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THEMES. atmosphere. hero e s. monsters. Characteristics of a hero THE anglo-Saxons thought heroes had to sacrifice their lives for their cause . A typical anglo-Saxon Hero dieD upon facing HIS foe but a new hero often emergeD to replace HIM . A HERO WAS : A Great leader
THEMES atmosphere heroes monsters
Characteristics of a hero THE anglo-Saxons thought heroes had to sacrifice their lives for their cause. A typical anglo-Saxon Hero dieDupon facing HIS foe but a new hero often emergeDto replace HIM . A HERO WAS : • A Great leader • High class BIRTH (knight, prince, THANE etc) • Loyal • Bold • courageOUS
beowulf • BeowulfwasHygelac’sthane, he was the mightiest man on earth, highborn and powerful. • Beowulfpossessedmanygreatheroicqualities: • Inhumanstrength: he wasable to defeat Grendel by rippinghisarm off; he wasable to defeatGrendel’smother by holding hisbreath an insane length of time; he wasknown for hisgreatstrength in battleaswellas in sport competitions. • Loyality: he wasloyal to kingHrothgar- who once savedhisfather; loyal to hisownking; loyal to hisown men in fact he decided to stay with them and sleep in the sameplaceratherthan a place of honor • Courage: Beowulfneverthoughttwiceaboutfighting the monstersthat, untilhisarrival, haddonenothingbutkillthosewhocamebeforethem
wiglaf Wiglaf is an important character in the Anglo-Saxon epic poem “Beowulf ”. He is the son of Weohstan who had entered the service of Beowulf, king of the Geats. Wiglafis Beowulf's distant cousin, and his only living relative at the time of Beowulf's death. He helps Beowulf to fight against the dragon, so he is loyal to his lord; he has warlike , epicqualities such as loyalty, courage and boldness.
heorot Heorotis King Hrothgar’s mead-hall . It is described in the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf as "the foremost of halls under heaven." It serves as a palace for King Hrothgar, a legendary Danish king of the sixth century. Heorot means "Hall of the Hart" (male deer). Beowulf defends the royal hall and its residents from the demonic monster Grendel. It functions both as a seat of government and as a residence for the king's thanes. Heorot symbolizes human civilization and culture, as well as the might of the Danish kings—essentially, all the good things in the world of Beowulf. Its brightness, warmth, and joy contrasts with the darkness of the swamp waters inhabited by Grendel.
THE Mistylake Itis the placewhereBeowulffightsagainstGrendel’smother, whowants to revengeher son. The lakeis dark and mysterious, in factitsymbolicallyrepresents the Hell.
Geatland It is located in the South of Sweden and it is Beowulf’s homeland. Here Beowulf has been king for 50 years when he fights his last battleagainst the dragon, and the last images are of waste and desolation.
grendel Grendel is a man-eating demon that lives in the land of the Spear-Danes. Grendel is big in size, and has the strength of many warriors. He is described as a large figure with the strength to pick up the weight of a grown man and eat him whole. But, Grendel is shown as somewhat of a coward because he only attacks at night when the guards of the mead-hall are asleep. Grendel’s name is associated etymologically with “ground” or “bottom”. He is a «lone-walker», not part of a group ; he uses no weapon in battlewhileallotherwarriorspraticallyhavename for theirs.
Grendel’smother Grendel’smotherisevenless of a fullyrealizedcharacterthanher son. Shelives in a cave under a lake and thusappears to be an isolated figure, not part of a community. Sheonlyattacks the Danesaftertheykillher son , and thusshedisplays a degree of maternalinstinct. Sheiseven more powerfulthanher son, providingBeowulf with an evengreateropportunity to display hisprowess. Shepossessessupernaturalstrength and determination , asdisplayed in herepicbattle with Beowulf. Shelacksany strong characterbeyond the simpleidentity of «evilmonster». Women in Anglo-Saxon culture were «peace-weavers» and «cup-bearers», but Grendel’smotheris the opposite of whatthat culture emphasized in women.
The dragon • Unusuallylarge and ferocious the dragon • representsmalice, destruction and greedand the dark side of kingship. In «Beowulf» the dragon is the earliestexample in literature of the typicalEuropeanfire-breathing dragon. This dragon isdescribed with the Old English termssuchasdraca (dragon) and wyrm (reptile), and as a creature with a venomousbite. Moreover , the scopwhocomposedBeowulfcreated a dragon with specific traits: a nocturnal, treasure-hoarding, inquisitive, vengeful, fire-breathing creature. The dragon, as a hero, knows that failure will bring destruction to his people after many years of peace. The dragon himself acts a mock «gold-king», one who sees attacking Beowulf’s kingdom as suitable retribution for the theft of just a single cup.
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