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Variables & Function Calls. Overview. Variables Programmer Defined & Intrinsic Data Types Calculation issues Using Functions The val() function The msgbox() function. Types of Data. Numeric Can contain only numbers Real numbers, integers, currency, dates
Overview • Variables • Programmer Defined & Intrinsic • Data Types • Calculation issues • Using Functions • The val() function • The msgbox() function
Types of Data • Numeric • Can contain only numbers • Real numbers, integers, currency, dates • Used for arithmetic calculations • String (text) • May contain any symbol • No arithmetic calculations • Append, insert, extract
Variables - The Concept • Variables are named containers of data • They are not displayed on a form • The contents can change during runtime • Variables vary in size and purpose • Some types of data require more memory than others • Each variable belongs to a type • The type of a variable determines its size, and what operations (such as add, substract, append) will work on the variable
VB Variables • Variables are not created using the tool box • Instead, they are declared within the program • Declaring a variable • sets aside memory for the variable • assigns a name to that space in memory • describes what type of data can be stored there • Variables don’t work with the properties window • Changes to a variable must be made in a program
Declaring a Variable • A declaration begins with the Dim statement • This alerts VB that a new variable is being defined • A declaration contains a variable name and type • Just as each control must have a (name), like lblInput, and type, like label • The form of a declaration: Dim <name> as <type> • For example: Dim intCount as Integer
Numeric Variable Types • There are several different numeric variable types, each with varying • Precision • Size • Representation scheme • Selecting the wrong type for variables can hurt the performance of a program
Counting Things • Integer types • BYTE Small range of values, 0 to 255 • INTEGER -32,768 to +32,767 • LONG -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Measuring Things • SINGLE • Positive or negative • As close to zero as 1.401298E-45 • As large as 3.402823E38 • DOUBLE • Positive or negative • As close to zero as 4.94065645841247E-327 • As large as 1.79769313486232E308
Highest Precision • Scaled integers • CURRENCY • +/-922,337,203,685,477.5807 • DECIMAL • +/-79,228,162,514,262,337,593,543,950,335 • +/-7.9228162514262337593543950335 • no rounding, slow but sure
Storage Space & Prefixes • BYTE 1 byte byt • INTEGER 2 bytes int • LONG 4 bytes lng • SINGLE 4 bytes sng • DOUBLE 8 bytes dbl • BOOLEAN 2 bytes bln • CURRENCY 8 bytes cur • DECIMAL 14 bytes dec
Establishing Values Dim intValue as integer intValue = 12 intValue = ”12” intValue = 12.5 intValue = 11.51 Due to automatic type conversion, all result in the integer variable intValue being set to 12
Operators & Precedence 1. ^ Exponentiation 2. - Unary Negation 3. * / Multiplication and Division 4. \ Integer Division 5. MOD Remainder 6. + - Addition and Subtraction (otherwise left to right)
Precedence Examples sngA = ( 3 + 4 ) / ( 2 - 3 ) results: sngA = -7.00 sngB = ( 3 + 4 ) / 2 - 3 results: sngB = 0.50 sngC = 3 * 4 / 2 * 3 results: sngC = 18.00 sngD = ( 3 * 4 ) / ( 2 * 3 ) results: sngD = 2.00
Real & Integer Arithmetic sngA = 5 / 2 results:sngA = 2.50 sngB = 5 \ 2 results:sngB = 2.00 intC = 5 MOD 2 results: intC = 1 intD = 5 / 2 results: intD = 2
Text Strings • Used to hold an arbitrary list of characters • The size can be predetermined, or allowed to change as the program runs • The .caption property of a label is a string, as is the text property of a textbox
String Variables Variable and fixed length strings: Dim strNamer As String Dim strMiddle As String * 1 Dim strState As String * 2 strNamer = ”Jason Ogelthorpe” strMiddle = ”P” strState = ”WI”
String Variables Dim strSocSoc As String * 11 Dim strZipCode As String * 10 strSocSoc = ”128-24-1234” strZipCode = ”53211” (strZipCode = ”53211 ”) (note |1234567890|)
Concatenation of Strings strSamp = ”Hi” & ” There” (strSamp = ”Hi There”) strSamp = ”Value” & 27 (strSamp = ”Value27”) strSamp = ”Value” & str(27) (strSamp = ”Value 27”)
Long Strings strSamp = ”We can build ” _ & ”a very, very, very, ” _ & ”long string.” (a concatenated string can be split over several lines, note underscore characters and note spaces contained within the quoted areas.)
Naming VB Variables • Programmer defined • Don’t use reserved words • Type names, control names, keywords (DIM or end) • Make the name meaningful • intNum vs intNumberOfGroceries • Capitalize first character after prefix • If multiple words, capitalize the 1st character of each • use standard prefixes
Naming VB Variables • Are these valid names? • int Number • Sub • MinimumRate • Caption • CarCount • intNumberofcars
VB Constants • Types of Constants • Literals • sngTaxRate = .075 • txtName = “Smith” • Symbolic • programmer defined with Const keyword const <name> as <type> = <value> Const sngTaxRate as Single = .075 • Some are defined by VB • vbRed • vbCenter • What are benefits of symbolic constants? • Why avoid literals in code?
Working with Variables • Declaring Variables • Dim statement, short for Dimension, • Sets aside memory • Labels the memory • Initializes variable based upon type • Dim intPhone as Integer • Creates variable that can store an integer number • Dim strLastName as String • Creates variable that can store a string (of variable length) • Dim strLastName as String * 5 • Creates variable that can store a string of 5 characters.
Working with Variables • Assignment Statement • Each statement in Experiment 3 was an assignment statements • Basic format • <name> = <expression> • Use an = (equals sign – read “is assigned”) • VB evaluates the expression to the right of the equal sign • If necessary, that value is converted so that it has the same type as the variable • The value is copied in to the variable – old data is overwritten • For Numeric Data Types • A = B + 8*C (Variable A is assigned the value of the resolved expression) • For String Data Types • strFull = strFirst & strLast (The right side is concatenated and assigned into strFull)
Working with Variables • Control Properties are Variables • lblName.Caption = “My label” • Type Mismatch intNumber = strLastName • Misspellings • Use OPTION EXPLICIT statement to make the computer find errors • If a variable used in an assignment is not in a DIM statement, then VB does not allow the program to compile
Using Functions • Some activities are common in programming tasks • Converting a string to a number • Pop up a warning message for the user • Extracting a substring from a string • Rather than forcing programmers to re-write the code which handles these activities each time they are needed, we can write one reusable function • Functions have names, like variables, and parameter lists
The form of a function call • The general form of a function call is • <function name> ( <parameter 1>, <parameter 2>, … ) • Functions take input values, called parameters, and produce an output value which can be assigned to a variable • dblValue = squareRoot(intCount) • Visual Basic includes many functions we can use • We will learn how to create our own functions • Chapter 6
The VAL Function • This function allows conversion between string filled variables and numeric variables. • It works by “scanning” the characters of the string filled variable and builds a numeric value until the end-of-string or a non numeric is found.
A Simple Program Private Sub cmdComnd_Click() Label1.Caption = Val(Text1.Text) End Sub We can enter character strings into the box “Text1”, press the command button, and look at what appears in the box “Label1”.
The Message Box • VB allows the user to generate message boxes as a part of a user program. When invoked they look something like this:
Format of MsgBox • In its simplest form the MsgBox is called by this command: Dim intX As Integer intX = MsgBox("Read the Password")
The Details Dim intX As Integer intX = MsgBox("Do this now", _ vbCritical, "Prompting Issue")
The value of “intZ” above depends on which response is chosen. “Yes” - intZ = 6 “No” - intZ = 7 (the numerical values are defined by Visual Basic.) Response Choices Dim intZ As Integer intZ = MsgBox(“Should I Do This”, _ vbYesNo ,”Prompting Issue”)