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The sella´s descent. Index. What is the sella´s descent ? History Course Photos. What is the sella´s descent ?.
Index • What is thesella´sdescent? • History • Course • Photos
What is thesella´sdescent? • The decrease of Seals in canoe is an enterteining experience that will take to you from Arriondas to Llovio, in Ribadesella's surrounding areas, along fifteen kilometres. The difficulty is minimal. You will be able to go down only in your canoe, in pair or with two accompanists, the case is to spend it very well. Even being the first time, immediately you will get used to piloting your canoe as an adventurer.
What is thesella´sdescent? • - TheCelebrationis folk-sport • -TheSella´sdescentshave internacional touristtourist • -Hisnames are Fiesta de la Piragua (Canoe´scelebration) , Fiesta Verde (Green´scelebration) and thesella´sdescenttoo. • ThisCelebrationisthefirstSaturday of August
History • Everythingbeganwhen Dionisio de la Huerta, in 1929, arrived at hishouse of Coya, in Infiesto, toenjoyitssummervacations. When he wenttothestation of railroad of Barcelona, where he hadforeseentotake a trainto Madrid, to catch thereoneto Asturias, he saw a foldingcanoe in thewarehouses El Siglo. • Thinking of theeasy of its transfer, he foundthemostappropriatedevicetotaketo Coya and after a fewdays he wasalreadypracticingcanoeing in theprey of El Molino. Fewdayslater, with Dr. Benigno Morán and a youngboycalledManés Fernández (in a home-made K-1 and equippedwith lateral floats), he decidedtomake a trip, surprisinglyfortheriverPiloña, from Coya untilInfiesto. Therewerenearfivekilometersfortheriver, in thosetheyusedtwo anda halfhours...
History • Whatseemedananecdotedidn'tstaythere. Withtheexperience of thosefivekilometerstraveled in canoefrom Coya untilthe bridge of Infiesto, Dionisio de la Huerta convincedhis friend Alfonso Argüelles toaccompaniehimdowntheriveruntilArriondas and alsotoManés Fernández.In a canoewithfloatsbeganthatfirsttripaccompaniedby a group of friendsthatfollowedthem in bus. • Withhavingreiteratedstopstotakeoutthewater of thecanoe and somesandwich, thenightplunderedthem in Soto de Dueñas, so afterrestoringforces, theydecidedtoleaveitforbetteroccasion. Aboutfourteenkilometerstheyhadtraveled in thatadventure and theywere more thansevenhoursenjoyingtheriver and thelandscapesthatwaswhatreallyinterestedhim. In Infiestoeverybodyspokeabout Dionisio de la Huerta and hisadventures. • Thefollowingyeartook place whatlaterwould be thefirstedition of theDescent of theRiver Sella, betweenInfiesto and Ribadesella, accordingtosomeversions, and betweenInfiesto and Soto de Dueñas, accordingtoothers. This time, theywere Dionisio, Alfonso Argüelles and Manés Fernández, and thecertainthingisthattheyusedsevenhours, sinceeachlittle time theystopped and theysharedtheexperiencewiththefourteenfriendsthatfollowedthembythehighway.
Course • Alongthe Sella RiverbetwenArriondas and Ribadesella bridges (20 Km.). Place: Asturias (Spain).TheCadets, Centenarians, and Mixedcategories as well as the RR types, havetheirFinishing Line at theLloviorailway bridge (15 Km.) wheretheriverestuarybegings and wheretheoutdoor lunch and festivities are held. TheSenior, Junior and Veteranscategories (Men and Women in K2, K1, C2 and C1)) havetheirFinishing Line at Ribadesella (20 kms.)