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Macroeconomics precourse – Part 1 Academic Year 2013-2014. Course Presentation This course aims to prepare students for the Macroeconomics course of the MSc in BA. It provides the essential background in macroeconomics. PAOLO PAESANI Office: Room B6, 3RD floor, Building B
Macroeconomicsprecourse – Part 1 AcademicYear 2013-2014 CoursePresentation This course aims to prepare students for the Macroeconomics course of the MSc in BA. It provides the essential background in macroeconomics PAOLO PAESANI Office: Room B6, 3RD floor, Building B Telephone: 06-72595701 E-mail: paolo.paesani@uniroma2.it Office hours: to be agreed
Macro • MACROECONOMICS • Macroeconomicsis a branchofeconomictheorythatstudies the functioningof the economic system of a nationas a whole and itsconnectionswithothereconomicsystems. • Economic system = Households + Non financialCompanies + Financial Intermediaries + Government (including the centralbank) • Orthodoxapproach: Microeconomics (studyof single elements) as the basisofmacroeconomics (studyof the whole) • Heterdoxapproach: I’lltellyouaboutitnexttime !
Macro • SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT • Well-definedpropertyrightsoveravailableresources; • Freedomto put availableresourcesto the best (mostprofitable) useasjudgedby the owner (resourceallocation); • Propertyrightsprotection; • Freedomto transfer propertyrights in a regulated and organised way (Voluntaryexchange); • Price-basedresourceallocation; • Capitalist economy; • Open economy; • Governmentas a relevantmacroeconomicactor • Money as medium ofexchange, meansofpayment, unitof account and storeofvalue.
Macro THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM Mankiw (2010)
Macro GOVERNMENT AS A PART OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM Governmentas a part of the economic system • Purchasesgoods and servicesfrom the private sector (linkagewith the market forgoods and services); • Hiresworkers and rents capital goodsfrom the private sectorwhichituses in combinationwith intermediate goods and servicesto produce public goods (linkagewith the market forfactorsof production); • Taxeshouselds and firms (directtaxation, indirecttaxation, excises and fees) (TAX) • Transfersmoneytohouselds and firms (pensions, unemploymentbenefits, subsidies) GOVERNMENT Mankiw (2011)
Macro FINANCIAL SYSTEM AS A PART OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM Financial system (institutions and marketsrelatedto the circulationofmoney and credit) : • Centralbank; • Monetaryfinancialinstitutions (normalbanks); • Non monetaryfinancialintermediaries (investment and pensionfunds, insurancecompanies, rating agencies, investementbanks ….) • Money markets (Short-termfinancialassets) • Financial markets (bonds, shares, derivatives, forex, commodities) GOVERNMENT
Macro THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM Everyeconomic system islinkedto the othersthrough multiple channels: • International tradeofgoods and services (Exports and Imports); • International mobilityoffactorsof production (migration, foreigndirectinvestment); • Private internationalfinancialflows (portfolio investment, forextransactions) • Public internationalfinancialflows (management ofofficialforexreserves, interntionalaid, internationaltransfers) GOVERNMENT
Macro GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT GrossDomesticProduct (GDP, Y) is the nominalvalueofall the finalgoods and servicesproducedwithin a countryover a givenperiodoftimeevaluated at market prices. nominalvalue = measured in termsofmoney Finalgoods and services = goos and servicesproducedover a givenperiodoftime and NOT USED to produce othergoods and servicesduring the sameperiodoftime. Produced = Trading ofsecondhandgoodsisnot part of GDP Within a country = National dimension Givenperiodoftime = UsuallyOneyear (flow variable) Market prices = Onlyfinalgoods and servicesregularlybought and sold in a market contributeto GDP.
Macro GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Wheat RawBread Primarysector AGRICULTURE Secondarysector INDUSTRY Tertiarysector SERVICES 100 EUR 50 EUR 150 EUR Packagedbread Total valueofgoods and services = 300 EUR Valueof intermediate goods and services = 150 EUR GDP = 150 EUR Gross National Income = 50 + (100-50) + (150 – 100) = 150 EUR Consumers
Macro GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT Gross National Product (GNP) is the nominal market valueofall the finalgoods and servicesproducedwithin a country or a abroadover a givenperiodoftimebynationalfactorsof production. GNP = GDP + NFI NFI = NET FOREIGN INCOMES = (Incomeofdomesticlabour and capital employedabroad) – (Incomeofforeignlabour and capital employed in the country) Nationality + Residence matter
Macro NATIONAL INCOME Gross National Income (GNI) isequaltoGross National IncomeminusIndirectTaxation (ex. VAT) GNI = GNP - VAT Hint: Whenyoubuyanything (eg. a book) , 20% of the price youpayis VAT and istrasferredto the State, the restcompensatesfactorsof production employedto produce it.
Macro GDP PER CAPITA Dividing GDP by the country’s population (POP) weobtain GDP per-capita. GDP per capita can betakenas a roughmeasureof the economic welfare of a country’s residents. GDP per capita = GDP / POP GDP per capita isanaveragethattellsusnothingaboutdistribution. Economists and statisticianshavedevelopedspecificindicatorsforthat (e.g. Lorenz Curve, Ginicoefficient, …)
Macro GDP PER CAPITA Source: BNP_perhoofd_2012_%281%29.PNG
Macro GDP = AGGREGATE DEMAND Y = C + I + G + X – M Mankiw (2011)
Macro AGGREGATE DEMAND: CONSUMPTION Aggregate consumptiondepends on: Currentdisposableincome (Ydisp = Y – TAX + TRA) dC/dYdisp > 0 ExpecteddisposableincomedC/dYexp> 0 Inflation (?), Real interest rate < 0 (?) Wealth = Financial assets + Realassets > 0 Incomedistribution , Consumer credit …. Ydisp – C(t) = S(t) = Private Savings
Macro AGGREGATE DEMAND: PRIVATE INVESTMENT Aggregate investmentdepends on: Expectedprofits + attitudetowardsrisk Expected aggregate demand Inflation (?), Real interest rate < 0 Credit + financialfactors K(t+1) – K(t) = I(t) – dK(t) = Net investement K(t) = Aggregate Stock of capital , 0< d <1 depreciation rate
Macro AGGREGATE DEMAND: GOVERNMENT PURCHASES Governmentpurchasesdepend on: Sizeof the public sector Fiscal policy decisions G(t) + TRA(t) – TAX(t) = Government budget deficit GBD = change in public debt + monetaryfinancingof BD
Macro AGGREGATE DEMAND: NEXT EXPORTS Net Exportsdepend on: Nominalexchange rate E (amountofforeigncurrency per unitofdomesticcurrency) dNX / dE < 0 Domestic price level P dNX / dP < 0 Foreign price levelP*dNX / dP* > 0 Domestic GDP Y dNX / dY < 0 Foreign GDP Y*dNX / dY* > 0 Barrierstointernationaltrade Quality, National specificities … NX (t) + NFI(t) + NFTRA(t) + FDI(t) + PRMK(t) + dRES (t) + EO(t) = 0 Balanceofpayments
Macro DECOMPOSING GDP Y = PQ where Y = Nominal GDP, P = GDP deflator, Q = real GDP Mankiw (2011)
Macro • INFLATION • Inflation rate = Rateofchangeof the GDP deflatorovertime • Π = [P(t) – P(t-1)] / P(t-1) • Π > 0 = Moderate Inflation • Π = 0 (approx.) = Stableprices • Π < 0 = Deflation • Π >> 0 = High Inflation • Π >>>>>> … 0 = Hyper-inflation
Macro • INFLATION AND THE PURCHASING POWER OF MONEY • 1/P can betakenasanindicatorof the purchasingpowerofmoney (amountofgoodswhich can bepurchasedspending 1 euro) • M/P = Real Money balances • W/P = Realwage • Inflationerodes the purchasingpowerofmoney. As suchcreditors and people on fixedincomefearitwhiledebtors and people on floatingincome do not (iftheirincomemove at the placeofinflation). • Interesting link on the effectsofinflation: •
Macro • GROWTH • Inflation rate = Rateofchangeof the real GDP overtime • Γ = [Q(t) – Q(t-1)] / Q(t-1) • Π > 0 = Growth • Π = 0 (approx.) = Stagnation • Π < 0 = Recession • Growththeoryisoneof the mainbranchesofmacroeconomics
Macro REAL GDP AND GROWTH Mankiw (2011)
Macro REAL GDP AND GROWTH Mankiw (2011)
Macro • REFERENCE • Mankiw, G.N. (2010) BriefPrinciplesofMacroeconomics, 6° ed.,