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Building partnerships by means of the new regeneration law in Catalonia ( Llei de barris )

Building partnerships by means of the new regeneration law in Catalonia ( Llei de barris ). Montserrat Pareja Eastaway University of Barcelona Coordinator RESTATE Spain. Milano City Council Milano, 15th June 2007. Guión.

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Building partnerships by means of the new regeneration law in Catalonia ( Llei de barris )

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  1. Building partnerships by means of the new regeneration law in Catalonia(Llei de barris) Montserrat Pareja Eastaway University of Barcelona Coordinator RESTATE Spain Milano City Council Milano, 15th June 2007

  2. Guión • Introduction: Spain, Catalonia and the intervention in large housing estates • Problems • Solutions • Key aspects of the new regeneration law in Catalonia: building partnerships • Final comments

  3. Problems • Districts with building related problems • 70 % of the districts feature buildings in a poor state of repair • and suffer service shortfalls • - % of buildings with deficiencies (2.65%, average for Catalonia) • - % of buildings with no running water (0.73%) • Districts with problems of space • All the districts have high concentration of housing and lack of green zones • Homes per Ha (examples; Sant Ildefons in Cornellà de Llobregat (205), Barri de la Ribera in Montcada i Reixac (213) • Green zones planned but not implemented (%) (examples: Old district of Tortosa: 100, Roquetes District (96)

  4. Problems • - Districts with demographic problems • 50% of the districts feature population-variation levels below the average for Catalonia, while 80% show high immigrant-population rates • Non-EU foreign population 7 % (average for Catalonia)(examples: Santa Caterina, Ciutat Vella (Barcelona) 26.99%, Old town of Manresa (23.65%) • - Districts with economic and social problems • 87% of the districts feature unemployment rates that are above the average rate, and 90% feature low educational levels • Unemployment rate: 10.20 (average for Catalonia) (examples: Sant Cosme in El Prat (19.74), Casablanca in Sant Boi ( 18.40) • Population over 10 years of age with no secondary school or professional training qualification: 65.5 (average for Catalonia) (examples. Barriada Nova in Canovelles (87.76), L’Erm in Manlleu (82.99)

  5. Solutions Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barris Law 2/2004 of 4 June, on improving districts and urban areas requiring particular attention Predecessor Neighbourhood Regeneration Programme1991

  6. PredecessorNeighbourhood Regeneration Programme 1991 • Transference of responsibilities towards Autonomous Regions 1985 • Very poor situation of neighbourhoods  urgent measures adopted • Main instrument adopted: demolition and additional measures oriented to improve public spaces • Simultaneously but not included in the programme, in some cases, social programmes were adopted as well.

  7. PredecessorNeighbourhood Regeneration Programme 1991 • Actors involved National government 40% investment 60 % investment Agreements Regional Government Leadership Project selection Public space Municipality 100% urbanisation

  8. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisLaw 2/2004 of 4 June, on improving districts and urban areas requiring particular attention Objectives: • to set up a fund for driving integrated programmes aimed at renovating and promoting urban districts and areas that require particular attention in economic, social and environmental terms from the Government of Catalonia • To foster cooperation and participation among the public authorities involved

  9. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisLaw 2/2004 of 4 June, on improving districts and urban areas requiring particular attention Selection criteria: • urban regression, shortfalls in amenities and services, demographic, social and environmental problems, social and urban deficits, local development problems • Three targets: • Old town centres • Housing estates • Unplanned housing marginal districts

  10. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisLaw 2/2004 of 4 June, on improving districts and urban areas requiring particular attention • Actors involved 50% investment Regional Government Selection projects Monitoring, evaluation 50 % investment Agreements Elaboration proposals Municipality Execution projects Monitoring, evaluation Social agents Monitoring, evaluation

  11. Comparing key issues of both strategies

  12. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisTypology of applicant municipalities • Dynamic municipalities with resources • Dynamic but without much resources • Dependents of public solutions • Municipalities which follow an already established path

  13. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisDistribution of municipalities in Catalonia

  14. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisDistribution by type of neighbourhood in Catalonia • 118 approved projects (6 calls) • 30-40 % old historical centres • 60% Housing estates (2 of them public) + deprived areas

  15. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisDistribution by type of investment 9.9% 8.5% 48.3% 2.2% 4.3% 0.8% 20.4% 5.5%

  16. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisAmount of funding • From Regional government = 400 MEUR • From Municipalities = 400 MEUR  800 MEUR for 60 beneficiary neighbourhoods

  17. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisEvaluation • Non traditional approach in Spain • Multi-level approach to regeneration • Existence of a strong political will • Linked effects with other regional government departments (health, education,..)

  18. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisEvaluation • Inclusion of medium-long term objectives • Guarantee of participation • Objective criteria of selection  introduction of scales • Leadership assumed by the municipality

  19. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barrisEvaluation • The wide range of municipalities applying as a problem in itself • A diverse impact on the beneficiaries of the programme depending on the dimension of the project

  20. Neighbourhood Law - Llei de barris • Llei de barris is the first attempt for integral regeneration policies in Catalonia throughout the creation of solid partnerships between agents

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