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Howard E. Michel 2011 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities

Nuts and Bolts of Local Operations Engaging the Member. Howard E. Michel 2011 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities Original presentation created by Barry L. Shoop 2010 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities

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Howard E. Michel 2011 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities

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  1. Nuts and Bolts of Local Operations Engaging the Member Howard E. Michel 2011 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities Original presentation created by Barry L. Shoop 2010 IEEE Vice President Member & Geographic Activities Contributors: Cecelia Jankowski, Jamie Moesch, Kuangyunn Chiu.

  2. Purpose • Engage in a dialog about how to more effectively • engage the members. • Volunteer-to-member • Member-to-member • Member-to-IEEE • Workshop is intended to be a full-duplex communication • process. • Will not provide all the answers but instead motivate • and stimulate ideas and share best practices already in • use. 2

  3. MGA Mission & Vision Vision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Mission: Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEE For the purpose of… - Fulfilling the mission of IEEE - Enhancing the member’s growth and development through their life cycle - Providing a professional home Principles • The member is IEEE and IEEE is the member. • Members shape IEEE's future. • Members collaborate to create IEEE's future. • IEEE enhances members' future. Goals • Increase member engagement. • Improve relationships with and between members. • Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. • Enhance collaboration with other business units. • Increase membership. 31-Jul-14 3

  4. Continuity—delivering value in 2011 • Solidify the Membership Message • Membership growth—400K+ • (for reference) • Center for Leadership Excellence • vTools

  5. The Member Message Focus on the Member, the Result will be Membership Growth 5

  6. Who is Your Member? 6

  7. Engaging the Member • Previous Model Goal: More meetings during the year. Process: Program Committee schedules more meetings. Result: More meetings with the same attendees. • New Model … Changed Paradigm Goal: Meetings that better engage our members. Process: • Engage the member. • Survey the members or use existing member segmentation data • Use member data to identify topics of common interest within the member life-cycle. • Technical interests • Student, Graduate Student, GOLD, Member, Senior Member, Fellow, Life Member • Meeting model – traditional, virtual … webinar, Dim-Dim, … Result: More meetings with increased member engagement. • Meetings are focused on member interest. 7

  8. Quality of the Member Experience More critical strengths Satisfaction = Top 3 Box % Less critical strength % Satisfaction (Mean = 41) Lower priority improvements Top improvement opportunity % Importance (Mean= 39) Source: 2008 Member Segmentation Study, all Higher Grade Members 8

  9. Membership Value Satisfaction by Awareness - Higher Grade Members Satisfaction Top 3 Box % % Satisfaction (Mean= 41) % Awareness (Mean= 89) Source: 2008 Member Segmentation Study, all Higher Grade Members 9

  10. Importance Ranking • Observations: • Because 70% of sample data was from R1-7, the results of satisfaction and importance from R1-7 are very much in line with total. • R8’s importance ratings in general • were similar to R1-7 except “Representation on public policy issues” which showed less important. • Compared with other regions “Online career resources” showed a lower importance rating in R10. With further analysis on the country level, India (72%) showed a great level of importance on product. • Conclusions: • Though “Online career resources” ranked lower in R10, 72% of members from India considered it very important vs China* (30%) , Japan (31%), and Australia(26%). • Noticeably, 74% of members in India expressed that it was very important to address “Representation on pub policy issues” . It was 55% and 30% in China and Japan respectively. • “Discounts” was rated the most important product in China (91%) vs India (75%) and Japan (65%) • Though the importance of “Representation on public policy issues “ might be higher in (R1-7,10) and lower in (R8), the return of investment could be difficult. * Very small N

  11. Satisfaction Ranking • Conclusions: • Maintain satisfaction on the products and services with high satisfaction. Members are satisfied and we deliver them well. • With limited resources (financial, staff, and volunteer) we need to prioritize by focusing on the important products and services (see prior importance ranking page). They are important and our delivery is relatively weak. • It is imperative to analyze the gap between satisfaction and importance. This provides great insights in taking properly actions. (See next page) • Observations: • The high importance does not correspond to high satisfaction. Only 4 out of 10 most important products were among the top satisfaction list. • Even though “Insurance and other financial products and services” received low rating in R8 (19%) and R10 (21% ) the gaps between satisfaction and importance are still positive .(See next page) This implies that the improvement of satisfaction in this area and others with positive gap would only make limited impact on member value.

  12. Gap Ranking • Observations: • The table represents the gap between satisfaction and importance. Efforts narrowing the gaps in the products and services with high importance and low satisfaction are more likely to have the most impact on member value. • Conclusions: • The ratings of importance and satisfaction may be different from region to region, yet the gaps of top 10 products seems to be more consistent throughout the regions. • “Discounts on professional products and services” was ranked #1 and #9 to R10 and R8 respectively. It showed that members in R10 are more sensitive to the pricing of the products and services in general. • To compare with other regions, R10 has lower gap ranking in “Online career resources” with exception of India with (-54%), the highest gap area in India.

  13. Summary • Based on gaps between importance and satisfaction of products and services • Discounts on professional products and services • Higher priority : R10 (India and China) • Lower priority: R1-8 • Professional networking • Higher priority : R8 (United Kingdom, Greece and Netherlands) • Lower priority : R10 (except India) • Online career resources • Higher priority : R1-8 • Lower priority : R10 (except India) • Continuing education opportunities • Higher priority : All regions • Online access to publications • Higher priority : All regions

  14. Meetings – Lifecycle Focus • Periodically Focus on Member Lifecycle • Student Members … resume development, interviewing techniques … • Graduate Student Members … technical meeting topics, networking, … • Early Career Members • Industry … networking with peers, leadership seminars, IEEE standards, … • Academic … grant proposal process … • Mid-Career Members • Industry … How to manage people … • Academic … Educational pedagogy, how to run a committee meeting, … • Senior Career Members • Retirees • General • Humanitarian events … Green technologies, Habitat-for-Humanity • Social skills … ballroom dancing, formal dinners, … • Know your Members to Engage your Members 14

  15. Life Cycle Grid 15

  16. Life Cycle Portfolio Example: Young Professionals/GOLD 16

  17. IEEE Membership 397,001 2009 Year End March 2010 Snapshot 31-Jul-14 17

  18. Retention versus Recruitment Rate % versus prior year Recruitment Retention 70% Data : HG Member, December 2010 Note: x : y ( 50 : 15) , average retention rate : 56%

  19. Retention versus Recruitment Rate – R10 % versus prior year Recruitment Retention Data : HG Member, December 2010 Note: x: y ( 45 :45) , average retention rate : 48%

  20. For Reference

  21. Center for Leadership Excellence

  22. The IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) develops the member as a volunteer and future leader 22 31-Jul-14

  23. The IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence addresses Key Objectives • One of the top 10 Sections Congress Recommendations (#3) – “Develop an Officer Training Handbook…” • Our MGA Mission to “enhance the members growth and development through their lifecycle” • To provide members a path forward in their development and grow as future leaders in both IEEE and their professional career

  24. IEEE CLE is one central educational resource for IEEE volunteers and members • Establishes a single organized source of training for volunteers across OU’s • Ensures a consistent message and delivery of content and eliminates proliferation of training development • Includes positional training specific the volunteer role • Job Description • Everything the volunteer needs to know in the first 30 days made available as a QuickStart module • Recommended menu of functional training which the volunteer can select based on their level of experience • Recommended menu of leadership and skills training courses the volunteer can select

  25. Training Guidelines Achieve Consistent Volunteer Experience with QuickStart Modules • Welcome and overview of the role • Designed 10 subject categories to reflect key areas of responsibility including: • “Understand Your Members” • “Getting Organized with Tools” • “Documentation Management” • “Know Your Section/Chapter Officers” • “Section Planning and Goal Setting” • Engagement with the member is reinforced in the training • Provides link to tools appropriate for the role

  26. Initial focus has been on MGA Positions • Region • Section - • Technical Chapter • Affinity Group • Student Branch • Student Branch Chapter/Affiliate

  27. vTools

  28. vTools projects • Meetings and L31 • Available for use now! • WebInABox • Available for use now! • Voting • Available for use now! • Finance • Working to find a solution for Treasurers • Student Branch Reporting • Beta started in May, 2010 Visit http://vtools.ieee.org

  29. Available vTools vTools.Meetings For Section and Chapter meetings; Officers can create meeting announcements and display on website Members and the public may view and register for meetings Integrated with myIEEE vTools.WebInABox wizard to assist officers to generate simple Section/Chapter/Affinity Group websites vTools.Voting provides online elections software for Section/Chapter/Affinity Groups

  30. vTools.Meetings • Meetings Posting • Collection of meeting data • Credit card handling • available in a pilot mode to a limited number of R1-R7 sections with CB accounts at the beginning of Q3, 2010. • Full release after the pilot phase. • R8-R10 support planned for phase 2 • Complements family of products from Conference Services for larger events (Internet Conferencing, Meetings and Conferences Management, Teleconferencing)

  31. vTools.Meetings • Features • Form for entering meeting info • On-line registration • L31 Meeting report (only need to add attendee information) • RSS, iCal, and other feeds of meetings and L31s • Calendar support • Badge printing, meal tickets • Notice of meeting for display on a web site without webmaster involvement • Feeds meeting information to myIEEE • Credit card support coming in 2Q 2010

  32. L-31 • The L31 process is changing for all 2010 meetings. • Previous L 31 tool to be archived. • The Meetings L31 tool will now be standard. • http://meetings.vtools.ieee.org • Select create a new meeting report • NOTE: Currently, limited to volunteers listed in the Geographic Activities Roster • While you are there, please use the Meetings tool to get your meetings on the calendar.

  33. WebInABox • Basic Section web site “WebInABox” • Wizard-like interface for creation • In Production • Data driven • Enable a common look and feel • Calendar for all units • pulls from meetings tool • Pulls volunteer data from IEEE databases • No webmaster involvement required

  34. vTools.WebInABox Supports Sections, Chapters, and Affinity groups. vTools.WebInABox is designed to be installed on the IEEE (EWH) server. Is not meant to compete with or replace complex content management systems.

  35. vTools.WebInABox Generated section websites provide: Home Page – welcome message, announcement, and a picture Calendar Page - lists section events from vTools.Meetings (vTools.WebInABox seamlessly integrates with the vTools.Meetings) Officer Information Page - lists section officer information* (Volunteers can specify what officers' information (s)he wants to show: name, position, e-mail, phone, etc.) Other Units Page - information on chapters, affiliate groups, student branches* Blog Page – pulls information from your blog on EWH or elsewhere Links Page - a number of IEEE links plus custom links specified by the volunteer * Data pulled from central IEEE data source as reported to IEEE.

  36. Voting • Electronic Election for local units • Piloted in 2007 & 2008 using a vendor –learned much • In parallel, started internal development • IEEE Product Piloted in 2009 • In Production Spring of 2010 • Will support all units for 2010 elections

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