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ECSD Review Room Approved APPR. Approved January 2013. Where to find ECSD APPR Plan?. You can find the plan in one of two places... 1. www.elmiraappr.wikispaces.com 2. ECSD Documents Library. How do I know I have the right version?.
ECSD Review Room Approved APPR Approved January 2013
Where to find ECSD APPR Plan? • You can find the plan in one of two places... • 1. www.elmiraappr.wikispaces.com • 2. ECSD Documents Library
How do I know I have the right version? • There have been many updates to the ECSD APPR Plan since we began our work during the 2011.2012 school year. • You want to be sure to have the • plan which reads • "Review Room Approved. January 2013" • on the bottom of each page. • This is the most up-to-date version.
Why APPR? • Education Law §3012-c requires a new performance evaluation system for classroom teachers. • (Annual Professional Performance Review - APPR) • Commissioner’s Regulations and Regents Rules support and interpret the law. • The evaluation system is designed to measure effectiveness using: • 1. Student achievement data (State and Local) • 2. NYS approved performance rubrics • 3. Evidence in meeting NYS standards
State definition of classroom teachers does not include... • * School psychologists, School Counselors, and School Social workers who are pupil personnel service providers • * A classroom teacher performing instructional support services for more than 40% of his/her time (ex. CSE chair, IST) • * Supplemental school personnel (ex. Teaching Assistants) • * Pre-K Teachers • * Library Media Specialists • * Certified Speech Pathologists • These staff fall under old guidelines for evaluations.
What are the key components of the plan? • The plan itself is 12 pages long. • The majority of the rest of the pages are appendices which were made part of the plan to add consistency and clarity for all ETA members.
Statement of Purpose • The true goal of the ECSD APPR plan is to "further the positive and continued growth of the District's professional staff and the resulting improvement of instruction." • Although with everything else tacked on - CCLS, Teachscape, NWEA, Pre & Post Assessments, SLOs, State Assessments - it may not seem that way - but the true purpose of all of this work is to help all ETA members grow as professional educators.
Commonality... • The documents, including the appendices, and the language in the APPR document is intended to provide... • Common Language & • Common Expectations • among all educators and evaluators • concerns about lesson plan form, etc.
Data Verification Dates • The ECSD must provide for each educator Verification of Student Rosters. • These rosters are to ensure that the data used for determining your student growth and/or achievement data for APPR is accurately calculating using your students.
Data Verification Dates • Document states that the district will provide to each educator their student data within 20 days of the start of the school year. • For those operating on a semester schedule, additional student data will be provided within the first twenty days of the new semester.
APPR Composite Score • Each classroom teacher's composite score is calculated as follows: • 60% non-growth measures of teacher effectiveness (Danielson 2011 R Rubric) • 20% student achievement on local measures • 20% student growth on state measures
Growth and Achievement Measures • There were parts of the plan which were non-negotiable. When the plan went to the state Review Room, however, the state required that in many subject areas the testing components be switched from the State to the Local side. • Now that NWEA is on the Local Measure side - it will be a negotiable item for the planning of APPR for the 2013-2014 School Year.
Forms in APPR Document Appendices • The following forms are provided in the APPR document to allow consistency and commonality for all ETA Unit members. • These forms include:Pre-Observation form • Lesson Plan form • Post-Observation form
Additional Forms... • There are additional forms provided in the appendices which were developed prior to the decision to utilize TeachScape. • The forms you receive from your administrator have not been standardized across the district.
Procedures for use of Danielson Rubric 2011R • Tenured unit members - 2 observations each year: • 1 announced & 1 unannounced • Observations can begin 2nd week of October and be completed no later than May 31st. • Unannounced observation prohibited two days before or two days after a vacation, holiday, emergency day.
Observation Protocol • Announced Visit • *Pre-conference 1-3 days prior to observation • *40 minute minimum & 80 minute maximum • Unannounced Visit • *No less than 10 minutes • *During a two-week time period for which prior notification is given.
Procedures for use of Danielson Rubric 2011R • Post conference will occur within 10 school days of the formal observation. • Within 2 days of post conference, educator will receive the Formal Observation Feedback Form.
Important Information re: Observations • 1. Evaluator must cancel within 24 hours or the educator is not responsible for conducting an additional pre-conference. • 2. Unannounced visit - evaluator of record can only score educator on 3 sub-components of Danielson Rubric... • 1c setting instructional outcomes • 2e organizing physical space • 3c engaging students in learning
Yearly reports • Summative evaluation due to educator by June 1st of each year. • Composite score will be sent electronically to educators by September 1st.
Teacher Improvement Plan • A teacher who receives a score of "developing" or "Ineffective" must have a teacher improvement plan in place within 10 working days of the new school year.
Appeals Process • There are very strict time lines associated with the appeals process. • All Unit members are encouraged that if you must file an appeal to stay within the time guidelines.
Questions to ask yourself.... 1. Have you been provided with your student rosters to verify? 2. Were you provided the proper notification for your announced and unannounced observations? 3. Did your post-conference happen within the required time frame? 4. Were you provided with your Formal Observation Feedback Form?
Final Words • This is a new system for us all and we have experienced many changes this school year. • Change is now part of the education landscape and we will do our best to ensure that the system is fair and equitable for all Unit members.