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Saving the Peregrine Falcon. Open Court: Unit 5_Lesson 5. Line 1: weighs ways navel naval Line 2: endangered enlarge enlighten enclose Line 3: centuries babies beliefs studios Line 4: extinct extinction danger endangered
Saving the Peregrine Falcon Open Court: Unit 5_Lesson 5
Line 1: weighs ways navel naval Line 2: endangered enlarge enlighten enclose Line 3: centuries babies beliefs studios Line 4: extinct extinction danger endangered S1: They’re ready to leave in their car to go there. S2: If you enlarge the photograph, it will fit into that frame. S3: Studies show that people should drink more water. S4: Animals that are in danger of losing their habitat are put on the endangered species list.
Vocabulary DDT: powerful poison that kills insects; it is restricted by law because of damaging environmental effects(pg. 536) Many countries have strict laws about when and how to use DDT when fertilizing crops. eyries (ey-ries): nests of birds of prey built in high places(pg. 5540) The eagles returned to their eyries to feed their young. incubator (in-cu-ba-tor):heated container for hatching eggs(pg. 541) The children ran to the incubator to see if the eggs had hatched over the weekend. pip: first crack in an egg made by a hatching chick.(pg. 542) Three of the six eggs in the incubator showed a pip. crop: pouches in birds’ necks used to store food.(pg. 544) The mother parakeet stuffed seed into her baby’s crop.
Spelling: Base Word Families • occupancy • occupational • relevance • irrelevant • relevant • danger • endangerment • endangered • extinct • extinction • educable • educate • education • force • enforce • enforcement • know • knowledge • unknown • occupy