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Business Communication Workshop. Course Coordinator: Ayyaz Qadeer Lecture # 18. Recapitulation. We have discussed how to resolve Business Problems The Three-Step writing process Strategies for Bad-News Messages: When delivering bad news, you have five main goals
Business Communication Workshop Course Coordinator: Ayyaz Qadeer Lecture # 18
Recapitulation • We have discussed how to resolve Business Problems • The Three-Step writing process • Strategies for Bad-News Messages: When delivering bad news, you have five main goals • How to create an Effective Audience-Centered Tone • Indirect (Inductive) Organizational Plan: Bad News Plan
Recapitulation • If you know your audience can handle bad news first, use the direct approach • Buffer statements: Possible Buffers for opening Bad-News Messages • Evaluation of Buffer statements: Possible issues in writing Buffer in the opening paragraph • Characteristics of good Refusal Messages • Techniques for deemphasizing Bad News
Recapitulation • How to use effective expressions in delivering Bad News Messages: Passive Voice • Ending Bad-News Message: • Limit future correspondence on the matter. • Keep it positive • Be optimistic about the future and don’t anticipate problems. • Be sincere. • Be confident Types of Routine Bad-News Message • Refusing information • Refusing invitations and other requests • Giving bad news about orders • Refusing claims and requests for adjustments
Recapitulation • Refusing Claims and Requests for Adjustments • Sending Negative Employment Messages • Writing Plan for Refusing Requests or Claims • Writing Plan for Announcing Bad News to Customers and Employees • Guidelines: Negative Performance Reviews
Objectives • Discuss the planning tasks that need extra attention when preparing persuasive messages. • Distinguish between emotional and logical needs and how to balance them. • Describe the AIDA plan. • Explain how to overcome resistance to your message and list four common mistakes. • Compare sales and fundraising messages. • List eight guidelines that will help you strengthen your fundraising messages.
The Writing Process for Persuasive Messages • What is persuasion? • How does the three-step writing process make your persuasive messages effective? • Is analyzing your audience easier or harder for persuasive messages than for good-news messages? • How can demographics and psychographics help you analyze your audience?
Maslow’s Hierarchyof Needs Self-actualization Esteem and status Social Safety and security Physiological
Establishing Credibility • Support your message with facts. • Name your sources. • Be an expert. • Establish common ground. • Show enthusiasm. • Be objective. • Show sincerity. • Be trustworthy. • Indicate good intentions.
Writing Persuasive Messages • Most persuasive messages use the indirect approach – explaining reasons and building interest before revealing the purpose. • Your choice between the direct and the indirect approach is influenced by • Your audience’s probable reaction • Your audience’s and your organization’s preferences • Your authority, expertise, or power in the organization.
Appeals for Persuasion A balance between two types of appeals, the logical appeal and the emotional appeal, depends on these factors: • Actions you wish to motivate • Reader’s expectations • Degree of resistance you must overcome • Your authority in selling your point of view
Guidelines for a Logical, Sound Argument Avoid hasty generalizations Avoid begging the question Avoid attacking your opponent Avoid oversimplifying a complex opponent Avoid assuming a false cause Avoid faulty analogies Avoid illogical support
The AIDA Plan Describe what is covered in each of the following phases of a persuasive message: • Attention • Interest • Desire • Action
How to Strengthena Persuasive Message • Use semantics effectively. • Be moderate. • Focus on your goal. • Use simple language. • Anticipate opposition. • Provide support. • Be specific. • Create a win-win situation. • Time your message to be effective. • Speak metaphorically and use anecdotes.
Good Persuasive Messages • Don’t use a hard-sell. • Don’t resist compromise. • Don’t rely solely on great arguments. • Don’t try to persuade audiences in a one-shot effort.
Types of Persuasive Messages In three minutes, list all the types of persuasive messages you can think of.
Strategies for Sales Messages Determine your selling point and benefits Keep in mind legal aspects of your message Be liberal in your use of action words Be careful when talking about price Support your claims
How to Grab Your Audience’s Attention • Provide a piece of genuine news. • Appeal personally to the reader’s emotions. • Tout your product’s most attractive feature. • Provide some intriguing numbers. • Include a sample of the product. • Reinforce a concrete illustration with some story appeal. • Share a specific trait with the audience. • Issue a challenge. • Provide a solution to a problem.
Writing Plan for a Persuasive Request • Opening • Obtain the reader’s attention and interest. • Body • Explain logically and concisely the purpose of your request. • Reduce resistance with counterarguments; establish credibility.
Writing Plan for a Persuasive Request • Closing • Ask for a particular action. • Make it easy to respond. • Show courtesy and respect.
Tips for Complaints • Begin with a compliment, point of agreement, statement of the problem, or brief review of action you have taken to resolve the problem. • Provide identifying data. • Explain why the receiver is responsible.
Tips for Complaints • Enclose document copies supporting your claim. • Appeal to the receiver's fairness, ethical and legal responsibilities, and desire for customer satisfaction. • Describe your feelings and your disappointment.
Tips for Complaints • Avoid sounding angry, emotional, or irrational. • Close by telling exactly what you want done.
We have discussed….. • How do emotional appeals differ from logical appeals? • What is the AIDA plan, and how does it apply to persuasive messages? • What are four common mistakes to avoid when developing a persuasive message to overcome resistance? • What are some questions to ask when gauging the audience’s needs during the planning of a persuasive message? • What role do demographics and psychographics play in audience analysis during the planning of a persuasive message?
We have discussed….. continued • What are four ways you can build credibility with an audience when planning a persuasive message? • What three types of reasoning can you use in logical appeals? • How do benefits differ from features? • What are the key features of writing Plan for a Persuasive Request? • What are points to consider while writing effective persuasive complaints?: