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BACKGROUND. Department for International Development (DFID) Civil Society Partnership Programme (CSPP) Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Research Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and CSOs Networks Output 4: CSOs and Regional Food Security. RESEARCH CSOs. Think Tanks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BACKGROUND • Department for International Development (DFID) • Civil Society Partnership Programme (CSPP) • Overseas Development Institute (ODI) • Research Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and CSOs Networks • Output 4: CSOs and Regional Food Security

  2. RESEARCH CSOs • Think Tanks • Farmer Associations • Business Chambers • Humanitarian & Development NGOs

  3. RESEARCH EVIDENCE • Impact Monitoring • Field Reporting • Commissioned Studies • Workshop Reports • Research Officers

  4. USING RESEARCH • Political context • Quality • Usability • Legitimacy • Weight • Sustainability

  5. Regional Food Security and CSOs • Drought,HIV/AIDS and Failing Governance (WFP) • Which Failures? • Poverty and Vulnerability • Economic Integration • Food Production

  6. PILOTING CSO ENGAGEMENT • Working together? • Producing evidence? • Influencing policy? • Finding weaknesses • Assessing network organizations

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