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Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics. Education environment. http://plasma.karelia.ru/. CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia.
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Education environment http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Education goals • Continuous education: schools, technical schools and high schools, retraining specialistes. • Availability ofeducation: region branch of the university, distance education, travellinglecturer, selecting and engaging talented schoolchildren andacceptingfor the university, financial supporttalented students; • Fusionscience and education; • Formation of the distributedprofessional communityon plasma physics. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Lecturing and scientific supervising in schools Officials: associate professor Zarovnyaev G.V.,professor Wagner S.D. The regular lessons at schools on nonstandard physics training, extra complexity problem solving, physical-technical study groups - School-lyceum №13 (associate professor ZarovnyaevG.V., lector Oleschuk O.V.) - School №27 (associate professor Loginova S.V.) - Lyceum №1 (associate professor Gostev V.A.) - University Lyceum(associate professors Ivashenkov O.N., Kikalov D.O.) - School №8 (associate professor Ershova N.Yu.) - Lyceum №1 Kondopoga city (associate professor Gostev V.A.) - Schools of Kem-region (associate professor ZarovnyaevG.V.) http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Lecturing and scientific supervising in schools Scientific supervising for schoolchildren: - associate professor Gostev V.A.,Lyceum №1 - associate professor ZarovnyaevG.V., School-lyceum №13 - associate professorIljin A.M., Scherbina A.I., University Lyceum - engineer Gura P.S., University Lyceum http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Lecturing and scientific supervising in schools The Physics Olympiad and Science Conference was organizedto schoolchildren. The following was arranged and delivered to schoolchildren by REC employees: - City (Petrozavodsk) Physics Olympiad (associate professors Zarovnyaev G.V. and Prokopchuk E.M., Boriskov P.P.). - City Conference for Schoolchildren “The Step into The Future”, physics section (professor Sysun V.I., associate professor Ivashenkov O.N.). - City Conference "Physics in science and technique" (professor Khakhaev A.D., professor Sysun V.I., Ph.D. student Prihodchenko R.V.). http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics The retraining for school and collegeteachers Officials: associate professor Malinenko V.P., professor Wagner S.D. New training programs: • professor Sysun V.I.«Plasma physics andcontrolled nuclear fusion». • professor Khakhaev A.D.,«Plasma-dust crystal». • professor Fofanov A.D., professor Stefanovich G.B.«Fullerene». • professor Gurtov V.A. «Optoelectronics and optical interconnections». • professor WagnerS.D.«Origin of quantum conception in physics». • associate professorGostev V.A., «Laser and beam technologies» • associate professorBorodin V.I. «Problems of plasmachemical processing of materials». • professor Sysun V.I. «Electroerosive, electrohydrodynamical and magnetic pulse methods of material processing». • professor Stefanovich G.B.«Quantum processes in micro- and nanoelectronics». • associate professorZarovnyaev G.V. «Non-traditional school experiment». • engineer Scherbina A.I. «Mass-spectrometric and laser spectroscopy in dust plasma». • associate professorNazarov A.I. «Physics in information technologies». In 2004 it is planned to retrain of school and college teachers and professors. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Scientific work of students • Student’s scientific worksarestartingwith 1st year. • Annual student scientific conferences (68 published works in 2003). • Annual school-seminar for young researches and students "Basic problems of applications of low temperature plasma physics". • Financial support for students actively working on the REC subjects $50 in month on average. • Research results at an international conference reported 2 students. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Subjects devoted to plasma Engineers have enlarged volume of math and physics: • plasma physics; • optical methods of plasma diagnostics; • probe methods of plasma diagnostics; • generators of low temperature plasma; • plasmochemical processes. Undergraduate students may choose subjects from the following: • plasma sources of ions and electrons; • particle interaction in plasma; • computer modeling of zone structure. New subject introduced in 2003: • plasma and exotic objects of atom physics; • methods and technique of investigation of heterogeneous plasma; • physics of plasma-dust structures; • interaction of plasma with substance; • plasma technology in metallurgy. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Textbooks in 2003 year 1. Pergament "Metal-insulator transitions and electronic switching", Larionov's press, Petrozavodsk, 2003. 2. Borodin V.I. Plasma technologies. PetrSU. In press. 3. Sysun V.I. Theory of signals and circuits. Petrozavodsk, 2002. 4. Alyoshina L.A., Shivrin O.N. X-ray investigation of crystals. Textbook. Petrozavodsk state university. In press. 5. Malinenko V.P., Alyoshina L.A., Il'in A.M. Physical phenomena and effects for data acquisition and processing. Textbook for 3rd year students. PetrSU. In press. 6. Luizova L.A. Optical methods of plasma diagnostics. PetrSU. 2003. 7. Ekimov K.A., Luizova L.A., Prikhodchenko R.V., Soloviev A.V., Khakhaev A.D. Laboratory programs on spectroscopy with use of virtual instruments and remote access. PetrSu, 2003. 8. Luizova L.A. From statement of the problem to decision making. PetrSU. 2003. 9. Sysun V.I. Electrical pulse technologies. PetrSU. In press. 10. Sysun V.I., Oleschuk O.V., Boriskov P.P., Stefanovich G.B. Basics of radioelectronics. PetrSu. In press. 11. Malinenko V.P., Sergeeva O.V. "Zonal and not zonal mechanisms of conduction in random oxides of nanometer size". Methodical manual. 35p. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Electronic textbooks for remote education • Luisova L.A. “Optical methods for plasma diagnostics” • Luisova L.A., “Basic of mathematical statistics” • Il’in A.M. “Nonlinear optics” • Ershova N.Yu. “Logical basis of microprocessors” • Moschevikin A.P. “Online test system” http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Modernization of the education process The structure of the informational-measurement system for the remote control of physical experiment was elaborated. The experimental set-ups designed, measurement facilities and methods developed are used as elements of automation systems of data acquiring and processing, and also in research nets, allowing remote control of information and technical resources and remote education through Internet New specialty of postgraduate study "Informational-measuring systems and complexes" was opened. 2 students were admitted on that specialty. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Cooperation in educational programs • Joint department of geophysics (Karelian RC RAS, “Integration” program); • Joint Institute for High Temperature, Moscow; • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna; • University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1997-2003; • Institute of Nuclear physics of M.Plank, Geidelberg, Germany http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia
Research and Educational Center on Basic Problems of Applications of Low Temperature Plasma Physics Financial support of scientific activity To raise the level of science activity and to attract the most talanted students and young scientists to science researches it is planned: 1. The opened contest of the best research of young scientist. 2. The opened contest of training and methodical works of young scientists, professors and post-graduate students. 3. Individual financial support of students and young scientists for creative research activity. 4. Support of students and young scientists travels to Russian and International science conferences. 5. Support of organization of PetrSU young scientists conferences, workshops and olymdiads. http://plasma.karelia.ru/ CRDF, Ministry of Education of RF, Government of Karelia