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EXODAT: Exo-Planet Information System : Evolutions

J.-C. Meunier † , M. Deleuil † , C. Moutou † , H. Deeg, F. Agneray † , C. Surace † , M. Barbieri † , J. Debosscher, Y. Granet † , P. Guterman † † : Laboratoire Astrophysique de M arseille. EXODAT: Exo-Planet Information System : Evolutions. Goals. Before CoRoT observations

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EXODAT: Exo-Planet Information System : Evolutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 J.-C. Meunier†, M. Deleuil†, C. Moutou†, H. Deeg, F. Agneray†, C. Surace†, M. Barbieri†, J. Debosscher, Y. Granet†, P. Guterman† † : Laboratoire Astrophysique de Marseille EXODAT: Exo-Planet Information System : Evolutions

  2. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Goals • Before CoRoT observations • build catalogs for CoRoT mission • help in exo-fields selection • source catalog for CoRoT Sky • After CoRoT observations • add valuable information for light curves analysis • provide information source for follow-up observations (photometry, finding charts,...)‏ • feed with pipeline analysis results (binaries, variable stars)‏

  3. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Content • Ground based Observations from INT / IMG La Palma • Photometric catalogs in U,B,V,r,i filters • Cross-correlated with catalogs such as • 2MASS, • DENIS, • USNO-A2, USNO-B1 • CMC14 • Tycho2 • ... • Follow-up data : spectra

  4. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Long Run preparation • cross-correlate catalogs • compute • contamination • classification • deliver to CMC, CoRoT Mission Center

  5. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Exodat portal

  6. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Services • Cone Search : cf. demo Aladin with footprint • SSA : simple spectra access

  7. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009

  8. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Evolutions • User space for big catalogs and fits files • Link to Light Curve archive • new VO Services • VOTable format • Image access • Table access • Public data – http://lamwws.oamp.fr/exodatpub

  9. Meunier et al., Symposium CoRoT 2009 Questions ? • url : http://lamwws.oamp.fr/exodat • for registration, send mail at : • magali.deleuil@oamp.fr • jean-charles.meunier@oamp.fr

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