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Appraisal Institute. 2. State Government Relations Training. OverviewThis Power Point will share how to be an effective Government Relations Chair. It will also share what the Appraisal Institute expects from its Chapter Government Relations Chairs and how AI can help the Chapter Chairs succeed.
1. State Government Relations
2. Appraisal Institute 2 State Government Relations Training Overview
This Power Point will share how to be an effective Government Relations Chair.
It will also share what the Appraisal Institute expects from its Chapter Government Relations Chairs and how AI can help the Chapter Chairs succeed.
3. Appraisal Institute 3 Appraisal Institute Operations Washington Office
Don Kelley
Bill Garber
Isabel Parker
Justin Morton
National Government Relations Committee
Chapter Government Relations Chairs
Chapter GRC Committees
Washington Office
Don Kelly – Chief External Affairs Officer
Bill Garber - Director of Government Affairs
Isabel Parker – Legislative and Regulatory Coordinator
Justin Morton – State Government Affairs Representative
Joint Government Relations Agreement includes:
ASFMRA & ASA. Looking to include NAIFA.
There are over 100 Chapter Government Relations Chairs representing all 50 states, DC and the Virgin Islands.
Washington Office
Don Kelly – Chief External Affairs Officer
Bill Garber - Director of Government Affairs
Isabel Parker – Legislative and Regulatory Coordinator
Justin Morton – State Government Affairs Representative
Joint Government Relations Agreement includes:
ASFMRA & ASA. Looking to include NAIFA.
There are over 100 Chapter Government Relations Chairs representing all 50 states, DC and the Virgin Islands.
4. Appraisal Institute 4 Issue Management DC Office can help you determine which issues are most important in your state
Should be part of your regular chapter discussions
Focus on issues receiving media attention
Focus on new issues with strong impact on appraisers. Some key issues include:
Mortgage Fraud
Appraisal Independence
Automated Valuation Models
Conservation Easements
Eminent DomainSome key issues include:
Mortgage Fraud
Appraisal Independence
Automated Valuation Models
Conservation Easements
Eminent Domain
5. Appraisal Institute 5 Resources for Chapters DC Office - http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/govtaffairs/
Appraiser News Online – Government News
Annual Issues Report
Washington Appraisal Summit
Leadership Development and Advisory Committee (LDAC)
Chapter Operations Manual
6. Appraisal Institute 6 Appraisal Institute Operations Joint Government Relations Agreement
ASA –American Society of Appraisers
ASFMRA—American Society of Farm managers and Rural Appraisers
Washington Office
Don Kelly – Chief External Affairs Officer
Bill Garber - Director of Government Affairs
Isabel Parker – Legislative and Regulatory Coordinator
Justin Morton – State Government Affairs Representative
Joint Government Relations Agreement includes:
ASFMRA & ASA. Looking to include NAIFA.
There are over 100 Chapter Government Relations Chairs representing all 50 states, DC and the Virgin Islands.
Washington Office
Don Kelly – Chief External Affairs Officer
Bill Garber - Director of Government Affairs
Isabel Parker – Legislative and Regulatory Coordinator
Justin Morton – State Government Affairs Representative
Joint Government Relations Agreement includes:
ASFMRA & ASA. Looking to include NAIFA.
There are over 100 Chapter Government Relations Chairs representing all 50 states, DC and the Virgin Islands.
7. Appraisal Institute 7 Duties and Expectations: State GR Chairs Where possible create and utilize a government relations committee
Stay informed of important legislative and regulatory activity
Maintain contacts with key officials
Notify members of significant activity
Represent AI at chapter meetings We would like to see the Chapter GR Chairs give updates at more chapter meetings. This will prompt the Chair to become more involved in Government Relations and continue to show the importance of government relations at chapter meetings.
The Chapter Chairs should feel free to contact the Washington Office for any information on what is happening in government in their state. Specifically, the State Government Affairs Representative will be able to give any necessary information. We would like to see the Chapter GR Chairs give updates at more chapter meetings. This will prompt the Chair to become more involved in Government Relations and continue to show the importance of government relations at chapter meetings.
The Chapter Chairs should feel free to contact the Washington Office for any information on what is happening in government in their state. Specifically, the State Government Affairs Representative will be able to give any necessary information.
8. Appraisal Institute 8 Representing Government Affairs at Chapter State Meetings
Discuss current important issues with chapter
Discuss what the chapter would like to see accomplished in state and local governments
Consider designated one individual to focus specifically on appraisal board issues
Organize members to take action
When updating the members on State GR activity, the chairs just need to focus on whatever is current. It may be that not much is happening. But just talking over key issues and discussing what the chapter would like to see happen in the future can be incredibly helpful to the Washington Office.
Again the Washington Office is always available to assist the chapter chairs in their Chapter Presentations.
When updating the members on State GR activity, the chairs just need to focus on whatever is current. It may be that not much is happening. But just talking over key issues and discussing what the chapter would like to see happen in the future can be incredibly helpful to the Washington Office.
Again the Washington Office is always available to assist the chapter chairs in their Chapter Presentations.
9. Appraisal Institute 9 Staying Informed Read Appraiser News Online and the Appraisal Journal
Maintain Contacts with Regional GRC Reps and State GRC Reps
Read primary newspaper in State Capitol
Talk to contacts All trade journals are helpful in staying informed. There are also some local blogs and other internet sites related to specific areas of the legislature that can help the GR Chair stay informed.
Offer to have bi-annual Regional/State GRC teleconference. The Washington Office would be happy to set this up and help organize the conference call.
Contacts can include your state senator or representative or it can include appraisal board members.
One of the best ways to stay informed is to attend State Appraisal Board meetings. By attending the meetings and then reporting back what was discussed, GR Chairs can increase communication and contact between the state appraisal boards and the Appraisal Institute. While this may not always be possible, it is an area where AI could show great improvement. All trade journals are helpful in staying informed. There are also some local blogs and other internet sites related to specific areas of the legislature that can help the GR Chair stay informed.
Offer to have bi-annual Regional/State GRC teleconference. The Washington Office would be happy to set this up and help organize the conference call.
Contacts can include your state senator or representative or it can include appraisal board members.
One of the best ways to stay informed is to attend State Appraisal Board meetings. By attending the meetings and then reporting back what was discussed, GR Chairs can increase communication and contact between the state appraisal boards and the Appraisal Institute. While this may not always be possible, it is an area where AI could show great improvement.
10. Appraisal Institute 10 Alerting Members When a relevant Bill is introduced
When a hearing has been scheduled
When a State Appraisal Board is meeting
Need action from members
Utilize Capwiz
The Washington Office will also send out alerts to the chapter chairs on bills, hearings and appraisal board meetings, letting the GR Chairs know what a relevant bill has been introduced. The Chair can then decide whether this information is important enough to pass on to the members.
The Washington Office can also help them organize Action Alert if they need the members to contact a state legislator or the appraisal board. The Washington Office will also send out alerts to the chapter chairs on bills, hearings and appraisal board meetings, letting the GR Chairs know what a relevant bill has been introduced. The Chair can then decide whether this information is important enough to pass on to the members.
The Washington Office can also help them organize Action Alert if they need the members to contact a state legislator or the appraisal board.
11. Appraisal Institute 11 Maintaining Contacts The best way to maintain contacts is to call on a regular basis and build a relationship
Good Contacts Include:
Your state representative
Allies in the legislature or on the state appraisal board
Other appraisal organizations
Leaders of other real estate associations/Coalitions
12. Appraisal Institute 12 Coalitions Benefits:
More appraiser = stronger voice
More advocates for your issue
Shared resources - efficiencies
Many Chapters participate in coalitions
Informal – NJ, SC
Formal – FACT (TX), ACOW (WA), ICAP (IL)
Choose issues you’re likely to agree upon (at first)
You won’t agree all of the time
Funding – Who’s going to pay?
13. Appraisal Institute 13 Contract Lobbyists Considerations:
Viewed by many chapters as essential
Hiring decision should not be taken lightly
Requires prolonged commitment to gov’t relations
Not inexpensive
Fees vary by credentials and experience
Helpful if they are a former elected official
Dues assessments for GR activities
About 25 percent of AI chapters retain lobbyists
14. Appraisal Institute 14 Potential GR Chapter Activities Legislative and Regulatory advocacy
State lobby days (ex. GA)
Policy events (Princeton Conference, NJ chapters)
Develop position papers
Government Relations Newsletters
Offer Pro Bono Assitance to worthwhile programs
Every year, the Georgia Chapter invites all AI members and appraisers to Atlanta Georgia for a policy discussion and gives them an opportunity to lobby their local representative. It is an extremely effective way of influencing the legislature. The chapter also offers appraisers CE credit.Every year, the Georgia Chapter invites all AI members and appraisers to Atlanta Georgia for a policy discussion and gives them an opportunity to lobby their local representative. It is an extremely effective way of influencing the legislature. The chapter also offers appraisers CE credit.
15. Case Studies
Model Government Relations
16. Appraisal Institute 16 Indiana (Hoosier Chapter) Chapter sent out email asking all members if they would be willing to do free review appraisals to fight appraisal fraud.
Received positive response from about 30 members.
Reached out to legal aid organizations, community groups, and a Foreclosure Task Force.
Chapter volunteered to do free review work on suspected fraudulent appraisal work and was well received in community.
Positive national press coverage.
17. Appraisal Institute 17 South Carolina (South Carolina Chapter) Formed Coalition with South Carolina Association of Realtors to pass AQB legislation in state.
Wrote “failure to pay” legislation and had it introduced in state legislature.
Played integral role in getting AQB legislation passed in state legislature.
Worked closely with legislators to see pro-appraisal bills enacted.
18. Appraisal Institute 18 Michigan (Great Lakes Chapter) Responded to contacts from legislators and helped introduce a bill addressing the issues relating to mortgage fraud and appraisal pressure.
Coordinated response with DC office, seeking advice on how mortgage fraud is being handled in other states.
Continues to reach out to legislators and testify at committee meetings in order to see positive legislation enacted.
Legislation introduced supporting appraiser independence, strong fraud enforcement.
19. Appraisal Institute 19 DISCUSSION--What issues are you concerned about in your State? Mortgage Fraud?
Appraiser coercion?
Mandatory Licensing?
State appraisal board activities?
20. Appraisal Institute 20 How Can We Help You? We want your feedback
What issues are important to you?
How can we help you be more effective?
Justin R. Morton State Government Relations Representative Appraisal Institute 122 C Street, NW, Suite 360 Washington DC 20001 (202) 298-5593 JMorton @ appraisalinstitute.org