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Discussion session. Carsten Hast, Mauro Pivi SLAC. Application of Large Scale Gas Electron Multiplier Technology to Digital Hadron Calorimetry. Andy White University of Texas at Arlington For GEM DHCAL Group ESTB Workshop SLAC 2012. Introduction KPiX Readout FTBF Beam Test Setup
Discussion session Carsten Hast, Mauro Pivi SLAC
Application of Large Scale Gas Electron Multiplier Technology to Digital HadronCalorimetry Andy White University of Texas at Arlington For GEM DHCAL Group ESTB Workshop SLAC 2012 • Introduction • KPiXReadout • FTBF Beam Test Setup • Beam Test Analysis Results • Large Chamber Development • GEM DHCAL Plans + Test beam needs GEM DHCAL A. White
Toward 100cmx100cm GEM Planes!! Class 10,000 clean room (12’x8’) construction completed Two 33cmx100cm chamber parts delivered Jig for 33cmx100cm chamber being procured Positioners GEM Foil Spacer Anode Assembly jig GEM DHCAL A.White Positioners
Parameters required for Beam Tests To the presenter at the ESTB 2012 Workshop: please, fill in/update the table (at best) with the important parameters needed for your tests
Plans for Radiation Damage Studies for Si Diode Sensors Subject to 1 GRaD Doses Bruce Schumm SLAC Testbeam Workshop August 23 2012
The Issue: ILC BeamCal Radiation Exposure ILC BeamCal: Covers between 5 and 40 miliradians Radiation doses up to 100 MRad per year Radiation initiated by electromagnetic particles (most extant studies for hadron –induced) EM particles do little damage; might damage be come from small hadronic component of shower? 14 Bruce Schumm
SUMMARY • ILC BeamCal demands materials hardened for unprecedented levels of electromagnetic-induced radiation • 10-year doses will approach 1 GRad. • Not clear if hadrons in EM shower will play significant role need to explore this • At 1 nA, 1 GRad takes a long time (60 hours); multiply time ~10 samples really long time • More beam current (?) • Start with 100 MRad studies (already interesting) Bruce Schumm
Parameters required for Beam Tests To the presenter at the ESTB 2012 Workshop: please, fill in/update the table (at best) with the important parameters needed for your tests Bruce Schumm
Iowa Test Plans for ESTB B. Bilki, Y. Onel University Of Iowa
Digital Hadron Calorimeter (DHCAL) Tests • Development of low-resistivity glass is underway in collaboration with the COE College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. • Might need to test RPCs with different glass samples in beam. • Variable particle rate over 50 – 2000 Hz/cm2 is needed. • Secondary Emission (SE) Calorimetry Tests • In an SE detector module, secondary electrons are generated from an SE cathode when charged hadron or electromagnetic shower particles penetrate the SE sampling module placed between absorber materials in calorimeters. • A prototype SE module is being built with alternating layers of multianode PMT arrays and steel absorbers (first stage involves testing a single layer with an absorber of variable thickness). • Dual Readout/Crystal Calorimetry • Different crystal samples with different readouts. • Test for the time and spatial development of scintillation and Čerenkov light. • Readout with SiPMs and PMTs directly coupled to the crystals. • Test for different crystal properties (surface finish, wrapping, etc.) • Precise beam position measurement is needed (wire chambers, etc.)
Update on FACET at SLAC • ESTB Users Meeting Christine Clarke 23rdAugust 2012
Introduction to FACET http://facet.slac.stanford.edu • FACET uses 2/3 SLAC linac to deliver electrons to the experimental area in Sector 20 • The FACET dump separates FACET from LCLS • Our first User Run was April-July 2012 Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests
Beam Parameters Positrons will be commissioned in 2013 for delivery to experiments in sector 20 in 2014.
E-200 Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration • SLAC, UCLA, MPI • FACET’s high power electron beam ionises alkali gas and interacts with the plasma, wakefields accelerating part of the bunch • Lithium – small interaction, occasionally significant acceleration observed • Rubidium - consistently lots of interaction and good acceleration Beam bypassing plasma Beam going through plasma Significant interaction (energy loss) Energy gain by ~8% of beam
Looking Ahead… • FACET’s second User run is in winter/spring 2013 • Proposals for 2013 and 2014 currently welcome! https://slacportal.slac.stanford.edu/sites/ard_public/facet/user/Pages/ProposalOverview.aspx • The proposal deadline is 1st September • FACET User Meeting 9th/10th October http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/facetusers/2012/ • Next SAREC review 11th/12th October • New features to the facility are coming: • E-200 is installing a 10TW Laser to pre-ionise plasma • Positrons will be commissioned in 2013 for delivery to experiments in 2014 • Designs for a THz transport line are in place to take THz up to the laser room • FACET continues to run ~4 months/year until 2016