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Divergent Boundary

Divergent Boundary. Prediction. Predict what type of movement occurs at a divergent boundary. Write this prediction at the top of your next blank page. Green cards = front left corner Red cards = front right corner Blue cards = back left corner Yellow cards = back right corner

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Divergent Boundary

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  1. Divergent Boundary

  2. Prediction Predict what type of movement occurs at a divergent boundary. Write this prediction at the top of your next blank page. Green cards = front left corner Red cards = front right corner Blue cards = back left corner Yellow cards = back right corner 2 min to share!

  3. Draw table below on blank notebook page: Divergent DEMO

  4. Divergent demo What did you do? What did you notice? What was this demo supposed to show? Was your prediction correct? Explain! Green cards pair up with red cards Yellow cards pair up with blue cards! 2 min to discuss your results!

  5. Divergent Demo • What is inside this candy bar? • What does each ingredient in the candy bar represent? • Think about what moves in a boundary… • Chocolate = Earth’s Plates (crust and lithosphere) • Carmel = asthenosphere • Was this a good or bad model? Why?

  6. Divergent Boundaries • Think-pair-share- • Based on the demo, predict what kind of movement occurs. • In your own words: Discuss with a partner: What is a fault? • Break in the rock of the crust where rock surfaces slip past each other. • What type of fault occurs? • Here are your choices: • Normal • Reverse • Strike Slip

  7. Faults • Think back to yesterday….. • If a reverse occurs at a Convergent, THINK-PAIR-SHARE: predict which occurs at a DIVERGENT? • YESS!!! A normal Fault occurs! • Lets check out some examples!

  8. Normal Faults occur at Divergent Boundaries

  9. Divergent Plate Combinations • Turn to your neighbor and name the two types of plates. • Oceanic and continental • What 2 plate combinations can you make using oceanic and continental? • O-O • C-C

  10. Let’s start with O-O • What landforms are created as a result of an oceanic-oceanic divergent boundary?

  11. O-O • A rift valley (new crust) • Volcanic Mid ocean ridge. • Real world examples: • The Mid-Atlantic Ridge • Krafla Volcano(in Iceland)

  12. C-C Landforms created?

  13. C-C • Rift Valley (new crust) • Volcano • Real world example: • African Rift Valley

  14. Transform Boundaries

  15. Transform Boundaries Pair up: Predict what movement occurs at this boundary. Green cards pair up with blue cards. Red cards pair up with yellow cards. 2 min to discuss!

  16. LET’S DANCE!! • Doin’ the Boundary Bop! • Find a partner! • Listen as I call out a boundary!! • When I say Convergent, how do you and your partner move? Divergent? Transform?

  17. Transform Boundaries • What fault occurs? • Not mine • Not yours • Options: • Normal • Reverse • Strike Slip

  18. Transform YES! Strike Slip Faults!

  19. Where can this occur? • Identify the three plate combinations! • O-O • C-C • O-C • Put in box • ANY 2 PLATES!

  20. What occurs at transform boundaries? • EARTHQUAKES!!!! • Real world example • San Andreas Fault

  21. Transform Boundary DEMO • Ladybugs: • Pick up your tables index cards & Purple directions • 4 index card halves • 2 card halves are cut straight • 2 card halves are cut jagged • Follow directions and answer questions in lab notebook.

  22. Reflection – Exit Ticket (Answer on index card!) • Reflect on the three types of boundaries you have learned about. Include: • How are they different? • How are they similar? • Combinations of plates (just oceanic, continental or both?) • Resulting landforms • Two new terms you learned • Evaluate one of your hypotheses – were you correct? Explain!

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