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The Beauty of Scheme: Programs as Proofs and Definitions

Discover the elegance of Scheme programming through proofs and definitions, including factorial computation and first-class functions. Learn about shortcuts, recursion, and the Scheme interpreter, and get started with DrScheme for a seamless experience.

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The Beauty of Scheme: Programs as Proofs and Definitions

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  1. Q: Is '(abc 123) a list? • A: Yes • Proof: The “Beauty” of Scheme: Programs as Proofs • '(abc 123) = (cons 'abc (cons 123 '())) • '() is a list, so (cons 123 '()) is also a list • (cons 123 '()) is a list, so • (cons 'abc (cons 123 '())) • is also a list, Q.E.D.

  2. The Beauty of Scheme: Programs as Definitions Factorial: definition Base-case: fac(0) = 1 Induction: fac(n) = n * fac(n-1) Factorial: program (define fac (lambda(n) (if (eq? n 0) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))))

  3. The Power of Scheme: Functions as First-Class Objects ; apply a function to each number in a list (define map (lambda (fn ln) ; function, list of numbers (if (null? ln) ; null? means equals '() '() (cons (fn (car ln)) ; apply fn to first elmt (map fn (cdr ln)))))) ; recur on rest > (map square '(1 2 3 4 5)) (1 4 9 16 25)

  4. Shortcuts: cond (define (sign x) (if (< x 0) -1 (if (> x 0) 1 0))) (define (sign x) (cond ((< x 0) -1) ((> x 0) 1) (else 0))) ; sensible default

  5. Shortcuts: list-ref If ls is a list then (car ls) = (list-ref ls 0) (car (cdr ls)) = (list-ref ls 1) (car (cdr (cdr ls)) = (list-ref ls 2) (Like Java/C++ arrays)

  6. Shortcuts: car, cdr (caar ls) = (car (car ls)) (cadr ls) = (car (cdr ls)) (cdadr ls) = (cdr (car (cdr ls))) (etc.)

  7. Comparison with Python/Java/C++ • Binding instead of assignment: • (define a 5)vs.a = 5;

  8. Comparison with Python/Java/C++ • Recursion instead of loops: int sum(int n) { // sum from 0 to n int s = 0; for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) { s += i; } return s; } (define sum (lambda (n) (if (eq? n 0) 0 (+ n (sum (- n 1)))))

  9. Interpreter: The Read/Eval/Print Loop > 1 1 > (+ 3 2) 5 > ((lambda(x) (* x x)) 4) 16

  10. We'll use DrScheme (a.k.a. PLT Scheme, a.k.a. DrRacket): • Runs under Unix, Mac, Windows • Integrated with EOPL • Nice help environment • At Unix prompt, type drscheme, or download from www.drscheme.org • Help / About DrScheme / Take A Tour • Try some examples from lecture: • > (load "filename.scm") Getting Started

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