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The World Bank Fiduciary Forum 2008 e- GP Good Practices in SAR March 26, 2007

The World Bank Fiduciary Forum 2008 e- GP Good Practices in SAR March 26, 2007. Agenda. SAR Strategy and Procedures Status of e-GP Implementation. SAR Strategy > Mainstreaming technology into procurement reform, thereby reforming procurement reform itself.

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The World Bank Fiduciary Forum 2008 e- GP Good Practices in SAR March 26, 2007

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  1. The World BankFiduciary Forum 2008e-GP Good Practices in SARMarch 26, 2007 Fiduciary Forum

  2. Agenda • SAR Strategy and Procedures • Status of e-GP Implementation Fiduciary Forum

  3. SAR Strategy > • Mainstreaming technology into procurement reform, thereby reforming procurement reform itself. • A nodal agency that will set policy and information standards and mandate the implementation of the standards and the exchange of information between systems. • A standard e-GP Portal for a country. • A standard e-GP System for a country/state. Fiduciary Forum

  4. To Move towards e-GP: • e-GP Readiness Assessment [done in 4 countries] • e-GP System Assessment • e-GP Pilot • Pilot Results Assessment • Cleared for Use across Fiduciary Forum

  5. e-GP System Assessment Request for assessment could be for : Country/State e-GP system Agency/Department e-GP system Planned e-GP system Fiduciary Forum

  6. Country/State e-GP Sys. Assessment • Steps: • DPS has the primary responsibility. • The System should be up and running and, preferably, is being used for govt. contracts for certain time. • Request Client for self assessment of the system. • Forward an ‘e-GP System Performance Assessment Questionnaire’ and request Client’s response. • Review self assessment and prepare for WB assessment. • Consultant carries out the assessment and then the country e-GP FP (+ DPS) join the consultant in the discussion with the Client. Share the Assessment Report with the RPM Office/OPCPR and decide on the result. • Convey the assessment result to the Client. Fiduciary Forum

  7. 8. If ready for pilot under WB-funded Project(s), the DPS works with the Client and agrees on sample procurement packages for the pilot. 9. We prefer Pilot to be results oriented. And a set of performance indicators [Governance, Competitiveness, Effectiveness, Private Sector Confidence, System performance] are agreed with the Client. 10. Pilot Reporting 11. Assessment and Evaluation of Pilot. 12. Decision – Cleared for use in all Bank-funded projects!!! Fiduciary Forum

  8. E-GP Harmonization and Supporting Initiatives • Harmonization with ADB India office on: • Approach of e-GP system assessment • State vs agency e-GP system • e-bid vs dual bid submission • Sharing of system assessment and pilot reports • GDLN sessions for sharing of international best practices. • CMU and Sectors on board on e-GP system acceptability requirements and our roles. • E-GP Awareness Flyer (Quick Tips for TTLs) Fiduciary Forum

  9. Agenda • e-GP Implementation Status in SAR Countries Fiduciary Forum

  10. Bangladesh • E-GP activities initiated in Bangladesh since 2002. • Public Procurement Law supports e-GP. • CPTU of Bangladesh has an electronic portal for all public procurement related information and bidding opportunities. • PMIS has been developed and piloted in 4 target agencies. • e-GP Readiness Assessment and implementation strategy has been worked out at 2006. • e-GP is a component (US$ 4.5 M) of the PPRP II. Fiduciary Forum

  11. India • WB has completed assessment of the AP and TN and BWSSB (Karnataka) e-GP systems. Pilot to start in AP and BWSSB. • Discussion in progress with Karnataka and Assam to plan assessments; and with UP, HP, Orissa, Bihar and Punjab to develop e-GP implementation strategy as part of ongoing reform dialogue. • WB has supported MoF, through an NLTA, to work towards a strategy to promote e-GP in central ministries. • WB funded eBharat project is designed to address comprehensively the core issues relating to application of e-GP nation wide. Work has started in 3 states and central Health Ministry. • At the federal level, DGS&D, Indian Railways and National Informatics Center (NIC) are the key performers; and the Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance are the lead agencies. Fiduciary Forum

  12. Afghanistan • Afghanistan Reconstruction Development Services (ARDS) PU is the central agency to facilitate procurement services across the country. • Public Procurement Law supports e-GP. • ARDS introduced IT-based Vendor Registration System more than 3 years back. It decided to expand the facility by introducing a user friendly, interactive and dynamic website on ARDS PU (www.ards.org.af), leading to e-GP in 3 phases. • Results so far: • On date 75% of bidders access and download the bid documents online. Only 25 % are presently collecting bid documents manually. • Total number of firms registered 3000 (Works: 2137, Goods:1837, Services:1779). • Daily average of ARDS website visitor: 80 • Maximum Bid Documents for any project downloaded : 90 Fiduciary Forum

  13. India • Lessons Learned: • Given the administrative/political structure of India, any eGP strategy needs to be evolutionary and include elements of capacity building at various levels of government as well as integration with ovearll PFM structures, which makes the task very challenging. • Private sector has an important role to play. Fiduciary Forum

  14. Pakistan • Current status: • GoP has carried out an assessment of its readiness at the federal level. Report yet to be finalized. GoP intends to seek Bank’s assistance in the way forward. • E-GP readiness assessment is planned for Punjab. • Mission ahead to begin e-GP dialogue with Sindh and NWFP. Fiduciary Forum

  15. Srilanka • Currently, the NPA publishes the following on-line: All procurement plans, • IFBs and Notification of Awards for large contracts, SBDs for Goods, • generic specifications for commonly procured goods and non-consulting • services. • Initial E-GP Readiness Assessment was done in 2005. A detailed • assessment will be done under the proposed Public Financial Mgmt and • Statistical Capacity Building project. • E-GP is proposed to be introduced in phases, to begin with: • Interactive single portal • Online registration, downloading of BDs • Online appointment of TECs, and monitoring Fiduciary Forum

  16. Nepal • Nepal: • An e-GP Readiness Assessment was done in FY 07 and an Implementation Strategy has been developed in conformity with the overall procurement reform program. • Nepal already has an e-GP system in place, which has not been used because of capacity and skill constraint. • The Department of Roads (DOR) e-GP system has been allowed for pilot under a Bank funded Project, following an assessment. • Based on the result of the DOR pilot, comprehensive efforts will be made to functionalize the existing country e-GP system, with the Bank’s assistance. Fiduciary Forum

  17. Thank You! Fiduciary Forum

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