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The Social and Cultural Impact of the Erie Canal.
"The Bible and Temperance" series, 1834-1857: "William White ... single ... calls upon ... Henry Brown ... married ... persuades him to go with him, and make a merry night of it ... however, he is so weak as not to refuse his friend, and goes out with him."
Plate 2: "From once going out with White, he goes again a second and a third time, and so on, until he loses his situation ... and brings his family to want and extreme wretchedness ... the Parish Minister steps in and reads from the Bible to the mother and daughter."
Plate 3: "The words of the sacred volume touch the heart of Brown, who ... jumps up, & taking the Bible ... swears upon the book of salvation, to reform and lead a new life."
Plate 4: "Brown now being reformed becomes ... sober and industrious, finds constant employment ... grateful to the Maker for the happy change, he regularly attends church, to return thanks for his conversion, and to pray for that of others."