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“Before starting their conquests, they had been nomads occupying the region of modern Arabia. They were stirred to activity and unity by Mohammed, and less than a century after his death in 632, had conquered lands from India to Spain, including North Africa and southern Italy… Thus the Arabs had control over, or access to, the men and culture of the Byzantine Empire, Egypt, Syria, Persia, and the lands farther east, including India.”
“One speaks of Arabic mathematics, but it was Arabic in language primarily. Most of the scholars were Greeks, Christians, Persians, and Jews… Fundamentally, what the Arabs possessed was Greek knowledge obtained directly from Greek manuscripts or from Syrian and Hebrew versions.” To algebra the Arabs contributed first of all the name. The word “algebra comes from a book written in 830 by the astronomer Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowârizmî, titled Al-jabr w’al muqâbala.” (meaning restoring the balance in an equation & simplification)
The 10/40 window is from 10 degrees North latitude to 40 degree North latitude. Most of the unevangelized people of the world live in The 10/40 Window. In fact, while this is only one-third of the total land area, almost two-thirds of the world’s people live in The 10/40 Window. See http:www.gmi.org/products/1040_g.htm