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The roles of Type Ia SN rates in galactic chemical evolution. Francesca Matteucci Department of Astronomy, Trieste Florence, May 2008. Summary of the talk. Type Ia SN progenitors (SD+DD) Type Ia SN rates (DTD+SFR) Chemical evolution of different galaxies (Milky Way, Ellipticals, Irregulars)
The roles of Type Ia SN rates in galactic chemical evolution Francesca Matteucci Department of Astronomy, Trieste Florence, May 2008
Summary of the talk • Type Ia SN progenitors (SD+DD) • Type Ia SN rates (DTD+SFR) • Chemical evolution of different galaxies (Milky Way, Ellipticals, Irregulars) • The effect of Type Ia SN rates on the [X/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] relations in galaxies • Type Ia cosmic rate: high redshift predictions
A binary system made of a C-OWD (M1) plus a MS or RG star (M2) The mass range for M2 (the clock for the explosion) is (0.8-8)Msun with timescales from 0.03 Gyr to 10 Gyr The mass range for M1 is (Mmin-8)Msun. (M1+M2)min=3Msun (Greggio & Renzini 1983) The SD model: typical timescales
Two C-OWDs merging after gravitational wave emission Range of masses (5-8)Msun (Iben & Tutukov 1984). M1>2Msun, M2>8Msun (Greggio 2005) Timescales from (0.03+Tgrav) Gyr to >10 Gyr Tgrav from 0.0014 Gyr to 18Gyr passing from 0.5 Rsun to 3Rsun in the separation (Greggio 2005) The DD model: typical timescales
The Type Ia SN rates • The Type Ia SN rate can be expressed as the product of DTDxSFR (Greggio 2005): • Where, psi(t) is the SFRand A is the fraction of Type Ia SN progenitors in the whole range of masses and kalpha:
Galactic Chemical Evolution:the MW • The DTD of the SD and DD scenarios are not very different, whereas the Mannucci et al. (05,06) DTD is quite different • It predicts that prompt Type Ia SNe (exploding before 0.1 Gyr) are 50% of the total • The DTDs of the SD and DD scenarios predict roughly 7-13% of prompt Type Ia SNe • The different fractions of prompt Sne can produce differences in the [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] relation
Chiappini, FM & Gratton (1997) suggested that the halo and part of thick disk formed out of a first gas infall episode on a timescale of 1-2 Gyr The thin disk formed inside-out and on much longer timescales (7-8 Gyr at the solar circle) The two-infall model for the MW
Type Ia SN rates as predicted by the SFR in the MW and 3 different DTDs Continuous line: DD model (wide) of Greggio(05); dashed line:SD model (GR83,MR01) Dotted line: DTD of Mannucci et al. (06) The two peaks are due to the SFR Type Ia SN rates
Blue line= only Type Ia SNe produce Fe Red line= only Type II SNe produce Fe. A long delay for Type Ia SNe produces the same effect Black line= 1/3 of Fe from Type II and 2/3 from Type Ia Constant IMF The time-delay model and [O/Fe]
Data from Francois et al. (2004). Halo stars from Cayrel et al. (2004) Short dashed line: best model predictions with the SD DTD (Matteucci et al. 06) Dotted line: predictions with the DTD of Mannucci et al. (05, 06). Evident the effect of prompt Type Ia SNe The [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] in the MW
Same as before but the dashed magenta line represents the prediction from the model including the DTD for the DD scenario (wide channel), as proposed by Greggio (2005) Negligible differences in the [O/Fe] ratio are predicted for the SD and DD scenarios The [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] in the MW
A model with rapid and short SF The galaxy develops a wind after which SF stops For a 10^11 Msun stellar mass galaxy the wind develops <1Gyr Most of the Fe in stars in ellipticals is produced by Type II SNe! Type Ia SN rates in ellipticals
Model for a dwarf irregular galaxy (10^9Msun) suffering 3 bursts of star formation of 0.2 Gyr duration Dotted line: DTD of Mannucci et al. (05,06) Continuous line: DTD of the SD model Type Ia SN rate in irregulars
Cosmic Type Ia SN rates • The cosmic Type Ia SN rate is defined as the rate observed in an unitary volume of the universe, where different types of galaxies are present • It is defined in SNe per year per Mpc^(-3) • Different cosmic star formation rates predict different cosmic Type Ia rates, for a fixed DTD • SFR histories depends on assumptions on galaxy formation (monolithic/hierarchical)
Different cosmic SFRs: continuous line is the cosmic SFR in the monolithic scenario of Calura & FM(04) Short-dashed (Madau et al. 98) and dotted (Strolger et al. 04) are SFRs similar to those predicted in the hierarchical scenario Long-dashed is a monolithic model from Madau et al. (98) Cosmic Star Formation Rates
Predicted cosmic Type Ia SN rates by adopting the different cosmic SFRs and the DTD for the SD model (Valiante et al.08) Data from Mannucci et al. (05), Strolger et al. (04), Blanc et al. (04), Pain et al. (02), Dahlen et al. (04), Neill et al. (06), Madgwick et al. (03) Cosmic Type Ia SN Rates
Same data as before Different cosmic SF histories convolved with the DTD for DD model, as suggested by Greggio (2005) for the wide channel (Valiante et al. 2008) Cosmic Type Ia Rates for different DTDs
Different cosmic histories of SF convolved with the DTD of Mannucci et al. (05,06) The data are the same as in the previous figures The DTD of Mannucci et al. predicts many more Type Ia SNe at high z than the other two DTDs Cosmic Type Ia SN Rates for the DTD of Mannucci et al. (05,06)
Conclusions • The SD and DD delay time distributions (DTDs) are similar and produce negligible differences in the [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] relation • Different SF histories in galaxies of different morphological type determine different timescales for SNIa enrichment, once a DTD is assumed. The shortest in E, the largest in Irr (Matteucci & Recchi 2001) • Prompt Type Ia SNe (present also in the SD and DD scenarios) are necessary to reproduce most of observational data but they are perhaps less than 50% of the total
Conclusions • High-redshift data on SN Ia do not yet allow us to draw firm conclusion on the SN Ia progenitors • The cosmic Type Ia SN rate depends not only on the DTD (i.e. progenitors) but mainly on the assumed cosmic star formation rate • Hierarchical cosmic SFRs predict a decreasing Type Ia SN rate at high redshift with any DTD! • The contrary occurs for monolithic cosmic SFRs! • High-z SNIa rates can impose constraints on galaxy formation models
Comparison between theoretical monolithic cosmic SFR (Calura & Matteucci 2006) with data Data from Sawicki & Thomson (2006) and Schiminovic et al. (2005) and Lanzetta et al. (2002), not corrected for exinction Data for z>2 are still uncertain (Hopkins 2004) Cosmic Star Formation Rate (Calura & FM 2006)