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Introduction to the Resources. What's in the SFH tool box?. Resources Colour Key Design/diagnose Building Evaluation. A key Skills for Health methodology used in workforce strategy and planning :. Six Step Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning
Introduction to the Resources What's in the SFH tool box? Resources Colour Key Design/diagnose Building Evaluation
A key Skills for Health methodology used in workforce strategyand planning: • Six Step Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning Step 1 – Defining the planStep 2 – Mapping service changeStep 3 – Defining the required workforceStep 4 – Understanding workforce availabilityStep 5 – Planning to deliver the required workforceStep 6 – Implement, monitoring and refresh
Competences • describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed in order to carry out an activity to deliver the service (s) (regardless of who is performing the activity) • provide a UK wide, objective standard • are the ‘ingredients’ that make up any given roles
Competence Tools • The competence search tool enables you to search the database for specific competences using a range of criteria. • The NHS KSF competence mapping tool enables you to find competences that are mapped to selected dimensions and levels of an NHS KSF Post outline. • The Health Functional Map helps you find relevant competences based on functions
Competence Tools • The Career Framework tool contains lists of competences that have been have been mapped by Skills for Health to real job descriptions. • My Lists lets you store lists of competences from search results e.g. lists relating to role/team profiles or modules of learning. • The self assessment tool allows individuals to assess their abilities against competences in lists/profiles, and highlight strengths and weaknesses. • The team assessment tool enables you to undertake a skills mix analysis of teams, and highlight skills gaps.
Learning Design Principles • Learning Design Principles will ensure that health sector educational provision meets the needs of employers • Learning Design Principles are a competence based methodology which enables employers to shape the education and training need of employees. • By being clear about what functions, skills and knowledge (competences) are necessary to provide health services, employers and educational institutions can work in partnership to develop education packages.
Career Framework tool • This tool describes jobs in terms of their CF level and a range of competences associated with the job roles. It contains lists of competences that have been mapped to job descriptions • The tool lets you see the kinds of competences that could be associated with particular jobs • It may be useful to you if you are developing or creating teams to support new ways of working to improve and enhance patient care, as you can use these lists as a starting point for your own work
LMI Resource Access to LMI across the UK: • Workforce characteristics • Vacancy statistics • Qualifications, skills gaps and skill shortages • Students in training • Health of the population • Demographic health sector drivers The outputs assist with long term and short term future planning by allowing employers to discover trends in the labour market, in a particular sector or region. They provide employers with information to allow them to identify current or future skills gaps and shortages.
NHS Benchmarking Database • One stop access point to a range of acute, primary care, maternity, ambulatory and mental health data • Ability to break down information by organisation/region • Over 1100 different variables (e.g. activity, demographics, staffing, employment etc.) • Allows comparisons of your organisation to single or multiple organisations across the service
Workforce Evaluation tool • Allows organisations to measure performance/benefits realisation in four key areas: service, workforce, finance and customer • Using a ‘traffic light’ dashboard users can see instantly if they are on target to achieve their key performance indicators • Tool demonstrates cause and effect and highlights where mitigation is needed
Service Reconfiguration Tool • Designed to illustrate the banding structure of staff in post and can help illustrate workforce profiles using the ‘Christmas tree’ approach • Helps to ensure the vision looks right, and meets any skill mix and financial constraint • Defines what the future workforce could look like, and what it could cost • Output can act as part of the actual plan and as a first stage of a full business case
Extending Participation and Literacy, Language & Numeracy Resources which include; • Resources to support organisations’ capability to embed LLN into the organisation and to develop staffs' skills • Employability Skills Matrix – which defines the employability skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to enter the workforce , sustain employment and aid progression • Sector Employability Toolkit – which helps employers recruit to entry level jobs that are hard to fill and where there is a skills shortage
Apprenticeships • Apprenticeships equip individuals with the skills to practice a particular job. • They are part of a national programme of government funded training to raise the skill levels of people both entering and in employment • Apprentices learn on the job, building a foundation of important skills and knowledge through workplace training and applied learning
Apprenticeships • Apprenticeships can support employers to develop a set of well-trained and flexible healthcare support staff with transferable skills, by: • developing people from local communities with the potential to become the future workforce • recruiting new local staff into the organisation • meeting continuous professional development needs of existing staff, by enhancing their skills and knowledge through the completion of the Apprenticeship
Careers Information and Advice resources How they can help • Employers – to give advice to employees on career options and find appropriate training courses to help staff develop in their current role or equip them to move to other jobs in the health sector • Current health sector employees – The service enables employees to develop a career plan and learn about skills training opportunities, as well as to discover alternative career opportunities in the health sector.
Careers Information and Advice resources How they can help • Those considering a career – It can give those considering a career in the sector specialised advice to find a role that suits them • Career advisers – It provides guidance to those involved in giving career advice. The website includes links to more information on staff development, along with guides to training funding
New Ways of Working • Information on where , how and what innovative roles have been used to meet workforce challenges • Nationally Transferable Roles • Methodology for development of NTR with skills, competences and education to support them defined. NTR help by quickly establishing new roles or a sub set of competences in a role .