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NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT (NCDM). Ministerial level Agency, chaired by the Prime Minister with 22 Ministers are members: Mission: To lead the Disaster Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Roles and Responsibilities: Report on the disaster situation;
Ministerial level Agency, chaired by the Prime Minister with 22 Ministers are members: Mission: To lead the Disaster Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Roles and Responsibilities: Report on the disaster situation; Proposal on reserves of resources for Disaster intervention in Emergency Response; Capacity Building and human resource development on disaster management; Coordination in implementation of disaster management policies; Information management and sharing; Coordination and mobilization of resources for disaster response;
National Committee for Disaster Management (Chaired by the Prime Minister) DM Working Groups of Ministries/Institutions General Secretariat Cabinet NECC Provincial Committee for Disaster Management (PCDM) PCDM Secretariat District Committee for Disaster Management (DCDM) DCDM Secretariat Commune Committee for Disaster Management (DCDM) Commune Disaster Operation Teams
Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Community Safe area construction
H9N9? H6N3? H5N2? H4N7? H7N1? H5N1?
Legislative Framework Sectoral policies Sub-national response plans Consolidated national response plan Operational guidelines
Cambodia National Comprehensive Avian and Human Influenza Plan Animal Health Plan (MAFF) Human Health Plan (MoH) Inter-Ministerial Cooperation Plan (NCDM) Information, Education & Communication
• There must be support at the highest levels of government to ensure essential inter-ministerial cooperation; • Key role of lead technical agencies, Ministry of Heath (MoH),& Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF) must be supported and not undermined. • Key role of Public Information, Education and Communication; • Need for business continuity planning for essential services. This applies to all ministries, NGOs, UN system and any actor providing, or able to provide essential services in Cambodia;
Maintain the planning integrity of the Lead Technical Ministries (MoH & MAFF); • Include essential roles and responsibilities for other Ministries; • Help strengthen the connections between the two Lead Ministries and among the other Ministries, filling the gaps and improving the effectiveness of pandemic prevention and response activities;
Pre-pandemic activities • Continue control and prevention; • Develop national preparedness programme; • Emergency policy & guidelines • Sector operation continuity plans • Multiple sub-national response plans; • Emergency Legislative framework;
As the pandemic phase shifts towards rapid human to human transmission (WHO pandemic phase 6),
Many people will die; • many more will be sick; • The labour force unable to work; • Hospitals and health centers will be overwhelmed; • Airports will close–tourists will be likely unable to leave; • Food will be in short supply and prices will rise; • Fuel availability will dry up and power supply will become erratic; • Rubbish collection and water treatment services will start to falter; • Maintaining law and order will become a serious challenge as supplies become scare; • And more…
According to WHO, cumulative total as of 4 October 2009 are over 378223 cases (At least 4525 deaths). • Cumulative number of confirmed cases in Cambodia are 120 cases (1 death confirmed) as of 02 October 2009, according to CDCMOH.
Assumes virus has achieved the ability to reliably spread from human to human and become severe • Minimum 6-12 months expected time to develop a reliable vaccines and anti-virus • Medical supplies to include anti-virals will be in short supply
Complex problem that will challenge the entire nation • Lack of resources • Inability to provide for the populace • Severe challenge to governance • Transcends national boundaries • Globalization and interconnectedness • Global response to Pandemic
As the pandemic phase shifts towards rapid human to human transmission (WHO pandemic phase 6):
Legislative Framework Sectoral policies Sub-national response plans Consolidated national response plan Operational guidelines
Antiviral drugs • Vaccines, etc. • Medical care, PPE Medical response Public Health Measures • Personal hygiene • Travel restriction • Quarantine • Social distancing (closure of school, etc.) • Risk Communication Non-Medical interventions Non Health Sector Functions • Security • Food production/distribution • Energy/power supply • Telecommunication • Water & sanitation • Finance & Banking • Others Social and Economic Systems (keep a society functioning) (Adapted fromDr. T. Kasai, WHO WPRO)
National Laws and Policies NCDM Sets national goals and objectives, assigns sectoral roles and responsibilities Agencies of Government Allocation of sector-specific roles and responsibilities Development of policies and guidelines needed to support national and local planning processes National Preparedness Program Sub-National Response and Recovery Plans Provincial, District, Commune Response Plans Provincial, District, Commune Recovery Plans Sub-National Preparedness Program Human Resource needs: numbers of staff, authority, knowledge, skills Other Resource needs: operational, organisational, financial and material Public information and risk communication needs Cambodia Sub-National Pandemic Planning