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Vocabulary Week 16

Vocabulary Week 16. Campagna. menial. During the great depression, people were thankful to have work of any kind, no matter how menial. menial. Adj. lowly, humble, lacking importance or dignity. parry. An effective press secretary can parry almost any question a reporter asks. parry.

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Vocabulary Week 16

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  1. Vocabulary Week 16 Campagna

  2. menial • During the great depression, people were thankful to have work of any kind, no matter how menial.

  3. menial • Adj. lowly, humble, lacking importance or dignity

  4. parry • An effective press secretary can parry almost any question a reporter asks.

  5. parry • V. to ward off, fend off, deflect, evade, avoid

  6. predatory • Owls and other predatory birds play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature.

  7. predatory • Adj. preying on, plundering

  8. ravage • Swarms of locusts ravage the farmer’s fields and orchards.

  9. ravage • V. to destroy, lay waste, ruin

  10. stance • A fashion model’s stance is calculated to show off a designer’s clothing to the best advantage.

  11. stance • N. a way of holding the body; an attitude or position on an issue

  12. tawdry • An excess of gold braid and glittery beads gave the costumes a tawdry look.

  13. tawdry • Adj. showy and flashy but lacking in good taste

  14. turncoat • Strikers generally consider those workers who cross the picket lines to be turncoat.

  15. turncoat • N. a person who switches to an opposing side or party

  16. unassuming • Many celebrities remain unassuming despite their fame and wealth

  17. unassuming • Adj. not putting on a show; modest

  18. wallow • After a strenuous hike, I was too tired to do anything but wallow blissfully in a hot bath.

  19. wallow • V. to roll about in a lazy, clumsy, or helpless way

  20. waver • The committee wavered for several days before choosing the winner of the essay contest.

  21. waver • V. to move to and fro, become unsteady; to show lack of firmness or decision

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