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Eco Industrial Parks Pilot Efforts in Andhra Pradesh

Eco Industrial Parks Pilot Efforts in Andhra Pradesh. Raghu Babu German Technical Cooperation Indo-German Environment Programme , ASEM. July 6, 2009. Key Aspects/Objectives. Sustainable industrial development. Environment, climate and energy benefits.

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Eco Industrial Parks Pilot Efforts in Andhra Pradesh

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  1. Eco Industrial Parks Pilot Efforts in Andhra Pradesh Raghu Babu German Technical Cooperation Indo-German Environment Programme, ASEM July 6, 2009

  2. Key Aspects/Objectives • Sustainable industrial development. • Environment, climate and energy benefits. • Effective and efficient solutions, methods, tools. • Transformation of existing industrial parks into eco industrial parks. • Planning of new industrial parks on sustainable development models. • Environmental performance improvement in industries. • Supportive capcity building and organizational development. APIIC – GTZ, 1st Phase Cooperation: 2004 to 2008, 2nd Phase Cooperation: 2009-2012 Release of EIE Strategy Document by GoAP, APIIC

  3. Strategy Sustainability Aspects (National/State Level Policies etc.) DoPharma (MoChem) (Eco Industrial Parks – Pharma Sector) Gujarat (Eco Industrial Parks) Demands for Expansion (Multiplier Effects) Andhra Pradesh (Eco Industrial Parks) Madhya Pradesh (Eco Industrial Parks) Mainstreaming of climate change Pilot Project Protection of Ecological Resoruces Capacity Building Verifiable environmental improvement De-coupling of economic growth and resource use Documentation Industrial disaster risk management

  4. Cooperation Partners gtz Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. Ministry of Environment & Forests Veto Players Industries IALAs in Industrial Parks AP State Govt. APIIC Zonal Offices Key Stakehoders Experts/ Institutions Contractors (Nat. /Intnl) Industrial Associations Consultants (Nat. /Intnl) Training Institutions Secondary Stakeholders

  5. Implementation Process Waste Management Site Master Planning Technical Support and Training Operational Planning (Staff, tasks, timeframe identified) gtz APIIC Ecoprofit Effluent Treatment gtz Consultancy by GTZ – National/International Experts Implementation by APIIC with their funds Technical support by GTZ gtz APIIC gtz Documentation Case Studies, Guidelines, Policy APIIC

  6. Transformation into Eco Industrial Parks • Infrastructure strengthening: • Sewerage systems, Drainage systems, Rain water harvesting • Common effluent treatment plants (CETPs), recycle/reuse • Waste management facilities • Plantation/green belts • Solar energy farms Infrastructure Strengthening in Existing Industrial Parks Upto 50 existing Industrial Parks targeted in 5 years

  7. Transformation into Eco Industrial Parks • EcoProfit in SMEs. • Environmental performance improvement in large scale industries. • Disaster management – Industrial Park level, Industry level. • Solar energy and energy efficiency in buildings. Ecoprofit Training Upto 100 industries targeted in 5 years.

  8. Transformation into Eco Industrial Parks • Strengthening of environmental management capacities in Industrial Parks – Environment Management Cells Environment Management Cells set up for 32 Industrial Parks

  9. Planning of New Industrial Parks • Vision/methodology setting with environment and climate orientation. • Defining compatible industrial development, investment targets, employment targets. • Environmental Impact Assessment. • Site Master Planning • Master plan • Infrastructure layout • Plot allotment guidelines • Plot development guidelines • Management structure Upto 2 new Industrial Parks and an Investment Region (250 sq.km) targeted.

  10. Organizational Development • Environmental Management & Protection Cell at APIIC HQ • Executive Director • Advisor • General Manager • Coordinator • Manager • Environment Cell of GTZ (ASEM) • Junior consultants at APIIC Zonal Office • Environment Management Cells at Industrial Parks Training Courses for APIIC Officers Zonal Managers of APIIC discussing on Strategy and Activities of Eco Ind. Parks

  11. Impacts, Learning, Innovation Release of Eco Ind. Park Strategy by Hon’ble Industry Minister of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Change Management – new vision by Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC) Scaling New Heights, Setting New Goals with Sustainable Industrial Development

  12. Impacts, Learning, Innovation Deptt. of Pharmaceuticals, MoChem, GoI Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation Pilot Eco Industrial Parks efforts in Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Industrial Disaster Management Multiplier effect of Pilot Efforts

  13. Impacts, Learning, Innovation Effluent treatment plants, env. infrastructure etc. commitments by APIIC (over 7 mio EUR per year) Investments by industries (EcoProfit, Env. Performance Improvement in Industries)

  14. Our Web Sites http://www.ecoindustrialparks.net/ n http://www.hrdp-idrm.in/ http://www.hrdp-net.in/ http://www.asemindia.com/index.aspx

  15. Thank You Supported by:

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