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PROMINENCES AND EUV FILAMENTS (What we have learnt with SUMER?) B.Schmieder. New Advances in the field New Observations SOHO/EIT/CDS/SUMER, TRACE with GBOs New modelling: non LTE radiative transfer, MHD.
PROMINENCES AND EUV FILAMENTS (What we have learnt with SUMER?) B.Schmieder • New Advances in the field • New Observations SOHO/EIT/CDS/SUMER, TRACE with GBOs • New modelling: non LTE radiative transfer, MHD SUMER spectrometer: Lemaire, Wilhelm, …..Poland MEDOC; 7 campaigns!!! Thesis : Labrosse, Cirigliano, Yong Lin Work: Anzer, Aulanier, Delannée, Gouttebroze, Heinzel, Kucera, Madjarska, Patsouros, Parenti, Schmieder, Schwartz, Vial, Wiik…..) SUMER He I
Prominence in multi-wavelength (Ondrejov) SUMMER SLIT Prominence Ha (Bialkov)
Prominence in hydrogen L-alpha TRACE (NASA)
SUMER:Lb line spectra in Filament and Prominence Central reversed profiles in filament No reversed profiles in prominence
Lyman lines Scattered light of the chromosphere with/without PCTR
PRD/CRD L-alpha profiles Isthermal and isobaric slab model OSO8 (Gouttebroze, Vial, Heinzel 1987)
GHV grid of NLTE models of solar prominences La, Lb, Lg Atom of Hydrogen Lyman lines > 912 A La, Lb, Lg Balmer lines > 3646 A Ha, Hb Ha, Hb Paschen linea Ne, L cont, S(Ha) (Gouttebroze, Heinzel, Vial1993)
Three prominences observed by SoHO/SUMER Two types of profiles of the Hydrogen Lyman series: Why ? La L b L g May 28 1999 unreversed June 2 1999 reversed March 23 1999 W ~1.5 A 1 A 0.8 A (Heinzel, Schmieder,Vial, Kotrc, 2000)
Models of prominences: importance of the PCTR Case of a thick PCRT PCTR (Heinzel, Schmieder, Vial, Kotrc A et A, 2001)
Non LTE modelling can reproduce unreversed profiles in prominence Heinzel et al 2001 suggested that two types of PCTR can explain the profiles: PCTR seen along the magnetic field lines (unreversed profiles) PCTR seen across the field lines (reversed profiles) New 2D model by Heinzel and Anzer (2002), application to SUMER in preparation
Filament is visible in the centre of Lyman lines Dl = 3x 0.045 A, = 0.135 A (Schmieder, Heinzel, Kucera, Vial 1998)
SUMER Spectra Lb to Ly c Reversed profiles Lb Ld Lb Lb Lc The central intensity I0 = 0
1D-slab model of an filament P=const vt 5 km s-1 D=5000 km h Tc The existence of a PCTR explains the behaviour of the Lyman profiles
SUMER can give the Velocity of the eruptive prominence Ha CME (06:41 and 13:13 UT MAY 31 1997) EIT 304 A (Schmieder, Delannée, Deng, Vial, Majarska et al 2001)
SoHO/EIT et SUMER MSDP + SUMER slit (spectroscopic Diagnostic ) (Lyman L4) Velocity asymmetric profile = 100 km/s SUMER EIT (Schmieder, Delannée, Deng, Vial, Madjarska 2000)
Filament Ha and EUV (l > 912 A) typical example : sept 14, 1999 SoHO/EIT (He II) Meudon spectroheliograph (Ha)
Dark filament channels EIT, CDS, TRACE Coronal lines No void But Volume blocking Coronal lines I(fil)=Ibg+Ih+Ifg Ih=0 Ifg The dark channel is explained by cool plasma if Ibf is relatively important The dark channel due to missing plasma above (void ) or in the filament, for lines with small Ifg
THEMIS – H-alpha SOHO/CDS EUV rasters EUV-filament (Heinzel, Schmieder, Tziotziou, 2001)
Other example of a EUV filament located at high latitude TRACE 171A SVST (Engvold) CDS fov TRACE 195 (Schmieder, Yong Lin, Heinzel, Schwartz 2004)
Absorption of coronal-line radiation by resonance hydrogen & helium continua in a cool prominence plasma 912 A 504 A 227 A HI HeII HeI SUMER CDS lines CDS lines EIT + TRACE wavelength
Why the cool material is not visible in Ha? t912is between 15 and 200 in the filament between 0 and 15 in the EUV filament this corresponds to a t Ha lower than 0.1 and a too low contrast which does not allow to distinguish the filament from the chromosphere Ha filament EUV Filament Lyman-continuum to H-alpha opacity ratiosHeinzel et al., 2001, Tziotziou et al 2000
Geometrical model corona Absorption mechanism and Volume blocking (Heinzel, Anzer , Schmieder 2003) photosphere
Halpha Meudon Ha VTT/MSDP
CDS –SUMER coalignment SoHO/CDS SoHO/SUMER, Ld raster MgX 624.94 Å SoHO/CDS The ratio of the intensities OV(CDS) and OVI (SUMER) permits to compute the optical thickness of EUV fil
3D EUV filament • Mass loading • The plasma density • r=1.4 mHnH ~1.4 mHn1 + ne • ne=C (n2) 1/2 • nH depends on t912 A • With non LTE transfer calculations of Lyman lines, • 912 is computed . • EUV Filament mass of filament of Oct 15, 1999 • (912) Mg • 1.0 8.6x 1014 • 5.0 2.2 x 1015 • 12 3.0 x 1015 With a spectroscopic model (Heinzel et al 2003, Schwartz et al. 2004) Mass of EUV filament =Mass of Ha filament (double the mass)
Lyman lines in EUV filament SUMER slit Ha fil: reversed Lyman line profile EUV fil: unreversed profiles WHY? (Schwartz, Heinzel, Schmieder, Anzer 2005)
Model for EUV filament T Hydrogen ionisation degree r Electron density H/D (Schwartz, Heinzel, Anzer, Schmieder, 2004 , Saint Petersburg)
EUV filament model compared with Ha filament model Using the non-LTE filament model (Heinzel, Schmieder and Vial, 1997), the observed Lyman profiles within the EUV-extensions can be reproduced with: EUV filament (Z=20000km) Filament (Z=5000km) • temperature in the filament center • Tc≈2 ─ 3 104 K • Temperature • in the filament edge (PCTR) Ts=105 K • extensive PCTR • low gas pressure in 1D-slab • (p≈10-2 dyn cm-2) Tc =8000 K T = 13 000 K P= 0.08 dyn cm-2 This leads to (Schwartz, Heinzel, Schmieder, Anzer 2005) of higher Lyman lines and the model gives to(Ha)<<0.1 (not Ha filament)
THEMIS MTR 6302 A (Schmieder, Lopez 2004) local vertical B vect over Ha map (Large angle with the vertical)
Simulation of the observations of cool plasma Computations of the dips in each field line in the computation model box (B . s) B > 0 h altitude (z) Bz = 0 Field line dHa = Hg = 300 km Dips filled by plasma (Aulanier and Démoulin 1998)
(2) Extrapolation of B from SoHO/MDI 3D magneto-hydrostatic linear model with free parameters constrained by the theory and the observations Lignes de champ filament arcades coronales Matière froide z > 4 Mm z < 4 Mm CDS OV 08:12 UT 07:52 UT Topology of B and distribution of the cool matter Aulanier G., Schmieder B., 2002, A&A, 386, 1106-1122
SUMER Lyman lines and non LTE Modelling PCTR of the prominences : importance of orientation of the magnetic field lines versus the l.o.s For Filament we need to have a PCTR to explain theLyman profiles with I0 different of 0. EUV filament existence What is the relationship between EUV filament and void? Mass of prominences