MDG monitoring INTERNATIONAL LEVEL • Key objective • Improve data for monitoring MDGs and other development goals by 2010 and 2015 • Good progress • UN Agencies: better methods, helping countries with capacity development programs (e.g. UIS, UN-Habitat, etc) • Report on capacity to produce MDG indicators to UNSC • UN MDG statistical literacy program • Many countries in Africa using DEVINFO/MDGINFO tools to improve accessibility and use of data But need to go more quickly: the Accelerated Data Program

  13. 6. Improve accountability for international statistics INTERNATIONAL LEVEL • Key objective • Clarify responsibilities for standards, disseminating information, proving technical assistance, mobilizing resources • Good progress • UN principles governing international statistics have been agreed • MAPS Advisory Board will report to UNSC, DAC, WB Board • PARIS21 light reporting system collecting information on statistical capacity improvement activities in Africa What further activities are needed?

  14. Recap: areas for discussion • Ensuring statistical capacity improvement is part of development process • Funding of census-taking operations • Sustaining increases in financing of statistical systems • Improving coordination and harmonization of household surveys • Accelerating progress

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