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Funding the Implementation of the Busan Action Plan for Statistics

Funding the Implementation of the Busan Action Plan for Statistics. World Bank. Meeting of Statistical Capacity Development Donors, 29 March, 2012 Paris, France. Outline. Re-cap initial financing requirements for BAPS implementation Review of World Bank funding instruments to support BAPS:

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Funding the Implementation of the Busan Action Plan for Statistics

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  1. Funding the Implementation of the Busan Action Plan for Statistics World Bank Meeting of Statistical Capacity Development Donors, 29 March, 2012 Paris, France

  2. Outline 2 • Re-cap initial financing requirements for BAPS implementation • Review of World Bank funding instruments to support BAPS: • Criteria for re-purposing • Stock-taking / re-purposing of TFSCB and SRF • Other instruments supporting BAPS

  3. Initial financing requirements 3 • Key initiatives have sound financing (Agriculture $50m and Gender $6m) • Other initiatives are not expensive ($8-$12m): • Examples: NSDS update, Open Data Initiatives in country, pilot high-frequency stats, PARIS21 strengthening • Regional Development Banks to rely on current financing instruments

  4. Criteria for re-purposing 4 • Must clearly support BAPS actions • Maintain original core objectives • e.g. TFSCB for small scale operations, SRF for country-specific approaches • Coordinate with activities in other institutions • Maintain the balance between: • Large- and small-scale operations • Global, regional, & national level approaches • Maintain flexibility and responsiveness

  5. TFSCB effective for small scale activities, but funding levels are low 5 • Invested almost $39 million in over 200 projects since 2000 • Covered all the regions -- the largest number of projects in Sub-Saharan Africa • Received positive assessment from Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group • Historically allocates about $3-4 million/year, grants under $500k • Currently only $2.5m remaining

  6. TFSCB funding demands exceeding supply Administrative changes helped free up additional funding and track results: • Rigorous monitoring of project activation process • Reallocation of funds from inactive projects • Assessment and dissemination of project outcomes and good practices …..Yet available funding was weak leading to 16 projects approvals (compared to over 30 in 2010) • 11 country specific, 5 global/regional projects • 9 SCB, 4 NSDS, 3 mixed projects 6

  7. TFSCB Re-purposing strategy 7 Demands exceed $3m per annum through FY16 for core and new activities: • Support updates/revisions to NSDSs (core activity) • Support open data initiatives in countries • Open Government Partnership now at 50+ member countries requiring fast track assessments & other small targeted scale support • Pilot “horizontal” initiatives, test new ideas (e.g. high frequency data pilots, train users) • Customize support for fragile states

  8. Statistics for Results Catalytic Fund (SRF) builds support for large-scale operations 8 • Pilot phase expanded to eight counties • Approach has: • Stimulated support for implementing National Statistical Strategies • Promoted a system-wide approach for statistics at country level; • Promoted improved coordination and partnership between statistics users and statistical producers

  9. SRF pilots progressing, financing is sufficient 9 Pilot status • Afghanistan and Nigeria are effective • Ghana and Rwanda approved, should begin disbursing shortly • Lao PDR and Senegal under preparation • DRC project concept approved • New Pilot: Ethiopia work underway to develop application/concept note Financial status • Expected expenditures for pilot countries is over $70m • $50m remains for other countries.

  10. SRF Re-purposing strategy 10 • Ensure original purpose of the SRF will remain the major focus • Explore quick disbursing grants to countries to test innovative approaches Example: high frequency data collection pilots could increase use of data in decision-making & improve data collection techniques • Expand scope of support to targeted areas to improve results Example: pilot improvements to select admin data sources that are critical to M&E Systems or vital registration data

  11. Repurposing Other WB instruments 11 • IBRD/IDA lending (large scale projects) • Broaden approach to budget support and results based lending • Trust Fund supporting East Europe/CIS (large and small scale): • New partnership with Russia (ECASTAT) to finance regional and country programming • Trust fund for household micro-data (small scale): • Explore support of applying curation techniques to admin data and enterprise statistics (small scale, bank staff). • Development Grant Facility • Current funding through FY16 to support key partners (PARIS21 & UNSD)

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