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What is Coeus  ? What will it do for me? Marjorie Forster, Assistant Vice President for Research

What is Coeus  ? What will it do for me? Marjorie Forster, Assistant Vice President for Research Dennis Paffrath, Senior Director, Grants and Contracts Janet Simons, Director, Research Administration and Development Updated November 13, 2007. Why Coeus, and why now?.

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What is Coeus  ? What will it do for me? Marjorie Forster, Assistant Vice President for Research

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  1. What is Coeus? What will it do for me? Marjorie Forster, Assistant Vice President for Research Dennis Paffrath, Senior Director, Grants and Contracts Janet Simons, Director, Research Administration and Development Updated November 13, 2007

  2. Why Coeus, and why now? • Federal mandate to submit proposal via Grants.gov was big incentive to move forward • Fulfills “wishlist” items for electronic research administration at UMB: Coeus facilitates a seamless path of proposal development, electronic routing for approvals, and -- for Grants.gov applications -- system-to-system submission of the proposal

  3. Why Coeus? • Process of choosing a system to meet the Federal mandate involved faculty, department administrators, and school and central administration • This team • Identified product must-haves • Reviewed product options (four companies) • Selected Coeus by a clear majority consensus

  4. Why Coeus? Satisfies several major must-haves: • Access to system “any time, anywhere” • Electronic routing for internal approvals • System-to-system submission functionality • Security and integrity of data • Ability to track status of application approval and submission • Ideally will help investigators focus on their projects and not on administrative “hassles”

  5. Coeus Implementation - where are we today? • Focusing on the first of four Coeus “modules” • Proposal Development (creating, routing and submitting the proposal) • Institute Proposal (management of submitted proposals - status & other data) • Awards (tracking of award transactions) • Subawards (tracking of outgoing subrecipient agreements)

  6. Coeus at WorkDemonstration

  7. Proposal Development Module • Your proposal is created here • The work to be performed in proposal creation is based on roles and responsibilities within your department

  8. Proposal Development Module Steps in proposal creation: • Proposal Record is created • General proposal data is added • Narratives/biosketches are attached • Budget is calculated and included • Proposal is routed for approval

  9. Roles/Responsibilities • Principal Investigator and/or Administrator • Creates new proposals (“Proposal Creator”) • Adds “pieces” to the proposal (“Aggregator”) • Adds Budget details (“Budget Creator”) • Approver (Chair, Dean’s Office, ORD) • Reviews and approves/rejects the proposal through electronic routing workflow

  10. Demonstration • Accessing Coeus via the myUMB portal • Creating a proposal • Proposal data • Budget • Narrative • Printing to an NIH form • Submit for approval - routing maps

  11. Access Coeus through the myUMB Portal

  12. A new Coeus proposal development record

  13. We enter some key data including the Grants.gov funding opportunity number, then we go to the “Action” menu to choose “Grants.gov”

  14. Coeus links directly to Grants.gov and finds the program opportunity. (We have linked to a TEST opportunity that NIH and Grants.gov provide for system-to-system testing.)

  15. This screen appears after Coeus links to Grants.gov. From here you can link to instructions, add information, review forms, validate for Grants.gov, and check the status of a submitted application.

  16. This tab shows the forms that are mandatory for this funding opportunity (an R01 grant), as well as “optional” forms. When you check “include”, that form is included in the information submitted to Grants.gov.

  17. The Grants.gov icon indicates that this proposal is now associated with the specific funding opportunity.

  18. The PI is entered on the “Investigator” tab and the Key Persons on this tab. Key Persons may be from UMB or from other organizations (subrecipients, consultants)

  19. Narratives are uploaded to Coeus. These are pdf documents, as required by NIH

  20. We have created a budget for Period 1. Coeus then generates subsequent periods, including an annual inflation increase for most budget items. F&A is also calculated for you by Coeus.

  21. When you add personnel to the budget, Coeus calculates for you the percent of institutional base salary, as well as F&A costs (MTDC) and fringe benefits. Disclaimer - we didn’t use real institutional base salaries for these real faculty members. Any resemblance to actual salaries is pure coincidence!

  22. Once you have entered the proposal information, you can print the forms as they will appear in your application once it is “assembled” by NIH Commons

  23. Proposals will be routed through Coeus for internal approvals. You can view the routing map and find out whether your proposal has been Approved or is “Waiting for Approval”.

  24. More features and information: • For NIH Grants.gov submissions, ORD submits directly through Coeus to Grants.gov • Investigators will use Coeus for any kind of application routing - not just for the Grants.gov application that we demonstrated

  25. Coeus and PureEdge • No difference in the attachments (Research Plan, etc) • Once you have created a proposal in Coeus, you can copy it to revise, submit to a different sponsor, or submit continuations and renewals. This is generally not possible once a PureEdge application form has been completed.

  26. Coeus and PureEdge • Can develop and calculate budgets within Coeus. Eliminates the duplicate data entry of a spreadsheet calculation and re-entry of budget in PureEdge. • Coeus contains pre-populated standard UMB and investigator data, minimizing NIH validation errors • Mac compatible!

  27. Changes from current systems • Routing through Coeus for internal approvals eliminates need for separate routing form • Will be able to check status of routing • System-to-system submissions to Grants.gov • Save trees! Reduces or eliminates need for hard copies of routed proposals

  28. Challenges • Like any software application, Coeus doesn’t do everything • For example, we can’t submit electronic proposals system-to-system through Coeus to sponsor systems such as Proposal Central, NASA NSPIRES, or the AHA • Coeus does not have an electronic checklist or a “path” to guide you through an application form • “Job Aids” and checklists are being added to the UMB Coeus website to meet this need

  29. Proposal Development - Phase I • Limited number of proposals for the NIH February and March 2007 deadlines • Pilot users included 5 faculty from four units • SOM - Anatomy/Neurobiology • SOM - Physiology • SOM - Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases • SON - Organizational Systems and Adult Health

  30. Proposal Development - Phase I • Working closely with the software creator - MIT - and Coeus Consortium members • UMB is among the first institutions other than MIT to submit system-to-system Grants.gov applications through Coeus • Successfully submitted 5 NIH applications • 4 R01s and 1 R21 • Including a Resubmission and a Renewal

  31. Proposal Development -Phase II • Implemented and tested updated release of Coeus • Second group of pilot users for NIH June/July deadlines • Submitted about 15 NIH applications

  32. Roll-out Phase III - now • For the October/November deadlines additional units included: • School of Dentistry • School of Law • School of Pharmacy • School of Social Work • School of Medicine units • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology • Microbiology & Immunology • Center for Research on Aging (Dept of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine)

  33. Roll-out Phase III • Controlled roll-out to additional units • Non-Grants.gov proposals (paper submissions, electronic proposal systems such as Proposal Central) may be developed and electronically routed • Commitments from more experienced units to develop/route all proposals through Coeus by January 2008 • SOM - Physiology • SOM - Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases • School of Nursing

  34. Next steps: roll-out • Until your unit comes on line in Coeus, you will continue to route and submit applications according to the established procedures - UMB routing form, hard copies of applications, PureEdge for Grants.gov submission, etc.

  35. Roll-out process • Orientation for each unit • Outline expectations and timelines • Work with departments/schools to verify roles and approval routing maps • Ensure that faculty receive training • Faculty/administrators will have support from CITS, ORD and Schools

  36. Coeus Wish List • Coeus users will be able to submit suggestions to improve Coeus, through a dedicated email address • UMB is part of the Coeus Consortium, comprised of institutions that have licensed Coeus. As a Consortium member, UMB submits suggestions that are reviewed and prioritized, and may become part of a future release

  37. Training and Support • In class training for new users • Web-based refresher modules • FAQs and other information on Coeus website http://www.umaryland.edu/coeus • Points of contact for help with Coeus

  38. Coeus Users Group • Support network of campus-wide Research, Grant and Contract Administrators • Purpose: Knowledgeable resource for Coeus users • Change management and business process change • Training

  39. For more information • http://www.umaryland.edu/coeus • http://www.coeus.org/coeus-cons/

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