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CS-338 Compiler Design. Dr. Syed Noman Hasany Assistant Professor College of Computer, Qassim University. Chapter 3: Lexical Analyzer. THE ROLE OF LEXICAL ANALYSER : It is the first phase of the compiler.
CS-338Compiler Design Dr. Syed Noman Hasany Assistant Professor College of Computer, Qassim University
Chapter 3: Lexical Analyzer • THE ROLE OF LEXICAL ANALYSER : • It is the first phase of the compiler. • It reads the input characters and produces as output a sequence of tokens that the parser uses for syntax analysis. • It strips out from the source program comments and white spaces in the form of blank , tab and newline characters . • It also correlates error messages from the compiler with the source program (because it keeps track of line numbers).
Interaction of the Lexical Analyzer with the Parser Token,tokenval LexicalAnalyzer Parser SourceProgram Get nexttoken error error Symbol Table
The Reason Why Lexical Analysis is a Separate Phase • Simplifies the design of the compiler • LL(1) or LR(1) parsing with 1 token lookahead would not be possible (multiple characters/tokens to match) • Provides efficient implementation • Systematic techniques to implement lexical analyzers by hand or automatically from specifications • Stream buffering methods to scan input • Improves portability • Non-standard symbols and alternate character encodings can be normalized (e.g. trigraphs)
Attributes of Tokens Lexical analyzer y := 31 + 28*x <id, “y”> <assign, > <num, 31> <+, > <num, 28> <*, > <id, “x”> token Parser tokenval(token attribute)
Tokens, Patterns, and Lexemes • A token is a classification of lexical units • For example: id and num • Lexemes are the specific character strings that make up a token • For example: abc and 123 • Patterns are rules describing the set of lexemes belonging to a token • For example: “letter followed by letters and digits” and “non-empty sequence of digits”
Tokens, Patterns, and Lexemes • A lexeme is a sequence of characters from the source program that is matched by a pattern for a token. Token lexeme Pattern
Token Sample Lexemes Informal Description of Pattern const if relation id num literal const if <, <=, =, < >, >, >= pi, count, D2 3.1416, 0, 6.02E23 “core dumped” const if < or <= or = or < > or >= or > letter followed by letters and digits any numeric constant any characters between “ and “ except “ Actual values are critical. Info is : 1. Stored in symbol table 2. Returned to parser Classifies Pattern Tokens, Patterns, and Lexemes
3.2 Input Buffering • Examining ways of speeding reading the source program • In one buffer technique, the last lexeme under process will be over-written when we reload the buffer. • Two-buffer scheme handling large lookahead safely
3.2.1 Buffer Pairs • Two buffers of the same size, say 4096, are alternately reloaded. • Two pointers to the input are maintained: • Pointer lexeme_Begin marks the beginning of the current lexeme. • Pointer forward scans ahead until a pattern match is found.
If forward at end of first half then begin reload second half; forward:=forward + 1; End Else if forward at end of second half then begin reload first half; move forward to beginning of first half End Else forward:=forward + 1;
3.2.2 Sentinels E = M * eof C * * 2 eofeof
forward:=forward+1; If forward ^ = EOF then begin If forward at end of first half then begin reload second half; forward:=forward + 1; End Else if forward at end of second half then begin reload first half; move forward to beginning of first half End Else terminate lexical analysis;
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: Definitions • An alphabet is a finite set of symbols (characters) • A string s is a finite sequence of symbols from • s denotes the length of string s • denotes the empty string, thus = 0 • A language is a specific set of strings over some fixed alphabet
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: String Operations • The concatenation of two strings x and y is denoted by xy • The exponentation of a string s is defined by s0 = (Empty string: a string of length zero)si = si-1s for i > 0note that s = s = s
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: Language Operations • UnionL M = {ssL or sM} • ConcatenationLM = {xyx L and yM} • ExponentiationL0 = {}; Li = Li-1L • Kleene closure L* = i=0,…,Li • Positive closureL+ = i=1,…,Li
Language Operations Examples L = {A, B, C, D } D = {1, 2, 3} L D = {A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3 } LD = {A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3 } L2 = { AA, AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, BC, BD, CA, … DD} L4 = L2 L2 = ?? L* = { All possible strings of L plus } L+ = L* - L (L D ) = ?? L (L D )* = ??
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: Regular Expressions • Basis symbols: • is a regular expression denoting language {} • a is a regular expression denoting {a} • If r and s are regular expressions denoting languages L(r) and M(s) respectively, then • rs is a regular expression denoting L(r) M(s) • rs is a regular expression denoting L(r)M(s) • r* is a regular expression denoting L(r)* • (r) is a regular expression denoting L(r) • A language defined by a regular expression is called a regular set
Examples: • let a | b (a | b) (a | b) a * (a | b)* a | a*b • We assume that ‘*’ has the highest precedence and is left associative. Concatenation has second highest precedence and is left associative and ‘|’ has the lowest precedence and is left associative • (a) | ((b)*(c ) ) = a | b*c
AXIOM DESCRIPTION r | s = s | r | is commutative r | (s | t) = (r | s) | t | is associative (r s) t = r (s t) concatenation is associative r ( s | t ) = r s | r t ( s | t ) r = s r | t r concatenation distributes over | r = r r = r Is the identity element for concatenation r* = ( r | )* relation between * and r** = r* * is idempotent Algebraic Properties of Regular Expressions
Finite Automaton • Given an input string, we need a “machine” that has a regular expression hard-coded in it and can tell whether the input string matches the pattern described by the regular expression or not. • A machine that determines whether a given string belongs to a language is called a finite automaton.
Deterministic Finite Automaton • Definition:Deterministic Finite Automaton • a five-tuple (, S, , s0, F) where • is the alphabet • S is the set of states • is the transition function (SS) • s0 is the starting state • F is the set of final states (F S) • Notation: • Use a transition diagram to describe a DFA • states are nodes, transitions are directed, labeled edges, some states are marked as final, one state is marked as starting • If the automaton stops at a final state on end of input, then the input string belongs to the language.
① a ={a} L= {a} S = {1,2} (1,a)=2 S0 = 1 F = {2}
② a|b ={a,b} L = {a,b} S = {1,2} (1,a)=2, (1,b)=2 S0 =1 F = {2}
③ a(a|b) ={a,b} L = {aa,ab} S = {1,2,3} (1,a)=2, (2,a)=3, (2,b)=3 S0 = 1 F = {3}
④ a* = {a} L = {,a,aa,aaa,aaaa,…} S = {1} (1, )=1, (1,a)=1 S0 = 1 F = {1}
⑤a⁺ ={a} L = {a,aa,aaa,aaaa,…} S = {1,2} (1,a)=2, (2,a)=2 S0 = 1 F = {2} Note: a⁺=aa*
⑥ (a|b)(a|b)b = {a,b} L = {aab,abb,bab,bbb} S = {1,2,3,4} (1,a)=2, (1,b)=2, (2,a)=3, (2,b)=3, (3,b)=4 S0 = 1 F = {4}
⑦ (a|b)* ={a,b} L={,a,b,aa,bb,ba,ab,aaa,…,bbb,…,abab,…,baba,bbba,…,…} S = {1} (1,a)=1, (1,b)=1 S0 = 1 F = {1}
⑧ (a|b)⁺ ={a,b} L = {a,aa,aaa,…,b,bb,bbb,…} S = {1,2} (1,a)=2, (1,b)=2, (2,a)=2, (2,b)=2 S0 = 1 F = {2} Note: (a|b)⁺=(a|b)(a|b)*
⑨a⁺|b⁺ ={a,b} L = {a,aa,aaa,…,b,bb,bbb,…} S = {1,2,3} (1,a)=2, (2,a)=2, (1,b)=3, (3,b)=3 S0 = 1 F = {2,3}
⑩a(a|b)* ={a,b} L={a,aa,ab,…,aba,…,abb,…,baa,abbb,…,bababa,…} S = {1,2} (1,a)=2, (2,a)=2, (2,b)=2 S0 = 1 F = {2}
⑪a(b|a)b⁺ ={a,b} L = {aab,abb,aabb,…,abbb,abbbb,…} S ={1,2,3,4} • (1,a)=2, (2,a)=3, (2,b)=3, (3,b)=4, (4,b)=4 S0 = 1 F = {4}
⑫ ab*a(a⁺|b⁺) ={a,b} L = {aaa,aab,abaa,abbaa,…,abbab,abbabbb,…} S = {1,2,3,4,5} • (1,a)=2, (2,b)=2, (2,a)=3, (3,a)=4, (4,a)=4, • (3,b)=5, (5,b)=5 S0 =1 F = {4,5}
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: Regular Definitions • Regular definitions introduce a naming convention: d1 r1d2 r2…dn rnwhere each ri is a regular expression over {d1, d2, …, di-1 } • Any dj in ri can be textually substituted in ri to obtain an equivalent set of definitions
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: Regular Definitions • Example:letter AB…Zab…z digit 01…9id letter ( letterdigit )* • Regular definitions are not recursive:digits digit digitsdigit wrong!
Specification of Patterns for Tokens: Notational Shorthand • The following shorthands are often used: r+ = rr* r? = r [a-z] = abc…z • Examples:digit [0-9]num digit+ (. digit+)? ( E (+-)? digit+ )?
Regular Definitions and Grammars Grammar stmt ifexprthenstmtif exprthenstmtelsestmtexpr term reloptermtermterm idnum Regular definitions if if then then else elserelop <<=<>>>== id letter ( letter | digit )* num digit+ (. digit+)? ( E (+-)? digit+ )?
Constructing Transition Diagrams for Tokens • Transition Diagrams (TD) are used to represent the tokens – these are automatons! • As characters are read, the relevant TDs are used to attempt to match lexeme to a pattern • Each TD has: • States : Represented by Circles • Actions : Represented by Arrows between states • Start State : Beginning of a pattern (Arrowhead) • Final State(s) : End of pattern (Concentric Circles) • Each TD is Deterministic - No need to choose between 2 different actions !
start < = 0 1 6 2 7 4 5 return(relop, LE) > 3 return(relop, NE) other * = return(relop, LT) return(relop, EQ) > = return(relop, GE) other * 8 return(relop, GT) Example : All RELOPs
10 29 11 30 letter or digit start letter other * 9 return(install_id(), gettoken()) delim start delim other * 28 Example TDs : id and delim Keyword or id : delim :
Combine TD for KW and IDs • Install_id(): decides for the attribute • It will check the accepted lexeme in the list of keywords; if it is matched, zero is returned. • Otherwise checks the lexeme in symbol table, if it is found, the address is returned. • If the lexeme not found in symbol table, install_id() first installs the ID in the symbol table and return the address of the newly created entry. • Gettoken(): decides for the token • If zero returned by install_id(), the same word(or its numeric form) is returned as token • Otherwise token “ID” is returned.
23 21 26 19 24 27 digit digit digit start . digit digit E * start digit * other . digit * 20 22 E digit + | - digit digit digit digit 17 12 14 18 13 16 15 start digit other other * 25 Example TDs : Unsigned #s Questions: Is ordering important for unsigned #s ? Why are there no TDs for then, else, if ?
if 0 then 0 begin 0 ... ... Keywords Recognition All Keywords / Reserved words are matched as ids • After the match, the symbol table or a special keyword table is consulted • Keyword table contains string versions of all keywords and associated token values • If a match is not found, then it is assumed that an id has been discovered
Transition Diagrams & Lexical Analyzers state = 0; token nexttoken() { while(1) { switch (state) { case 0: c = nextchar(); /* c is lookahead character */ if (c== blank || c==tab || c== newline) { state = 0; lexeme_beginning++; /* advance beginning of lexeme */ } else if (c == ‘<‘) state = 1; else if (c == ‘=‘) state = 5; else if (c == ‘>’) state = 6; else state = fail(); break; … /* cases 1-8 here */
case 9: c = nextchar(); if (isletter(c)) state = 10; else state = fail(); break; case 10; c = nextchar(); if (isletter(c)) state = 10; else if (isdigit(c)) state = 10; else state = 11; break; case 11; retract(1); install_id(); return ( gettoken() ); … /* cases 12-24 here */ case 25; c = nextchar(); if (isdigit(c)) state = 26; else state = fail(); break; case 26; c = nextchar(); if (isdigit(c)) state = 26; else state = 27; break; case 27; retract(1); install_num(); return ( NUM ); } } } Case numbers correspond to transition diagram states !
When Failures Occur: int state = 0, start = 0; Int lexical_value; /* to “return” second component of token */ Init fail() { forward = token_beginning; switch (start) { case 0: start = 9; break; case 9: start = 12; break; case 12: start = 20; break; case 20: start = 25; break; case 25: recover(); break; default: /* compiler error */ } return start; }
Using a Lex Generator Lexsourceproglex.yy.c lex.l lex.yy.ca.out Inputstream sequence of input.c tokens