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Introduction to the library : Archaeology Resources (2)

Introduction to the library : Archaeology Resources (2). Nicola Conway. October 2011. Aims of the session. To help you: Identify and find relevant resources for your research Use the library effectively, and make the most of our services and resources Know who to contact for help Format:

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Introduction to the library : Archaeology Resources (2)

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  1. Introduction to the library : Archaeology Resources (2) Nicola Conway October 2011

  2. Aims of the session To help you: • Identify and find relevant resources for your research • Use the library effectively, and make the most of our services and resources • Know who to contact for help Format: • Demonstration of resources • Handout

  3. Subject Specific Support: http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/archaeology/

  4. Effective searching Identify keywords from your topic: “Investigate excavations of Neolithic sites in the Balkans” Advanced searching techniques: • Synonyms: excavation OR dig ; Neolithic OR stone age • Truncation: excavat* (to retrieve excavate, excavations, excavated etc.) • Phrases: “Stone Age” • Wildcards: colo?r to locate colour or color • Joining Words: AND, OR, NOT

  5. Effective searching (2) • Limits • Year / language • Combine searches: • (Neolith* OR “stone age”) AND excavat* • Advanced search option / help • Searching advice: http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/using/finding/

  6. The library catalogue: advanced features • Save searches • Add items to basket and email results • Receive notifications when new items are added into stock

  7. Online resources Which online resource? • Databases • Journal Articles • E-books • Conference Papers • Theses

  8. Online resources (2) • E-theses at Durham • Electronic versions of Durham theses passed after 1st October 2009 as well as selected theses dating back to 1938 • Service enabling you to borrow printed theses is currently suspended in order to scan the entire collection • Research repositories • DRO at Durham • Image Collections • E-books

  9. Searching online databases • Search a wide range of material • Some provide full text • JSTOR • Some only provide bibliographic information • Web of Knowledge • Can use ConneXions to see if Durham subscribes to the content • No single database will cover everything

  10. Obtaining items outside of Durham • Visiting other universities e.g. Newcastle and Northumbria • Check their catalogues: http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/resources/online/catalogues/ • Access to other libraries • SCONUL Access Scheme • http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/otherlibraries/ • Document Delivery Service • http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/using/borrowing/dds/

  11. Review your results • Are your results useful? • Do you need to change your keywords or search in a different database? • Use one record to find similar useful resources • Evaluate the quality of your sources • particularly if they are found on the internet • Keep references • e-mail yourself useful references

  12. References and Bibliographies • Always keep a full and accurate record of your information sources • Use the Library Catalogue and online databases to e-mail references for saving • Make sure you refer correctly to other authors within your work • Avoid plagiarism

  13. Where to get further help • Help and Information Point on Level 2 • Online enquiries form: • http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/using/enquiries/ • Subject information pages: • http://www.dur.ac.uk/library/archaeology/ • Academic Support Team: • Nicola Conway – Archaeology Liaison Librarian

  14. Any Questions Nicola Conway: nicola.conway@durham.ac.uk

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