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Sorting out a taxonomic mess: Mimulus montioides (Phrymaceae)—one species or five?

Sorting out a taxonomic mess: Mimulus montioides (Phrymaceae)—one species or five?. Naomi S. Fraga Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont Graduate University. Mimulus montioides. Phryma leptostachya missouriplants.com. Mimulus (monkeyflowers). Phrymaceae (Scrophulariaceae)

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Sorting out a taxonomic mess: Mimulus montioides (Phrymaceae)—one species or five?

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  1. Sorting out a taxonomic mess: Mimulus montioides (Phrymaceae)—one species or five? • Naomi S.Fraga • Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont GraduateUniversity Mimulus montioides

  2. Phryma leptostachya missouriplants.com Mimulus (monkeyflowers) • Phrymaceae (Scrophulariaceae) • ca. 90-150 species • 75% occur in North America (67 species in CA) Mimulus fremontii Mimulus nanus

  3. Mimulus androsaceus Mimulus (monkeyflowers) • Primarily annuals and herbaceous perennials • Floral variation • Wide range of habitats Mimulus cardinalis Mimulus aurantiacus

  4. The “Mimulus palmeri clade” Overview • Minute annual herbs • Subgenus Mimulus • Section Paradanthus • Taxonomic confusion (7-12) • Montane/desert transition • Several species with narrow distributions Mimulus palmeri

  5. Mimulus palmeri clade • Beardsley et al. 2004 • Subgenus Mimulus • Combined MP analysis • trnL-F • ITS • ETS

  6. Mimuluspalmeri clade M. androsaceus 100% Beardsley et al. 2004 Combined MP analysis trnL-F ITS ETS M. shevockii 100% M. purpureus 47% M. palmeri 100% 100% M. gracilipes M. suksdorfii 63% 48% M. montioides M. montioides [M. barbatus]

  7. Mimuluspalmeri clade M. androsaceus 100% Beardsley et al. 2004 Combined MP analysis trnL-F ITS ETS M. shevockii 100% M. purpureus 47% M. palmeri 100% 100% M. gracilipes M. suksdorfii 63% 48% M. montioides M. montioides [M. barbatus]

  8. Mimuluspalmeri clade M. androsaceus M. barbatus M. diffusus M. gracilipes M. discolor M. montioides M. suksdorfii “M. ignotus” “M. calcicolus” M. palmeri M. purpureus M. shevockii slender stalked monkeyflower

  9. Mimuluspalmeri clade Sampled by Beardsley M. androsaceus M. barbatus M. diffusus M. gracilipes M. discolor M. montioides M. suksdorfii “M. ignotus” “M. calcicolus” M. palmeri M. purpureus M. shevockii

  10. Mimuluspalmeri clade Mimulus montioides species complex M. androsaceus M. barbatus M. diffusus M. gracilipes M. discolor M. montioides M. suksdorfii “M. ignotus” “M. calcicolus” M. palmeri M. purpureus M. shevockii

  11. Mimuluspalmeri clade Current Treatment in TJM (1993)

  12. Mimuluspalmeri clade Current Treatment in TJM (1993)

  13. Mimuluspalmeri clade Previous Work E.L. Greene (1885) 3 species in Studies in the Botany of California and Parts Adjacent A. Gray (1886) 4 species in Synoptic Flora of North America A.L. Grant (1925), F.W. Pennell (1951), P.A. Munz (1968) 9 species in Monograph of Mimulus D.M. Thompson (1993) 7 species The Jepson Manual N.S. Fraga (Unpublished) 12 species Unpublished

  14. Mimulusmontioides Species Protologue (A. Gray 1868)

  15. Mimulusmontioides Overview • Five syntypes • Brewer 1864 High Sierra, Tulare County, CA • Anderson 1865, Carson City, Nevada • Torrey, Empire City, Nevada • Bolander, Mono Pass, California • Parry 1864, Middle Park, CO Mimulus suksdorfii (1886)

  16. Mimulusmontioides Overview • Five syntypes • Brewer 1864 High Sierra, Tulare County, CA • Anderson 1865, Carson City, Nevada • Torrey, Empire City, Nevada • Bolander, Mono Pass, California • Parry 1864, Middle Park, CO Mimulus suksdorfii (1886)

  17. Mimulusmontioides Overview • Five syntypes • Brewer 1864 High Sierra, Tulare County, CA • Anderson 1865, Carson City, Nevada • Torrey, Empire City, Nevada • Bolander, Mono Pass, California • Parry 1864, Middle Park, CO Lectotype Mimulus suksdorfii (1886)

  18. Herbarium specimens Mimulus discolor Mimulus montioides Mimulus barbatus slender stalked monkeyflower

  19. Mimulus barbatus Greene Upper corolla lobe reflexed, tube (3-4) 5-8mm long, pedicles spreading at maturity, flower color varies. Mimulus discolor A.L. Grant Flower color varies,yellow form has red pigment on adaxial surface of floral tube/throat, lacks a beard Mimulus montioidesA. Gray Corolla lobes entire, no markings on adaxial surface, beardless Mimulus ignotus ined. Short nodes, spatulate leaves, striate on adaxial surface of corolla Mimulus calcicolusined. Ovate leaves, stalked glands, flower color varies, tube/throat short and wide, flowers last one day slender stalked monkeyflower

  20. Mimulus barbatus Mimulus discolor Mimulus montioides “Mimulus calcicolus” “Mimulus ignotus”

  21. Mimulus montioides Overview • Published 1868 A. Gray • Sparsely hairy and nearly entire corolla lobes • High central Sierra Nevada • Elevation 6,800-9,500 ft • Understory of lodgepole pine forest • Dry granitic sand Mimulus montioides

  22. Mimulus barbatus Overview • Published 1884 (M. deflexus 1889) • Long floral tube, upper lip reflexed, bicolored or all yellow. • Eastern Sierra, Kern Plateau • Elevation 6,000-11,000 ft. • Montane meadow and stream edges • Moist granitic sand, or frost heaved loamy soil Mimulus barbatus

  23. Mimulus discolor Overview • Published 1924 A.L. Grant • Pink and yellow color morphs, red on adaxial surface of floral tube • Southern Sierra, Kern County • Elevation 4,000-6,400 ft • Jeffrey pine to desert chaparral • Vernally moist granitic sand along stream beds and seeps Mimulus discolor

  24. “Mimulus calcicolus” Overview • Discovered in the herbarium • Thick ribbed calyx, densely glandular • Death Valley NP, W. Nevada • Pinyon Juniper to Creosote Bush Scrub • Elevation 3,600- 6800 ft • Carbonate substrates “Mimulus calcicolus”

  25. “Mimulus ignotus” Overview • Listed as a syntype for M. montioides • Large nectar guides, red stripes • 10 historic locations (2 known extant) • Elevation 4,900-5,500 ft • Flats dominated by sagebrush or bitterbrush • Sandy decomposed granitic soil “Mimulus ignotus”

  26. Conservation Implications slender stalked monkeyflower

  27. Cryptic species in Mimulus Summary • Potentially many more undescribed species in Mimulus • Conservation implications • Annuals that primarily differ in floral features require careful field work • Photography • Microhabitat characterization Mimulus purpureus

  28. Future Directions Overview • Examine type specimens G, MO, ND, US • Morphometric study • Improved resolution of relationships • ITS, CYCLOIDEA, rpl32-trnL, trnQ5’-rps16, 3’rpS16-5’trnk • Study reproductive biology • Pollinators, UV photography, floral pigments, nectar properties • Genetic diversity to characterize breeding system Mimulus shevockii

  29. Thank you! Committee Elizabeth Friar Lucinda McDade J. Mark Porter Assistance Steve Boyd Daniel Brock Duncan Bell Joanna Clines Shelley Ellis LeRoy Gross Genie Fraga Elizabeth Kempton Shawn Krosnick Steve Matson Jim Morefield Jerry Mumford Linda Prince Michelle Slaton Alison Sheehey Steve Scheonig Tim Thomas Michael Wall Dana York Funding CNPS Bristlecone CNPS Sacramento California Desert Research Fund Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Goldhamer Scholarship Award Torrey Botanical Society Herbaria RSA-POM CAS/DS UC/JEPS RENO SBBGSD UNLV Mimulus montioides

  30. Mimuluspalmeri clade Previous Work

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