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Explore past and present perfect tenses in language learning. Dive into completed actions, past states, and ongoing activities. Discover the intricacies of verb forms and time expressions. This guide provides insights into using English grammar effectively.
Past simple Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous
Past Simple • Monosyllabicending in 1 vowel+1 conson, doubleconson • Stop—stopped • 2 syllables & stress in the 2nd, doubleconsonant • Permit—permitted • V ending in conson + y i + ed • Study—studied • Vowel + y + edplay - played I played Use + Suj + V+ -ed 2ndcol I sang - Suj + didn´t + verb • Past and finishedactions. • Wevisitedthemuseumlastweek • A series of completedactions in thepast • When I openedthedoor, thedogbarked at thepostman. • Paststates. • The old lady lived in thishouse in 1887 I didn´tplay I didn´tsing ? Did+ Suj + verb ? A+S+V ? Didyouplay? Didyousing? TIME EXPRESSIONS Yesterday last week/year 2 days ago In 2002 in the 80s when then
Presentperfect Have Has + V-ed 3ª col + I have worked She has written - I haven´t worked She hasn´t written ? Have you worked? Has she written ? A+S+V ? Time expressions Ever , never , yet , just , Already , lately , howlong..? For , since , in recentyears
TIME EXPRESSIONS • EVER : (Interrogativas)(“alguna vez”) Entre el auxiliar y el verbo. • Have youeverbeen in London? • NEVER : (“Nunca”) Siempre con el verbo afirmativa. • I haveneverseen a class like this. • FOR : Indica un periodo de tiempo, cuánto ha durado una acción. (durante-desde hace) • I´ve known himfortwenty years. (Le conozco desde hace 20 años) • SINCE : Indica el momento o circunstancia concreta en que comenzó la acción. • I´ve known her since 1994. (La conozco desde 1994) • JUST : Indica que la acción acaba de concluir. Va entre el auxiliar y el verbo. • Have + just + Past Participle = “acabar de + infinitivo” • I´vejustwashed my hair ( Me acabo de lavar el pelo). • ALREADY : Va con oraciones afirmativas e interrogativas. (Entre el auxiliar y el verbo).( “ Ya” ) • I´vealready seen that film ( Ya he visto esa película) • Have you alreadywashed the dishes? (¿Ya has lavado los platos?) • YET : Va con oraciones negativas e interrogativas. ( Al final de la frase) • Negativas. (aún,todavía). I haven´t found it yet. (Aún no lo he encontrado) • Interrogativas(“ya”) Has the doctor come yet? (¿Ha venido ya el médico?)
usos • Para hablar de experiencias y hechos pasados que han ocurrido a lo largo del tiempo sin especificar el momento. • I have eaten Chinese food many times • Para hablar de acciones que aún continúan aunque empezaron tiempo atrás. (Suele llevar “for” y “since” ). Las preguntas se hacen con “Howlong..?” • I´velivedhereforfiveyears ( Vivo aquí desde hace 5 años-todavía vivo aquí) • Para acciones que ocurrieron en un momento indeterminado del pasado y cuyo resultado podemos ver. • We´vepaintedthekitchen • Expresar que una acción acaba de ocurrir. Entonces añadimos “just” entre el aux. y el verbo • Theteamhasjustscoreda goal
CONTRASTE PAST SIMPLE / PRESENT PERFECT • Past Simple: acciones que ocurrieron en un momento concreto del pasado. • When did Sam go to India? Last June • PresentPerfect: experiencias que han ocurrido en algún momento indeterminado. • Sam has been to India. • Past Simple:accionescompletamenteacabadas. I lived in India in 1992. • PresentPerfect: acciones que comenzaron en el pasado pero que continúan en el presente. I´velived in India since 1992. • Past Simple: se acompaña de expresiones de tiempo pasado yesterday, • 2 years ago. • Present Perfect: se acompaña con ever, never, yet, already….
PresentPerfectis a Present Tense. Italwaystellsussomethingaboutnow. • I´velost my keys= I don´thave my keysnow. • Wedon´t use PresentPerfectifthereis no connectionwiththepresent. • Past Simple tellsusonlyaboutthepast. • I lost my keys= Wedon´tknowwhether I havethemnowornot. • Weonlyknowthat I lostthem at some time in thepast
Presentperfect continuous Presentperfect of “tobe” Havebeen Has been + V-ing ( llevar + gerundio) Time expressions I have been working She has been studying + For a year , since 2002 , howlong..? Allday / night / week … I haven´t been working She hasn´t been studying - Use Have you been working ? Has she been studying ? ? • Anactionthatstarted in thepast and whichstillcontinues in thepresent. Or has recentlystopped. • You´reout of breath. Haveyoubeenrunning? • She has beenworkingherefor 2 years • Actionsrepeatedover a period of time. • She´sbeenplayingtennissinceshewas 8 • Anactionwhoseresults are stillapparent. • I´mstilltired.. I havebeenstudyingallnight
PresentPerfect and PresentPerfectContinuous Period of time: I´ve been washing the car. I´m rather wet Completed action: I´ve washed the car. It looks a lot cleaner now The CONTINUOUS here focuses on the action going on The SIMPLE focuses on the result of the action Continuous : For an activity that is still happening. How long ? How long have you been reading that book? Simple : Completed actions. How much? How many? How many times? How many pages of the book have you read? Mary is still writing letters. She´s been writing letters all day Mary has written ten letters today. • Non-continuousverbs: like, know, believe, etc. Notnormallyused in CONT Live & work : we use either CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE John has been living/has lived in London for a long time With “always” we use the SIMPLE . John has alwayslived in London