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Vocabulary Week 16 Study. Word 1: Ascend Def: To go upwards Sent: Jackie ascended the stairs to the 3rd floor where her grandfather lived. Word 2: Secluded / Seclusion Def: Isolated, Away from other people Sent: Her grandfather lived alone and secluded on the 3 rd and rarely went out.
Word 1: Ascend Def: To go upwardsSent: Jackie ascended the stairs to the 3rd floor where her grandfather lived.
Word 2: Secluded / SeclusionDef: Isolated, Away from other peopleSent: Her grandfather lived alone and secluded on the 3rd and rarely went out.
Word 3: ErrandDef: A short, quick trip to get something or do somethingSent: Jackie had been sent on an errand to bring her grandfather breakfast.
Word 4: HomicideDef: To kill another personSent: Jackie found her grandfather on the floor, an apparent homicide.
Word 5: DwellingDef: Place where someone livesSent: Grandpa had chose this dwelling because he assumed it was safe.
Word 6: PutridDef: Rotten and foul smellingSent: Something smelled putrid. She wondered how long he had laid there.
Word 7: Inept Def: Lacking in skill, sense or ability to do something, unable to do Sent: Jackie didn’t know what to do. She felt helpless and inept.
Word 8: IndignantDef: Angry and upset because you feel something is unfair and unjustSent: Jackie felt indignant. Who could have done this to her grandpa?
Word 9: HarassDef: To constantly annoy and cause problems for someoneSent: The man on the 2nd floor had harassed her grandpa about making noise for years.
Word 10: MurkyDef: Unclear, dirty waterSent: Jackie looked out the window at the murky water that settled outside the building.
Word 11: Sympathy / SympatheticDef: To feel bad for another personSent: Grandpa all of a sudden looked up at Jackie with a sympathetic look.
Word 12: MeddleDef: To get involved in something that is not your concern or businessSent: Jackie didn’t want to meddle in her grandpa’s business, but she had to ask why he was sleeping on the floor.
Word 13: Diverse / DiversityDef: Having a variety of different kindsSent: Grandpa explained he enjoyed sleeping in diverse places, bath tube, floor, table.
Word 14: ConfidentialDef: Private, not to be shared with publicSent: Grandpa explain his weird sleeping habits were confidential and to tell no one.
Word 15: Constant / ConstantlyDef: Continuing all the time, nonstopSent: Her grandpa was constantly sleeping so it kind of made sense to sleep where ever.
Word 16: Zeal / ZealousDef: To be eager and full of desireSent: Grandpa was full of zeal for his age so he needed to nap a lot.
Word 17: Gorgeous Def: Very attractive and pleasing to look atSent: Jackie loved the way her grandfather always said she was unbelievably gorgeous.
Word 18: DelicateDef: Something that is very nice and dainty but can easily be brokenSent: Jackie’s grandfather worried about her because she was so lovely, yet so delicate.
Word 19: ArrayDef: Large selection of somethingSent: Jackie‘s grandfather had an array of stories to tell her. He was never boring.
Word 20: Optimist / OptimismDef: One who usually sees positive outcomes or good things will happenSent: Jackie was optimistic about that she would someday publish her grandpa’s story.