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Annual Report 2009-2010

Explore the initiatives and achievements of the Gordon Rule Committee at MDC, focusing on communication, training, web development, and course evaluation procedures. Find out how the committee supports the Gordon Rule Writing Requirements.

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Annual Report 2009-2010

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  1. Annual Report 2009-2010

  2. MDC Gordon Rule Committee Charge The primary responsibility of the Gordon Rule Committee is to assist the Provost for Academic and Student Affairs, the appropriate discipline groups, the Academic Leadership Council, and the Student Deans Council, in assuring that the State-mandated Gordon Rule Writing requirements are met and related MDC guidelines are followed.

  3. Gordon Rule Committee Structure

  4. MDC Gordon Rule Committee Goals (1)2009-2010 • Communicate Gordon Rule processes and procedures and share resources with faculty, staff, and students.Goal lead: Adam Vellone; subcommittee members: Victor Calderin, Rulx Jean-Bart, Michaela Tomova. • Develop and offer CT&D online training for faculty teaching Gordon Rule courses in the spring semester of 2009-2.Goal lead: David McGuirk; subcommittee members: Victor Calderin, Ninon Rodriguez.

  5. MDC Gordon Rule Committee Goals (2)2009-2010 3. Maintain a content-rich and user-friendly MDC Gordon Rule web environment with portals for students and faculty.Goal lead: Michaela Tomova; resources: Dr. Mollie DeHart; subcommittee members: Henry Lares, Jeff Foran. 4. Develop and implement evaluation procedures for the transfer of eligible courses from other institutions to meet Gordon Rule Writing Requirements at MDC.Goal lead and subcommittee: Dr. Mollie DeHart, Rulx Jean Bart, Paola Documet, Joanne De Falla.

  6. Gordon Rule Committee Goal 1Communicate Gordon Rule processes and procedures and share resources with faculty, staff, and students (goal met) • College Prep Discipline meeting – September 2009 • The first English Discipline Retreat - November 2009 3. MDC ALC meeting - April 2010 4. Survey for all MDC faculty teaching Gordon Rule courses - May 2010

  7. Gordon Rule Committee Goal 2Develop and offer CT&D online training (in ANGEL) for faculty teaching Gordon Rule courses in the spring semester of 2009-2 (goal met) CT&D Online Workshop - Jan 25 – Feb 2 • Gordon Rule Writing requirements • Criteria for college level writing • Gordon Rule rubric and holistic assessment

  8. Gordon Rule Committee Goal 3Maintain a content-rich and user-friendly MDC Gordon Rule web environment with portals for students and faculty (goal met & work in progress) http://www.mdc.edu/asa/gordon_rule.asp

  9. Gordon Rule Committee Goal 4 Develop and implement evaluation procedures for the transfer of eligible courses from other institutions to meet Gordon Rule Writing Requirements at MDC (goal met) • Petition to Assign Gordon Rule Writing Equivalency • Gordon Rule Recommendations on Transferred Credit.

  10. Petition to Assign Gordon Rule Writing Equivalency

  11. Gordon Rule Recommendations on Transferred Credit

  12. Gordon Rule Committee 2010-2011 Subcommittees • Gordon Rule Communications Subcommittee • Gordon Rule Regulations and Procedures Subcommittee • Gordon Rule Training Subcommittee • Gordon Rule Resources Subcommittee


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