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Join us on May 1, 2019 for a discussion on organizational enhancements, governance changes, and strategic planning for the future of ADASS. Your input is crucial!
NEXT GENERATION ADASSANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1st May 2019 Richard Webb – ADASS Honorary Secretary Cathy Kerr – ADASS Associate – NG programme lead
A quick reminder about Next Generation • Making sure the organisation is in best shape to influence and meet future challenges. • Programme of work over the last year – with trustees, exec members, staff; full member survey; partner interviews; workshops etc etc. Recommendations informed and shaped by all this activity. • Some decisions already taken / agreed in principle eg increasing trustee body to 10 members, developing 3 year rolling programme of priorities, recognising key role of ADASS regions. • Final report and key proposals to Exec and AGM April 2019
Recommendations • Revised vision, values and mission - to reflect current approaches / terminology • Governance changes – incl smaller Executive with sub committee and Trustee members increase to 10 • Policy – small number of priorities (reflected in 3 year business plan) and new approach for other ADASS leads and networks. • Inclusion of Principal Social Workers in the membership of the Association • Further development of our work with partners and sponsors
Recommendations - cont’d • Income. Immediately - subscription increase – usual CPI increase for all members, plus increase to LA subs to reflect increase in membership numbers; and sponsorship proposals. Longer term - a business case to more significantly increase income • Continued development in other areas; the role of regions; support to members, and staffing • A revised constitution • Consideration of a ‘re-launch’ event • Implementation plan
Discussion and decisions • Views / discussion on the recommendations and how proposals are implemented • Confirmation of support for changes • Vote (our next item) on a) amendments to the constitution to reflect these changes b) revised code of conduct
Trustees, Regional and Lead roles Let’s have more members from more and different backgrounds and geographies standing!! All DASSs are eligible to stand and all DASSs elect them!
ADASS Draft Business Plan 2019 - 22 Cathie Williams Chief Officer
ADASS’s priorities for the next three years Increased focus on influence, the arrangements with our regions and the resources to deliver ….approaches with ambitious vision together with crisis management support for current circumstances
In essence: • Incorporates the Next Generation recommendations • Where appropriate we have been less rather than more specific (e.g. reducing the prescribed roles for Trustees, Policy Leads, which DASS is in which region etc) so as to reduce the need for future changes • Incorporates changes to the Code of Conduct so as to clarify that it applies to Members acting or speaking for ADASS rather than in their day job, where the council is their employer.
Vote • Changes to the constitution require a 2/3 majority and must be submitted to the Charity Commission • Changes to the Code of Conduct require a simple majority