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The sportsman’s diet. Many scientific studies have demonstrated the importance of exercise for people’s welfare . People training sport must provide the body with the energy consumed and compensate the losses of water and salts.
The sportsman’s diet • Many scientific studies have demonstrated the importance of exercise for people’s welfare. • People training sport must provide the body with the energy consumed and compensate the losses of water and salts. It is important that athletes know whatis the foodthat may help in their activity , in whatamount and way theyhaveto take themtogetall the possible benefits.
Whenyou practice sport food is important but it’s differentifyoupractise it at a competitive level or not.
The no agonist sportsman’s diet ● People who practise amateur sport have to pay attention to the quality of food without changing the quantity; this as a general rule. The extra caloric expenditure related to physical activity is lower than commonly believed(on average one hour swimming will consume about 160-170 kcal, the equivalent of a packetof dry biscuits and halfanapple) ●The mostsuitabledietfor amateur sportive people toletthemget the best performance aswellashealth, is similar to the dietnormallyfollowedby people who don’t practiseany sport: a nutritionally balanced diet that provides the appropriate amounts of water, calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. ● It is enough to follow the dietary recommendations such as those contained inLARN *LARN: recommended intake levels of energy and nutriens for the Italian population. ( Italian Society of Human Nutrition ‘96)
A BALANCED DIET means ▲ torespect the right distribution among nutrients. Specifically: Carbohydrates:about 55 - 60% of daily caloric intake Proteins:about 12 - 15% of daily caloric intake compared to the 10 - 12% recommended for those who don’t practise sport. Total fat: 25 - 30% of daily caloric intake. Minerals:according to the recommendations valid for the general population (LARN*) Vitamins:according to the recommendations valid for the general population (LARN *) Water:at least 1 - 1.5 litre a day but in general as much as lost through sweat, urine, etc.. ▲It is necessary to eat more pasta, bread, legumes and oil (food that provides a good caloric intake), fruit and vegetables (able to cover the increased demand for minerals), and to drink more water.
▲During the course of intensive physical activity may be useful to take sugar and fruit juics. ▲The Mediterranean diet is ideal for athletes. • ▲ It is useless increasing the • protein intake (already too • abundant in the Italian diet, since • Italians on average eat 50% more • than their protein needs). • ▲ Food supplements are • unnecessary as well.. • So nutrients that improve physical performance do not exist and doping is bad for health and their use is prohibited by law.
What to put on the table? • In general, food rich in complex carbohydrates, low in fat and with a high nutritional value. • You should eat a meal rich in carbohydrates about three hours before the beginning of sport, in this way you guarantee your body a reserve of energy ready available so avoiding going to the gym when the digestive process is still on going.
Immediately after sport activity, you can drink fresh orange juice, which gives sugars.At dinner after a dish of pasta, steak is the ideal food to get the right "fuel" of proteins. In this way the body doesn’t use the ones it already has inside. • During sport activity, it is good to drink in small sips and frequently so to reintegrate the fluids and minerals lost through sweating.