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Nanopositioning R&D Plan

Explore the development of high-stiffness, flexure-based stages for the HXN prototype, focusing on precision optics fabrication, X-ray microscopy, and end-station stability. Collaboration with APS key to achieving goals by FY2011-Q4.

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Nanopositioning R&D Plan

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  1. Nanopositioning R&D Plan Yong Chu Yong Chu Experimental Facilities Division, NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Advisory Committee Meeting April 23-24, 2009

  2. HXN Team HXN beamline Yong Chu: Group Leader (Joined Jan. 2009) Beamline Scientist: Getting near making decision to hire Ken Evans-Lutterodt (MOU Staff, Kinoform development, lead initial HXN effort ) Nanopositioning R&D Engineer: Interviewing 1 nm R&D Hanfei Yan (MLL theory, optics testing) Enju Lima (coherent phase retrieval, optics testing) Ray Conley (MLL fabrication, metrology) Nathalie Bouet (postdoc, MLL processing) James Biancarosa (technician, MLL fabrication)

  3. Technical Challenges • Focusing optics - fabrication of large (>100 mm), wedged MLLs - thinning MLLs for x-ray energies at 10 keV or lower - bonding two MLLs into a monolitic optic - wedged MLLs are extremely chromatic • X-ray Microscope - sub-nanometer positioning /scanning - sub-nanometer stability - small working distance ( < 1 mm) - integrated XRF detector with maximum solid angle - implementation of in situ controls or sample environments • End-Station - vibration, temperature, air-flow, acoustic management • Beamline optics - large coherence length at focusing optics - angular stability of 1 mrad or better - preservation of uniform wave front

  4. Schematic of the Overall Design Strategy for 1nm In-hutch DT ~ 0.1oC Temperature stability in mini-closure: DT < 0.05oC overall, < 0.01oC relative (bewteen optic & sample) Hutch wall Low-profile low thermal expansion stages with active feedback: Dz~0.2nm 1nm focus Engineered structures to compensate for measured floor vibration Active damping /isolation table: Dz~2-4nm Satellite bldg. wall on separate footing Specially engineered granite support with no vibration amplification: Dz<20nm Granite block Satellite bldg. Thick concrete slab structural filtering: Dz < 20nm Conventional natural site vibration: Dz < 25nm

  5. Considerations for Nanopositioning • Actuator • - piezoelectric with moderate travel distance • Guidance/Carrier • - avoid bearings, sliders, screws, gear-reducer, etc • - flexure-based motion for higher stiffness. • Sensors • - feedback on the “combined” motion •  Laser Doppler Linear Encoder • - require low noise enabling high res. • Control • - high speed/bandwidth • - need capability for “fly scan” • Environment • - suppression of low frequency vibration • - temp. stability to prevent drift Deming Shu’s Prototype Linear Flexure 2 mm travel range + 4 mrad tilt error Resolution test of the one-dimensional laser Doppler linear actuator closed-loop control system by Deming Shu (APS)

  6. Nanopositioning R&D Plan • In collaboration with the APS: • Develop a long travel (~3mm), high-stiffness, flexure-based xyz linear stages with laser encoding resolution of sub-nanometer. • Develop a long range (~10°), high-stiffness, flexure-based f-rotary stage. • - use high mechanical repeatability to build a look-up table to correct run-out and wobble errors. • Develop MLL positioner, meeting the HXN requirements (the experience from the CNM/APS MLL instrument will be very helpful). • Construct a HXN prototype (in air or He) combining the above components by FY2011-Q4. • Develop vibration damping solutions for the HXN support frame/table.

  7. HXN microscope • The microscope design will be guided by the experience with the HXN prototype. • Require differential laser encoding between the sample and the MLL optics. • In vacuum for thermal stability. • Integration of XRF detector. • Require 0.2~0.5 nm stability. • Work with a vender for construction

  8. HXN Time Line FY2013 FY2014 FY2010 FY2012 FY2011 FY2009 FY2015 Experiment at CNM/APS Wedged MLL available Prototype-I Testing Prototype-I at APS or other SRs Experiment at HXN Build up NSLS-II Nanopositioning Lab: Research Vibration Damping for the HXN table Prototype-II construction Prototype-II Design

  9. Summary • Nanopositioning R&D will be focused on developing high-stiffness, flexure-based xyz linear stages and a rotary stage with long travel (~3mm + ~10°) in collaboration with the APS • HXN prototype is planned to be constructed by FY2011-Q4. • HXN prototype will enable: - testing of MLLs - investigating methods to bond two MLLs - identifying specific engineering/technical challenges required for the HXN microscope

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