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Access Control Configuration and Group Management Plan

Implement a comprehensive plan for configuring access control and managing groups effectively within the organization's IT infrastructure. Follow step-by-step instructions to create groups, assign permissions, and ensure seamless access control across departments and domains.

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Access Control Configuration and Group Management Plan

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  1. Assignment 3

  2. Q#1: A) Copmuter_Configuration Folder: • Add all the employees and the head manager of Help Desk OU to a new GG called Help_Desk,dothe same process in Maintenance OU and Development OU. • Add the three GG into a new DLG called ACL_Computer_Configuration_Full_Control. • Add ACL_Computer_Configuration_Full_Control into the ACL of Copmuter_Configuration folder and assign the permission to full control.

  3. Q#1 Cont Development_Plan Folder: • Add the three GG into a new DLG called ACL_Development_Plan_Full_Control. • Add ACL_Development_Plan_Full_Control group into the ACL of Development_Plan folder and assign the permission to full control.

  4. Q#1 Cont B) Add every department manager of each domain in a new GG with in the same domain called branch_Managers. Add the three branch_Managers groups in a new UG in Jedd.yourfullname.Sahara.com.sa called Sahara Managers. Add Sahara Mangers into a new DLC called ACL_Quality_Read which will be in Jedd.yourfullname. Sahara.com.sa Add ACL_Quality_Read to the ACL of Quality folder.

  5. Q#2 A) UG  GG as long as no other universal groups exist as members B) UG  DLG no restriction C) GG  UG as long as it is not a member of any other global groups D) DLG  UG as long as no other domain local groups exist as members

  6. Q#3 universal groups help in represent and consolidate roles that span domains in a forest, and to define rules that can be applied across the forest.

  7. Q#4 • a. Record its membership and remove all members for a period of time, to determine whether the members lose access to any resource. If anything goes wrong, simply re-add the members. If the test succeeds, then delete the group. • b. Because when you delete a group, you remove its SID. Recreating the group with the same name does not restore permissions, because the new group's SID is different than of the original group.

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