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Strengthening the Partnerships between 2-Year and 4-Year Institutions to Meet Access Challenges. 两年制学院与四年制本科院校密切合作 满足社会对高等教育的需求 Bin Ning, Ph.D. ( 宁 斌 博士 ) 美国东密西根大学 中国 · 宁波 Ningbo, China June 2011. Forms of Partnership 合作方式多样化. 2 4-year transfer agreement 专科 - 大学之间转学协议
Strengthening the Partnerships between 2-Year and 4-Year Institutions to Meet Access Challenges 两年制学院与四年制本科院校密切合作 满足社会对高等教育的需求 Bin Ning, Ph.D. (宁 斌 博士) 美国东密西根大学 中国·宁波 Ningbo, ChinaJune 2011
Forms of Partnership 合作方式多样化 • 2 4-year transfer agreement 专科-大学之间转学协议 • University centers located on 2-year campuses 大学在社区学院建立大学中心 • 2-year colleges offer programs on 4-year campuses 社区学院借用大学的设施办专科班 • Dual admissions社区学院和大学同时录取学生 • Dual registration学生同时在社区学院和大学注课 • 4 2-year reversed transfer agreement 大学-专科之间的反向转学协议
Focus of the Study 本讲座重点 This study is focused on examining the mechanism, process, results, and benefits of articulation agreement and student transfer from community colleges to universities. 本讲座重点讨论社区学院向四年制大学输送学生的机制,过程,成果,和效益.
Definitions常用词汇说明 • Articulation: Process that facilitates the smooth transition from one educational institution to another or from one level of education to the next. 本身词意是链接. 美国高等教育界用来形容不同院校之间为支持学生平稳转学形成的一个过程和环境. • Articulation Agreement: Formal agreement between two schools for specific programs at each; also known as transfer agreement. 转学协议: 两校之间就学分和课程进行对等转换的正式协议.
(一) 转学合作的历史和整体现状 (I) Student Transfer: An Overview
Brief History of Articulation Agreement转学协议历史回顾 • Started over 100 years ago 百年以前就已经出现 • Became more common in the 80s and 90s 60-70年代社区学院数量激增,80-90年代转学协议已经极为普遍 • Are highly attractive in the recent decade due to rapid growth of costs of attending universities 近十多年来,由于大学学费逐年暴涨,高教市场竞争白热化,转学协议更具有吸引力 Mosholder & Zirkle, 2007
Entering New Students at 4-Year Universities in the US 全美本科入学新生统计数据 绝大多数为转校生 Mostly transfer students Source: FALL 2009 IPEDS
EMU Transfer Enrollments from Five Community Colleges (FA05-FA10)05-10年秋季东密大在读生中来自五所主要社区学院的学生人数
Comparison of EMU GPA东密大在读转校生和高中直录生学习成绩对比 *EMUEarned Credits >= 24 by Fall 2010 在东密大至少已选24学分
Average EMU GPA upon Graduation东密大毕业生成绩比较 *Based on data from FY10 graduates *根据2010财政年度毕业生的统计
(二) 政策保障和转学协议的形成 (II) State Policy and Program Specific Agreement
密希根州的协调MACRAO Michigan has no centralized government coordination for higher education. Articulation policy is coordinated through Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers (MACRAO), which created a statewide transfer agreement in 1972 that facilitates transfer of general education from community colleges to four‐year universities 密州政府没有高教委. 转学政策是通过高等院校教务和招生处长联合会来制定和协调. 该协会于1972年制订了密州范围内的高校转学协议, 促进社区学院和大学之间在基础课之间的学分转换.
MACRAO Agreement Minimum Requirements密州转学协议的基本要求 Minimum of 30 semester hours from the four categories below. In each category, except English, courses must be from at least two disciplines. 学生至少在社区学院在四个方向修读30个学时(分)的基础课. 除英文外, 其它基础课必须至少选自两个不同的专业方向 • English Composition英文 6 credit hours 6学(时)分 • Science/Math 数理 8 credit hours • Humanities 人文 8 credit hours • Social Science 社会科学 8 credit hours
MACRAO Agreement Policies密州MACRAO转学协议的主要精神 • The MACRAO agreement is voluntary (only signatory institutions participate) 各大专院校学校自愿入伙MACRAO协议 • Some community colleges award a formal Certificate for completing MACRAO 部分社区学院在学生完成MARCRAO的30个学分后颁发一份证书 • MACRAO may be completed using transferred courses from accredited colleges MARCAO的30个学分不一定必须在一所社区学院修读.
Articulation Agreement at EMU东密大与社区学院的转校协议 40 academic programs at Eastern Michigan University have established a total of 100 articulation agreements with 20 community colleges 东密大的40个专业已经和其它20所两年制院校签定了近百个转学协议
Process for Articulation Agreements建立转学协议的步骤 Initiate Request 提出申请 Answer Basic Questions 解答基本问题 Discuss & Review 双方协商,复核 Sign Agreement 签署协议 Request made internal/ external faculty/ administrators 申请可由本校或合作院校的教授或行政机构提出 • Curriculum/program alignment? • # of students who may benefit? • Is there a champion? • Accommodating transfer students? • Will it enhance relationship? • 如何使课程,专业设置达到一致? • 有多少学生能够受益? • 是否有机构和人员来管理协议的执行? • 转校生的权益能否得到保障? • 协议是否有助于的两校的发展? • Establish equivalencies, substitutions, waivers. • Reviewed by Director of Program Development/ Registrar • 具体讨论课程等同,转换,豁免等细节,然后由专业管理办,教务处复核 • Signed by officials, • Distribution to signers, • Posted on website and email notice sent to all staff, • 由系主任,教务长,校长分别签署. • 签署后的协议书分发个有关部门备案. • 更新相关网站.
MACRAO and Program Specific Agreement州一级的政策和各院校具体专业转学协议的关连 Community College 社区学院 University 本科院校 MACRAO 保证30学分转换 General Ed Courses 基础课 General Ed Courses 基础课 Program Courses 专业基础课或专业课 Articulation Agreement 对口专业协议保证对等课程学分转换 Program Courses 专业基础课或专业课
Quality Control 课程质量控制 • Courses covered by articulation agreement • Use consistent course syllabus • Use standard course design • Use similar grading and assessment approach 转学协议内的课程, 双方使用一致的教学内容, 标准的课程设计, 相似的评估标准 • Special courses outside an articulation agreement • Reviewed by program faculty and grant course equivalency 转学协议以外的特殊课程由具体专业的教授按个案进行评估并确认相应的对等课程
(三) 转学合作的效益 (III) Benefits
Benefits for Students 学生直接受益 • Save cost 节约大笔学杂费 • Provide a clear roadmap for students为很多学生提供一条清晰的发展途径 • Provide more educational opportunities 提供更多的教育机会 • Build a career ladder成为很多学生打造职业生涯的一部分
Benefits to Community Colleges and Universities • Recruiting tool 重要的招生工具和途径 • Promotes curriculum alignment 加强了大专和本科院校的合作, 特别是在课程设置上的协调和统一 • Improves retention and graduation rates 提高学生的续读率和毕业率. • Enhance the continuity and connectedness between high school, community college, and university education 加强了高中, 大专和本科教育之间的连续性
Benefits to Higher Education对高等教育的贡献 “With one-third of postsecondary education students enrolled in community colleges, articulation programs provide a smoother path for student seeking a bachelor’s degree.” (AIR, 2011) 美国三分之一的大学生就读于一千一百余所社区学院. 已经普及化的转学合作为众多的学生提供了一条获得本科学位的平稳途径.
Benefits to the Society社会效益 • Broaden access to higher education 进一步拓宽公众进入高等教育的渠道 • Promote the overall education level of citizens 提高全民的教育水平 • Better use taxpayers’ dollars 更加妥善和高效的利用纳税人的资金 • Serve as an engine for economic growth 提供又一经济发展的动力
(四)展望未来 (IV) Future of 2-Year & 4-Year Collaboration
Community colleges begin to offer 4-year degrees in limited areas (national battle, debate) 部分州开始允许社区学院在少数专业培养本科生, 但目前争论和阻力都很大 • Transfer student market becomes more and more competitive 转学学生市场的竞争呈白热化 • Market share is still small, but private sectors are highly active 虽然私立高校的市场份额还很小,但它们在转学市场非常活跃
Thanks and References特别致谢及文献索引 Special thanks go to Ms. Pat Cygnar, Director of Community College Relations at EMU, who shared her insights and helped put together the presentation Association for Institutional Research (2011, April 28). Transfer and articulation policies. Electronic AIR, 31(4). Cygnar, P. (2010). An introduction to MACRAO and articulation agreement. Presentation made at the MACRAO conference, Michigan, USA Eastern Michigan University (2011). Various of reports retrieved from the website of the Office of Institutional Research and Information Management at irim.emich.edu IPEDS (2010). Integrated Postsecondary Data System. Retrieved entering new students data on February 1, 2011. Mosholder, R. S., & Zirkle, C. J. (2007). Historical trends of articulation in America: A review of the literature. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 31, 731-745.
PPT URL讲座网上地址 http://irim.emich.edu/distribute/presentation/Ningbo2011.pptx