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Meet the team, view the timetable, read about the curriculum, and understand the high standards of our school community. Learn about our Home-School agreements and Age Related Expectations. Stay informed about literacy, numeracy, science, history, geography, and more!
Welcome to Year 3 Meet the team… Teacher – Miss Phillips Teaching assistants – Mrs Glare and Mrs Evans PPA cover – Mrs Petty (PE) Mrs Winter (French MFL) Mr. Watts (Music) Subject leader cover – Mrs Glare Miss Martin Class Governor – Mr Gibson
Timetable Monday/Tuesday – Collect in Homework Wednesday = PPA cover, French and PE Thursday = Music, ICT and Homework set Friday = PE, Spelling Test Home Reading Books – Changed once a week READING CHALLENGE BOOKS – Changed as and when needed. (When the diary has been signed by an adult to say it has been read.)
Home School Agreements Child As a pupil of Moor Hall School I will aim to… • attend school everyday and be on time. • help create a bright, attractive and useful school environment. • be a caring member of the school community, looking after everyone and not leaving anyone out • to listen carefully and follow the school rules • collaborate, persevere and be resourceful in lessons to help me “to be the best that I can be”
Home School Agreements School We aim to… - achieve high standards of academic achievement, building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility. - involve parents as partners in their child’s education - informing them of the curriculum to be taught each term. - communicate and celebrate children’s achievements. - provide a broad curriculum that will provide an exciting memorable and meaningful learning journey. - inform parents or cares about their child's progress and general development. - provide a safe, secure and attractive school environment. - emphasise the importance of attendance and punctuality and reward it accordingly. Respond promptly and proactively to children’s absence. - recognise and praise children’s efforts “to be the best that they can be”
Home School Agreements Parents As parents we aim to… - communicate any changes or concerns that may affect my child’s learning, seeking guidance when necessary. - make sure that my child arrives in school on time, attends school regularly and inform the school of the reason for any absence. - support the school by attending meetings and other school events whenever possible. - support my child’s learning at home. - model and encourage positive behaviour and attitude. • maintain a safe environment by parking considerately, promoting e-safety and supporting the well being of all community members. - recognise and praise my child’s efforts “to be the best that they can be”
Curriculum Our curriculum is underpinned by our vision for ‘The Moor Hall Child’.
Brief Curriculum overview year 3 Maths Place value, the four operations, fractions, shape, problem solving and reasoning. Literacy Story telling, Fiction and non-fiction, poetry, persuasive writing, setting and character description. Science topics Forces and Magnets, Animals including humans, Rocks and soils, Fossils, healthy eating History topics Stone age and the romans Geography Countries in Europe, India, volcanoes, our local area PE gymnastics and dance.
Age Related Expectations (ARE) • These refer to the expectations that each child in Year 3 should achieve. • They have been decided by the Government and are based on the New National Curriculum, introduced in 2014.
Literacy Guided reading every morning 9:00 am - 9:30am. Literacy lesson every day (1 hour). Focus can be: Writing (including Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar ) Speaking and listening including drama Reading including reading comprehension Phonics Handwriting Home Readers - Please send reading diaries and reading books in every day. Your comments are vital, please sign them when you hear your child read. The expectation is that you will hear your child read at least 3 times a week.
Marking – Literacy KS2 Written work for Literacy + curriculum areas Fantastic phrases / sentences highlighted in green. Errors (grammar / poor vocabulary choices) highlighted in yellow. = especially good use of vocabulary or punctuation. Children need to identify the reason why at the end of a piece of work. Sp = spelling error identified WWWT?= what’s wrong with this? - find the error ( e.g. capital letter missing or in the wrong place / punctuation missing or incorrect) VF = verbal feedback received from an adult (children to initial alongside)
Numeracy Numeracy lesson every day (1 hour). Children will be taught at the appropriate level for their age group. Counting, partitioning and calculating. Securing number facts and understanding shape. Handling data and measures. Calculating, measuring and understanding shape. Securing number facts, relationships and calculating.
Marking Numeracy KS2 = correct answer .= incorrect answer Fantastic work highlighted in green if appropriate. Errors highlighted in yellow. WWWT= find the error VF= verbal feedback received from an adult (children to initial alongside) Incorrect answers to be targeted at the end of a piece of work to address misconceptions
DATES For the diary Trip to Alice in wonderland Thursday 23rd November 2017 Swimming lessons week beginning 5thDecember - Tuesday – Friday inclusive from 12.30pm-1.15pm Week beginning 9th January - Tuesday – Friday inclusive from 1.15pm – 3.00pm Christmas performances KS2 = afternoon Monday 18thDecember Morning Tuesday 19th December
Safeguarding Moor Hall Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. If your child is going home with another adult, we can only allow this if school have had prior notification, this can either be written or an oral message to a member of staff. We are only allowed to administer prescribed medication. Any medication should be handed into the school office and the necessary documentation completed. If you child uses an inhaler or Epipen, please can you check the expiry dates. Risk assessments will be completed prior to visits etc.
Moor Hall School Golden Rules Do be gentle Do listen Do look after property Do be kind and helpful Do be polite Do work hard Do be honest
Individual Reward – Golden plate Thank you for being honest Thank you for working hard Thank you for being gentle Every child has a ‘plate’ template which is divided into 7 sections – each section relates to a Golden Rule. Thank you for being polite Thank you for looking after property Thank you for being kind and helpful Thank you for listening
Individual Reward – Golden plate Children will be awarded a sticker for specific section when they have demonstrated that rule exceptionally well. Children who complete their plate will receive an award at the end of each term. Plate 1 – certificate and Moor Hall pencil. Plate 2 – certificate and Moor Hall pen Plate 3 – certificate and Moor Hall ruler If a child is awarded all 3 plates within an academic year they will be rewarded with a Moor Hall enamel badge.
Golden Rules Rewards There will be a Golden Rules assembly each half term. Class teachers nominate 7 children, one for each Golden Rule, who has demonstrated consistent, positive behaviour. These children will receive a special certificate.
Uniform Please ensure that all items (clothing / bags / books etc) are named. Long hair should be tied back, especially for PE days. Any hair accessories should be in school colours (red / white / black) Jewellery – small stud earrings, religious jewellery only. No coloured nail varnish is allowed. One key ring attached to book bags helps your child to identify their belongings.
Packed Lunches - suggestions No nut or peanut butter products please. A good portion of starchy food, e.g. wholegrain bap, thick sliced wholemeal bread, chapatti, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, e.g. an apple, satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, mini-can of fruit chunks in natural juice or small box of raisins. A portion of semi skimmed milk or dairy food, e.g. individual cheese portion or pot of yoghurt. A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative, e.g. ham, chicken, beef, tuna, egg, or hummus. A drink, e.g. a fruit juice, semi skimmed milk or water. No sweets / chocolate bars or biscuits please.
Thank you coming… We are looking forward to a wonderful year with your child. A copy of this power point will be put on the website for your convenience. Any further questions? if you need to discuss any issues or concerns please phone school for an appointment to speak to me – A problem shared is a problem halved!