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ORGANIC AGRICULTURE: PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN TURKEY . OUTLINE. Organic Agriculture in Turkey : An Overview Production Provinces Products Markets Developments Education and Training Research
OUTLINE • OrganicAgriculture in Turkey: An Overview • Production • Provinces • Products • Markets • Developments • EducationandTrainingResearch • Conclusion: OpportunitiesandCollaborationAreas
DEFINITION OF ORGANIC FARMING • Organic farming can be defined as an approach to agriculture where the aim is: - To create integrated - Humane - Environmentally and economically sustainable agriculture production systems - Livestock and human nutrition • Organic agriculture has its roots in traditional agricultural practices that evolved in countless villages and farming communities over the millenia • Organic production systems are based on- Specific and precise standards of production • - Biological and ecological systems • - Requirements for organically produced foods
OVERVIEW • 27 years of history • Lesiglated since 1994 • Surfaceareaincreasingthroughoutthecountry • Meanplot size increasing (from 3 to 8.5 ha) • Productrange: slowerincrease rate in terms of agriculturalproducts but diversificationthroughprocessing
OVERVIE • Easyresponseandcoordination of companiesbasedupondemand • Fundingfororganicagricuture: a priorityforregionaldevelopmentagenciesandotherfunds as IPARD • Manyregionalprojectswithcollaboration of differentstateandlocalinstitutions • Manyworkshops
ORGANIC FARMING IN TURKEY • Producingorganicagriculturalproducts since themid 1980s. • Driedsultanas, apricotsandfigswerethefirstitems ot be producedorganically. • Turkishorganicproduction can be classifiedunderthefollowingproductcategories: • -Driedfruits • -Spicesandherbs • -Freshorprocessedfruitsandvegetables • -Pulses • -Cereals • -Industrialcrops • -Otherraw/processedproducts. • Since 1985there's a steady progress • A great deal of crops produces by the organic agriculture methods are exported to European Union countries.
LEADING PROVINCES İzmir: Driedfruit, tomatoproducts, herbs, textilesfortheexport market + Freshfruitandvegetablesforthedomestic market + culinaryherbsAydın: Driedfig + wildharvestManisa: Raisins + Freshfruit + vegetablesŞanlıurfa: Cotton + wheatSamsun: Hazelnut + vegetablesErzurum + Çanakkale: AnimalproductsAfyon + Isparta: RoseoilHatay: Laurelleavesandsoap
DOMESTIC MARKET • Number of OpenMarkets (F&V, cosmetics, textilesincreasing in bigcities) • Productrangeincreasingalso at retailershops • Retailers (e.g. Tesco-Kipa, Migros) startedtoproduceundertheirownbrand • Number of retailerssellingorganicproductsincreasing
EXPORT MARKET • Traditionalproducts as driedfruit, hazelnutandcottonstillcontinueto be theleaders • Pharmaceuticals • Blackteaandherbalteaproduction • Quantity of culinaryherbs (anniseseed, laurel, rosemary, thyme, oregano, fennel) • Number of processedfoodincludingjuices, canning, deep-freezing • Processednon-food
DEVELOPMENTS EducationTraining VocationalSchools on Training of Farmers OrganicAgricultureMoFAL, Cooperatives, UndergraduateLevelUnions, NGos CompulsoryandElectiveTraining of trainers CoursesMoFAL (Organicunit), Post-GraduatelevelconsultantsandNGOs MSC. andPh. D at fewTraining of researchers universities on productionMoFALanduniversities and marketing
DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC FARMING IN TURKEY • Started in 1984-85 • For developments of organic agriculture, Turkey needs: - Training • - Research and development of the domestic market • -More organic products
DEVELOPMENTS RESEARCH Ministry Of FoodAgricultureUniversities andLivestock Research at 27 National Ege University ResearchInstitutes Ankara University AnnualMeeting Of ResearchGroup Çukurova University On OrganicAgriculture (March 19-22 Selçuk University 2012 Antalya) Akdeniz University A Proceedingpublished: of 44 research A compilation is articlesavaible at MOAN Topicswideningandlongtermresearch (OrganicAgriculture targets (eg. Breeding) increasingCongressevery 3 year) Org e-printspromotedforTurkishresearchers
EXPORTING OF ORGANIC PRODUCTS • Turkey exports • -Sultanas • -Dried figs • -Apricots • -Frozen fruits • -Spices • -Pulses • Turkey mostly exports to Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Denmark and France • What Turkey produces rather few • -Coffee • -Hot beverage • -Chocolate • -Candies and gums
OPPORTUNITIES • DifferentNaturalandAgroecosystems • Biodiversity • RawMaterial • IncreasingProductRange • YoungPopulation • GoodInvestmentClimate • Unsatured Market
CONCLUSIONS Twobasicfactorswilldeterminethefuture of organicagricultureactivities in Turkey.Thefirstone is: Demand of consumerswhoarewillingto pay morefor a productthat is environmentandhealthfriendly.Thesecondfactor is: Thenumber of amount of producerswhowill producewithoutusingchemicalinputsand willacceptthespecialconditions of organic farming.
Cumhuriyet AnatolianHighSchool • Located in Manisa in thewest of Turkey • İzmir (3rd biggestcity) 30 km. far away • Nearestairport: İzmir Adnan Menderes InternationalAirport (50 km) • Closetoseveralotanticplaces: Ephesus, Sirince, VirginMary’sHouse, Kuşadası, SardesAnticCity • School: over 500 studentsagedbetween 15-19 • 45 staff
What is oureducationsystem? Ifweneedto talk aboutoureducationsystem, its education is based on Anatolian High School System. Educating language is Turkish. English and German are compulsory foreign languages. Due to the Turkish Education System in 10th grade of school, students select one of the four sections which are "Foreign Language Based", "Maths-Science Based", “Turkish-History Based” and "Turkish-Maths Based". Although the hours of each courses change in this sections, students are responsible all of the main courses like Maths, Turkish, Physics, History etc. Also students can take courses like Drawing, Music, Computer Science, PE etc.
It’s a pleasantactivity in ourschool. Studentswrite a shortpoem on post-it notesand put up on the panel.
THE COUNTRIES WE HAVE BEEN TO… Itwas a goodexperienceforourstudentstoturnto an advantage in theirstudyandbusiness life. Theyall had great time there, found a chancetogettoknowmoreabouteachother.
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